I like to think of everything as spirits. That is, that everything either is controlled by, inhabited by or literally is spirits. I don't know if it's really like that, but I find it a useful way of thinking, since the possibilities for manipulating the world become so obvious. If your computer isn't working, talk to the spirit in it and find out what's wrong.
Anyway, this kind of thinking lends itself very well to nature-themed magick, of some sort, and in the past month or so, I've felt a strong connection to Rain. I've tried such things as simply talking to the rain everytime it rained and attempting to connect via dreams.
Not a lot of success, though. Oh well.
I often find that if you get near trees, plants, streams and such, you (I) get into a certain mood. A little more calm and a little more "in tune" with things. Another thing that I've done is to try to connect myself to certain locations by a kind of give and take approach. To drink some water from a stream (if it's not too polluted) or eat a leaf. Then leave behind a bit of skin, some hair, saliva or blood.
I don't really know what effects it has had. This sort of thing usually occurs by random ideas, without any specific intention.
Also, I've noticed that this mood-change also can occur in the city without a tree anywhere nearby. I'm not sure what triggers it exactly, but I think it's more likely to happen at night, possibly due to the absence of people who might disturb you.
Anyway, I've rambled on enough now. Next batter up! |