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Booty call??

02:15 / 07.08.04
Gah. Not sure what to do with myself tonight... It's currently about 8:15 pm local time (so this doesn't qualify as a late shift ramble), and it's still light out (and reasonably warm for a San Francisco summer evening).

I'm listening to PJ Harvey channel Patti Smith, and I want to be out and about and causing/getting into trouble, but for some reason I'm still sitting here at home in front of the computer.

Anybody got any suggestions?
02:25 / 07.08.04
Is that the new PJ Harvey album? Hm. What to do... you could try to cobble together a frozen drink out of whatever you have in the kitchen, invent something new?
02:39 / 07.08.04
No, it's something older... from 2000, I think - Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea...

Amd I'm already not sober; not sure that adding more booze to the mix is recommended (especially if I want to go out and make trouble).

WTF... there's vodka in the freezer and a lovely street to wander. It's suddenly gotten dark (sundown and the fog rolling in, I think) and I need to go out; if I can do HTML tags without thinking, I'm not too drunk.

Will report back later...
Char Aina
02:40 / 07.08.04
i've said it before, and i'll say it again.

do a push up.

nobody in the whole world does enough pushups they cant do one more. if you never do any, just do one. right now. before replying to this. and thats it. till you start thinking about it again, then you do another. the amount you do before you sleep? your reps.
you now have a fitness regime.
increase by one push up every day, except at weekends.
Char Aina
02:43 / 07.08.04
if you've done your push up, then you can go out and have fun, young lady.
02:43 / 07.08.04
No thank you.
Alex's Grandma
03:28 / 07.08.04
It's worth remembering that there's an outside possibility that no one, in fact, actually really wants to hear that.
Alex's Grandma
03:57 / 07.08.04
Which is to say, Too Much Information really, IB.

What you get up to with your Member of Parliament in the privacy of your home is your own affair, clearly, but just at the moment, I'd have to admit to feeling slightly depressed.
05:20 / 07.08.04
It's just such a shame that I missed that sage advice about push-ups...

Went out, got a margarita at the local establishment known for its selection of tequilas, had a conversation with an ex-pilot, and came home again. Along the way, I met an elderly dog and two cats (only one of whom consented to be petted), and had a vial of wildflower seeds break open in my pocket.

As a trouble-seeking mission, tonight was a complete zero; however, I don't feel like it was a loss. I spread a bunch of flower seeds, had an interesting conversation and a decent margarita...
22:55 / 07.08.04
So, why was he an ex-pilot? Was he old or did he have one too many near misses?
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