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Yeah Nah - the new viral meme coming to an ideaspace near you!!!

the Fool
22:34 / 11.08.04
Yeah Nah... I've noticed this particular little phrase used a lot lately. I don't know if its a melbourne thing, an aussie thing or if its more widespread than that. I didn't even know I used it a lot till a friend pointed out its existance to me. Yeah nah. Sort of non-commital eh? Is it a global thing or localised? Is it like the 'Its all good' thing that infected the world a while back. ? I dunno.

Yeah, nah... I know what you mean, but no I don't think so...
the cat's iao
23:33 / 11.08.04
I say this quite often myself, except as "yeah-no." I've been doing it for years, and I know a few others who use it on a regular basis...
07:10 / 12.08.04
It was big in NZ four years ago, and the Kiwi I work with still says it. It's a strange, noncommital response, I agree.
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