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Help me with my love life! Right Now!

The Prince of All Lies
02:06 / 09.08.04
I met this chick, right, like, 4 years ago..we just exchanged glances, we never even talked. Then, I saw her at a party last october, I was drunk, and made a pass at her. The thing is, she rejected me because (as she told a buddy of mine) she was coming out of a bad breakup and was feeling pretty bad.
So, I didn't see her again till february or so... we saw each other a couple of times, I wasn't sure what to do (I didn't know why she had rejected me till some time after this) so I just tried to make a situation analysis, just check things out for future reference. Plus, I wasn't drunk those few times, and I'm only a charming bastard when I'm pissed.

So I started chatting with her on the net a couple of weeks ago, and she seemed interested in me. Then I asked her out, went to the park, just trying to get to know each other, you know? Then, yesterday, we went out again, for coffee, and we had a MOMENT. You know, when something's supposed to happen? Like, kissing and stuff? Well, the thing is, I'm a moron. Really, I am. Ask anyone.
We were discussing Kafka's parable (the one about the gatekeeper) and she said it could mean that you just had to act, instead of talking all the time. And she looked at me funny. But because I'm a dumb bastard, I didn't realize that was it, the "MOMENT" had come. I just kept on talking.
When I got home, I wanted to kill myself.

Now I don't know what to do, I don't want to wait another week till I see her again (we're both pretty busy)..I can't leave it at that either. If I don't act now, I fear she'll get tired of waiting for me. SO I thought about calling her tomorrow, just to see her for a few minutes, and talk.

I want to be honest for at least one time in my life and tell her what I feel, or just kiss her. But I NEED to tell her that I want to be with her. I'm not afraid of rejection, I know she likes me, I even got some feedback from her friends...I'm actually afraid of changing my life. I want to, but I always end up sabotaging myself.
If you've read this far and think that I'm a loser but one that would be worth helping, please, give me some advice.

I just need someone to tell me if what I plan to do feels right to you, or suggest me how I should talk to her, since I'm a repressed fucker and I'm not very good with those kinds of conversations--
So, help me, please!
03:24 / 09.08.04
I would call her.

I wouldn't tell her over the phone how you feel, and I would definately not engage in post-game analysis of the last date until after you've kissed.

Just imagine you're drunk, call her and be chatty and witty and make plans.

Kiss her next time.

(And I read your post waiting for the part where you turned into a loser and blundered it but didn't see anything to be so upset about. I've never managed to kiss a girl at the right moment. Historically, right after the first kiss have come the accusations of who blew which magical moment when.)
The Prince of All Lies
13:59 / 09.08.04
thanks, I was feeling pretty bad about missing the moment yesterday, but things don't look so bad now. I think I'll call her today and talk for a while, make some plans..
Gypsy Lantern
22:20 / 09.08.04
And fucking Kafka was involved! Kafka the fucking sure fire aphrodisiac. You ought to bottle the stuff. Kafka and oysters. Guaranteed to get you laid every time. If that fucker was involved at any point in the potential “moment” then I think you can be absolved of all responsibility for it going awry. Try again without the Kafka. If he starts to creep into the conversation, change the subject, start talking about Marvin Gaye or something. Discuss his duets with Tammi Terrell or his later introspective period. It might not lead directly to the kissing situation, but it’ll take you a step closer than Kafka anyway.
22:46 / 09.08.04
I don't know what you're worrying about. 'Moments' are good. You can let these things hang in the air, you know. Nothing to say you should collect at the first opportunity. You don't have to swing at every pitch...

Listen to iconoplast. Kiss her next time. Or maybe the time after.
Alex's Grandma
23:09 / 09.08.04
Exactly. If it was a " moment " I'm sure there'll be others, y'know ?

Good luck !
The Prince of All Lies
23:19 / 09.08.04
Thanks, guys, you are too make me feel all warm and cuddly inside.. I called her a while ago, we had a great conversation..we didn't set a time for the next date because we're both swamped with stuff to do, but I'll call her again on thursday and see if we can get together, I'll pick her up and go have a drink or sumthin' (all that depends on me passing the driving exam. I'm 21, by the way, but I'm a lazy sonuvabitch so I haven't taken the test yet)...
I'll let you know how things develop the next couple of days..
23:21 / 09.08.04
Kafka an aphrodisiac? This is not something I've ever encountered. Either I'm hanging out with the wrong ladies or you are strange.
wembley can change in 28 days
05:39 / 10.08.04
Are you kidding? When I read the Kafka line I wanted to call her up and ask her on a date! Sigh. Why don't people hit on me with literature anymore?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
06:06 / 10.08.04
You're fine. Relax, make some space for the next moment, and stay awake to the possibility. Unless you're way off, this is a done deal.
Gypsy Lantern
07:44 / 10.08.04
Kafka an aphrodisiac? This is not something I've ever encountered. Either I'm hanging out with the wrong ladies or you are strange.

