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Find Ganesh something to do ....

Goodness Gracious Meme
09:53 / 10.08.04
Given the empty hole in his life since the end of BB, it's of prime importance that we find him a substitute activity.

Otherwise he's liable to descend into antisocial behaviours. Xoc has manfully attempting to shoulder the burden alone. But are we going to turn our backs on them in this hour of need?


So, how can 'nesh fill those long hours?
09:58 / 10.08.04
Needlepoint. And fisting.
Char Aina
10:01 / 10.08.04
just remember to compartmentalise...

maybe you could start a thread in which you describe the actions inside the BarBelith house.
that could cause some friction, eh?
pointless and uncalled for
10:02 / 10.08.04
For some reason, learing 80's dance routines comes to mind.

He could start a tremendous cover band of Aha.
Psi-L is working in hell
10:02 / 10.08.04
The latter would most certainly fill that empty hole...

How about starting the campaign for Ganesh to be employed by Endemol for BB6 as the resident shrink? This could involve lots of badge and banner making, petition signing etc...
pointless and uncalled for
10:04 / 10.08.04
I can see it now, Big Brothers Snippy Brother.
10:04 / 10.08.04
I've been practising the slow, head-nodding delivery, Psi-lock, but I fear I'm lacking in the fake tan department.
10:06 / 10.08.04
Two birds with one stone: Buy a sunbed.
Cat Chant
10:06 / 10.08.04
Why not write slash? (I'm not sure exactly how Dan and Jayboy will find themselves trapped in a cave/ negotiating with an alien culture which accords respect only to pair-bonded male-male couples, but hey, there's something you can spend an evening puzzling over, right?)
Goodness Gracious Meme
10:07 / 10.08.04
That's fine, applying and touching up the tan will take care of another couple of evenings.

When we all rally round Barbelith is a beautiful place.

*dabs eyes with handkerchief*
Psi-L is working in hell
10:08 / 10.08.04
Well clearly applying your fake tan would be the job of your privileged campaign could even try and recruit Spambot to do your more 'sensitive' areas as we all know how skilled he is at that.

You'll need to also practice those lovely cheesy end of psychobabble lines that they come out with after their analysis...
Goodness Gracious Meme
10:09 / 10.08.04
Perfect, you can specialise is Orange Tan Slash. Thus building up a resource of inspiration and pespiration.

(oh, and I was attempting Michael Knight/Kit slash last night. It writes itself)
wembley can change in 28 days
11:12 / 10.08.04
What about hosting a cuddle party?


or the barbelith version, hugglefest?
Lord Morgue
12:07 / 10.08.04
Making little animals out of wet toilet paper.
12:30 / 10.08.04
For those without their ergonomic, handheld Bengali-translator: is=in
Kit-Cat Club
12:49 / 10.08.04
Yes, as is totally obvious to anyone with even a quarter of a brane. I mean, really...
pointless and uncalled for
12:54 / 10.08.04
I think sopmebody needs a trip to the zombie spelling tutor.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:06 / 10.08.04
oh for peet's sake.

nesh, perhaps you'd devote your evenings to teaching me to spell? See me as a Care in The Community project, I've always wanted my own personal CMHT for 'out of hours' frolix.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:19 / 10.08.04
Could he not just wear tight rubber and take to the night as a savior to the weak and protector of the downtrodden?
17:42 / 10.08.04
That's Saturday nights at The Hoist, Flamingoes. Except they generally want to be downtrodden.
17:45 / 10.08.04
Well, anything to counter all that Prozac.
18:13 / 10.08.04
Are you suggesting that being downtrodden is depressing?
Char Aina
18:30 / 10.08.04
depressing like sad, or depressing like your face with my foot?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
19:45 / 10.08.04
Ganesh, you should lock yourself in your house with a few webcams dotted around. The rest of Barbelith can then send a few random people in off the street,deliver carefully chosen provisions, booze and recreational drugs whilst setting you demeaning tasks.

We can then take it in turns dissecting your behaviour and voting people out live on the 'lith.

Whaddya reckon?
22:44 / 10.08.04
Come and have a go if you think you're obsesso-analytical enough...
the cat's iao
23:59 / 10.08.04
Perfect, you can specialise is Orange Tan Slash.

And for a moment I read this as "Orange Tang Slash," and thought it would be the best thing least since sliced bread.
00:01 / 11.08.04
I thought it was Orang Utan slash.
Lord Morgue
02:44 / 11.08.04
And again with the monkey porn! I think we've discovered the meme of the minute.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:34 / 11.08.04
Why don't you just switch your obsessive tendencies from one C4 program to another and try profiling Tony Soprano?
Goodness Gracious Meme
17:23 / 11.08.04
oooooh. now that's an idea
20:40 / 11.08.04
how about an episode by episode guide to all three series of 24 with indepth analyses into the state of mind of each of the mian characters?
22:27 / 11.08.04
That idea will never fly because the characters in Big Brother are far better written than the ones in 24. There is a depth to the BB characters that clearly isn't present in the charcter of Kim in 24. Kim is such a cliche that I'm surprised that she has been killed by Freddy Kreuger yet.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
22:52 / 12.08.04
I have a simple idea that no one here on the board has followed through yet.

Left Behind Slash Fiction.

Or becoming a professional Dance Dance Revolution trainer.
12:49 / 13.08.04
Clear all the furniture out of one room, or better yet, drag it all to one side and stack it against the wall.

Put up a single poster of Edward Norton in American History X.

Either get a cheap, second-hand weight bench or else fashion one out of a 1x4 plank wrapped in a towel and laid across two dining room chairs.

Get a barbell, some weights, and a few CDs of Scandinavian death metal.

Increase your workout by two repetitions every day, 2.5 pounds every week, and SNARL and SHOUT while you're doing it.
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