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Which fictional character do you most resemble?


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Kit-Cat Club
12:58 / 06.08.04
First person to say 'Neo', 'Jack Frost' or 'King Mob' gets sent to Coventry, and moreover I will break into their tuck-box and nick all their liquorice AND toffees.

Was discussing this with Plums a few weeks ago and thought it might make a nice thread for the silly season... So, as the title suggests, which character do you most resemble, and/or with which characters do you most identify? Not which character you would most like to be, or which character you fancy most, as there is another thread for that. Please give your reasons, otherwise it won't be as interesting as it should be...

I had trouble thinking of characters I really identify with, except possibly Eustacia Goes to the Chalet School - a very sensible young woman, who preferred books and reading to sport.

When it comes to characters I resemble - someone once told me that I was like the heroine of A Start in Life by Anita Brookner, which I sincerely hope is not the case, as she is a mousy young academic who has unhappy relationships with older men and who ends up (IIRC, which I may well not) looking after her elderly mother and peeking wistfully through the net curtains of suburbia, forever unfulfilled.


I prefer my self-identified resemblance to the academic heroine of Possession, who seemed to have about the right balance of intellect, lack of common sense, and general weediness (but again I read this some time ago). I may have been misled by the Pre-Raphaelite pic on the cover into seeing a greater resemblance than really exists.

Off you go then - do it for yourselves (and each other, but play nicely, dears).
pointless and uncalled for
13:30 / 06.08.04
A difficult question.

While I desperately wish I could any number of heros and anti-heros as portrayed in fiction I must draw the conclusion that I most resemble is Lewis from Inspector Morse, maybe with a hint of Lewis from Homicide: Life on the Streets.

I have a tremendous appreciation for law and order, as concepts more than institutions and the appropriate adherence to both although I'm not without my creativity and wilingness to recognise when chaos is the nessecary course of action.
8===>Q: alyn
13:38 / 06.08.04
I am uncomfortable with how closely I identify with Nate from Six Feet Under. I mean, he's such a mewling cock, but I always know exactly what he's going to complain about.

Well, that's not exactly right. It's like, I can feel myself resenting the thing he's about to resent. Does that make sense?

However, I keep dreaming that I am David. What can this mean? And what can I do to be more like Jason Bourne?
Ethan Hawke
13:51 / 06.08.04
Ignatius J. Reilly.
Char Aina
13:56 / 06.08.04
i think i've been a few...
i've certainly been every character in shaun of the dead, while simultaneously assuming that, of course, i was shaun.
i think thats everyone, though.
i spent some of my youth as a holden caulfield sort, i'm sure...
i'm probably a cross between saint jack (of the book of the same name by paul theroux),dr jekyll and case the computer cowboy.

i have not the mdecial skills nor the hacktastic computer knowledge, but in terms of character i think its close.
Benny the Ball
14:11 / 06.08.04
Ted Kord III (Blue Beetle). Except for the scientific mind bit.
The Falcon
14:41 / 06.08.04
Alex's Grandma
14:49 / 06.08.04
Patrick Bateman.

Well, at least if we're going for the reading whereby it's all just happening in his poor, deluded mind.

Actually, on second thought, that's still not so great.
14:52 / 06.08.04
Mrs. Munt.
The Prince of All Lies
14:58 / 06.08.04
Holden Caufield, probably. That or the blond guy from One Tree Hill.
Kit-Cat Club
15:06 / 06.08.04
what did I say?
'please give reasons' is what I said
I said 'please give reasons' because otherwise the thread will just be a list of names which won't mean anything to anyone except the exact person who posted them.
So: please give reasons for your choice. Even brief ones.
Cat Chant
15:11 / 06.08.04
Looky! A linky!

This is a very cool, accurate and unexpected quiz to discover which Diana Wynne Jones character you are. There are 101 possible answers, though, so you may well find that you end up being someone from a book you've never read, or someone you don't remember from a book you *have* read: that happened to me (I was Lukin, from Year of the Griffin) but when I reread it I was astonished at how right it was.

[Edited for warning: The quiz answer just says "You are [name] from [title of book]", without giving any description of the characters, so unless you're doing it in a houseful of DWJ books and/or planning to go to Borders and riffle through the one you get, it might be a bit frustrating]

I identify with, well, Deva out of Blake's 7 - though less than I used to. I'm starting to cut out the middleman and identify with Blake. Also Gair, from Power of Three, and Cat Chant from Charmed Life.
Cat Chant
15:13 / 06.08.04
Sorry, Kit-Kat! Because they are both squashed boys who find out that they have capacities within them that they didn't suspect, and because they have to learn how to take responsibility for their power after feeling powerless for a long time.
Char Aina
15:20 / 06.08.04
i thought i had given enough information to give people an idea of what kind of person i am creating...
to be honest, guiding folks through it kinda feels wrong.
i want you to be reading dr jeckyll and mr hyde and think