Do I really have to use those little % tags whenever I use sarcasm?
Cat Chant
10:56 / 10.08.04
10:58 / 10.08.04
When I'm drunk and don't read more than the first sentence, yes.
Lord Morgue
12:33 / 10.08.04
I always say Dostoevsky is a sure-fire leg-opener.
Well, it's not, but I always say that.
Okay, I never say that. That was a lie.
Lying is cool.
Liar! Liar!
pointless and uncalled for
13:10 / 10.08.04
Obviously you're lying, even an existentialist could tell you that.

I will admit that Kafka is a reliable way to further your relationship in the nudge, nudge, wink, wink direction, the absolute, hands down, sure-fire, money-back-guarantee way to get your intended as horny as the head of a rhino and wet as an otter's pocket is Jung. Even the name itself cries out for wild disinhibited acts of animal passion.
Jack Vincennes
13:28 / 10.08.04
I have actually pulled as a result of a discussion on Kafka's parable of the gatekeeper. There were probably other factors at play as well, mind, but I'm feeling a great deal of derision in this thread for our pal Franz's skills as a matchmaker and want to set the record straight somewhat.

Dostoevsky is probably taking things a bit far, though.
The Strobe
14:26 / 10.08.04
I have never pulled as a result of discussing Kafka's parable of the gatekeeper. Nor have I pulled as a result of discussing comics the other party does not know, metaphors in Francis Ford Coppola's The Conversation, or the latest beard-hop sounds.

In short, it's just as likely to succeed as anything else, so I don't see why anyone's so down on it.

I think Dostoyevsky is almost certainly going too far.

Beckett. Now there's an aphrodisiac.
Cat Chant
14:41 / 10.08.04
Dostoevsky goes all the way! Woof!
The Prince of All Lies
15:10 / 10.08.04
I wasn't using Kafka that way..I was just talking, girls like it when I say stuff like that (if I don't act like a literary snob). If I wanted to melt her, I could have started quoting Baudelaire. In french. Which I'm not very good at. On second thought, I wouldn't have done that. But Baudelaire would be cool.
Though you can always go for other poets, à la Neruda, D.H Lawrence, Winnie the Pooh...
Tryphena Absent
17:10 / 10.08.04
If I wanted to melt her, I could have started quoting Baudelaire. In french. Which I'm not very good at. On second thought, I wouldn't have done that. But Baudelaire would be cool.

Yeah, don't do that.

My boyfriend says that it depends on the girl.

I say yeah, the girl could be a fool.
The Prince of All Lies
20:05 / 10.08.04
thanks for the female perspective, Anna. That's what I'm lacking. Most of my friends are men and I don't discuss this things with my female friends...they might get jealous and mess things up..
Alex's Grandma
23:29 / 10.08.04
If you're The Prince Of All Lies, right, why don't you just lie about your pay cheque then ? S'what everyone else does ( wild sweep of arms, hits head on the table, spills pint on the floor ) Trust me mate, no one bloody cares what books you've read, all they're sodding arsed about's your bank account anyway, so Kafka, Dostoyevsky... You don't know you're born lad... Don't bloody know you're born... ( Tumbles off quietly out a second storey window, to the sound of barking dogs. There is no more. )
pointless and uncalled for
07:54 / 11.08.04
On a related note this came from this morning's daily news summary.

"David Blunkett mentioned regarding comment concerning the use of the word 'Kafka' Times - page 18"

I don't think I have to read the article to know that little Davey is interested in "working late at the office" if you know what I mean.
The Prince of All Lies
14:55 / 11.08.04
yeah, he's a sexy lil' bitch, ain't he?

He should be the patron saint of getting chicks horny...
The Falcon
00:00 / 12.08.04
If you're ever chatting up a Colombian, I recommend the following:

Say 'The only thing I know about Colombia is...'

Wait for chattee to go "yeah, cocaine..."

Then go, "No, Garcia Marquez."

Worked for me one time.
unheimlich manoeuvre
00:17 / 12.08.04
why is kafka having his photo taken sitting next a wolf with a bow in hir hair/mane?

i reckon the key to a successful love life is to actually listen to what ze has to say.
The Prince of All Lies
22:36 / 18.08.04
I'm just bumping this thread to let all of you guys know that things went great on our next date.,, I took her to the cinema, we watched "Eternal Sunshine..", I drove her back to her place, and before she got off the car I stopped her and kissed her. We made out for a long time in the car and then she left. I'm very happy now.
We're gonna go out this Friday, and though we're both pretty swamped in study and work, I hope we can see each other often.
Thanks to all of you for encouraging me. You guys rock.
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