"fuck, that totally does feel like toksik, if he were a technojunkie who felt like a spent force, desperately trying to carve himself an honest niche in a world of thieves and liars."

or maybe be flicking through saint jack on holiday(i reccomend it, by the way) and considering the depths that jack has allowed himself to sink to, you might find yourself hoping that toksik's sense of justice and humour might see him safely through the same situations, if only he could control the dark passion within and the need for drugs and technological marvel.

shit, man, i though the fun part would be seeing if the parralels leapt out at you.
i hope that my elaborations have given you more to think about without having spoiled the magic of discovery.

you need more?
15:24 / 06.08.04
Sorry, Miss Club!! But I was in the middle of posting and the post posted itself & twice, and that unnerved me.

Mrs. Munt is from Howard's End. I actually identify with all the characters from that book, except the Wilcoxes. My inlaws are Wilcoxes.
15:25 / 06.08.04
I was Claudia from Year Of The Griffin, which means nothing to me, although according to Amazon she is "greenish and jinxed". I wish that test would include a paragraph explaining why. It's rather cryptic and a little anti-climactic after ticking all those boxes.
15:27 / 06.08.04
that wasn't my fictional character, incidentally, that was "which fictional character does Deva's link think I most resemble"
15:29 / 06.08.04
Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop.

A woman he loved lead him down a dangerous and criminal path until she was forced to leave him. Now, having realized that sociopathy is much less fun without a partner in crime and feeling guilty about those he victimized, he seeks redemption through poverty, freindship, fighting evil in a very generalized and indirect way, and a bizarrely zen yet pathologically existential lack of concern for the direction his life takes. No plan as plan, no way as way. Spike feels very strongly about the little details - calling a meatless dish "Beef with Broccoli" - but cares very little about the larger issues - respect for human life, right and wrong, the moral implications of the mercenary lifestyle, etc. That's not to say these issues have no meaning for him, just that he long ago decided his position and doesn't see the point of discussing them anymore, since he's not going to change anyone's mind, anyway.

my life and character are quite similar, except Spike desperately wants to find his old flame, whereas I'm still kinda conflicted in my feelings towards her.

I also look alot like Spike, though I imagine him as a bit taller than I am. Anyway, he also flys spaceships, knows kung-fu, and kicks major ass, just like me.
Char Aina
15:42 / 06.08.04
Biffa in The Crown of Dalemark

so, is it worth reading this book to find out how closely i resemble the character? i dont think i have knowingly read a single one of Diana Wynne Jones' books...
Jack Vincennes
15:48 / 06.08.04
Probably Jim Dixon from Lucky Jim, for the last year (although less so now, I hope). Because of his general rage, and his specific rage, and our shared conviction that pulling faces when no-one can see you is a good way to work through things. The last of these is the only one that's not 'less so now'...
16:13 / 06.08.04
my baldness and glasses have lead to accusations of looking like Michel Foucault and Hunter S Thompson...
Alex's Grandma
18:04 / 06.08.04
And Jonah I suppose, from the novel.

Because God just lately's been telling me to do all these things, and I can't really be arsed, to be honest.
19:30 / 06.08.04
Moomintroll. Always curious, constantly impressed by the smallest things and wishing he was Snufkin.
Benny the Ball
19:50 / 06.08.04
Okay. Ted Kord minus the science as I make bad jokes, tend to feel like a side-kick, wonder why my partner has all the beautiful hald naked ladies fall into his arms, can get a little paunchy at times, but don't have a heart defect.
Tryphena Absent
23:08 / 06.08.04
Apparently I am like Frank Pirie in Wilkins Tooth. I last read that particular DWJ about 15 years ago so have no idea what Frank's like.
Lord Morgue
04:35 / 07.08.04
Mr. Furious, from the Mysterymen film. Oh, God, you know why. I'm a ticking timebomb of fury! Yes, I will keep dreaming! And when I wake up... you better pray... that... you're... asleep?

And why do I have the watermelons on my feet?
Psi-L is working in hell
08:14 / 07.08.04
Ooo I got Howard from Archer's Goon.....

I always knew I was 'ahead' of my time.
Psi-L is working in hell
08:23 / 07.08.04
You know...on reflection that's probably not such a bad fit too, though i would never have chosen that if I hadn't done Deva's's how little i've changed if I'm still identifying with a character that I did the same with 15 years ago....
Grey Area
10:44 / 07.08.04
The Finn, from Gibson's novels. "You know, I've got a pair of shoes older than you." Ascerbic, cunning and just a bit bitter. Of course, I don't share the physique...need to work on the looking like I was designed in a wind tunnel.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
11:11 / 07.08.04
Tall like cyclops, a little neurotic like cyclops, just a tad bit disabled like cyclops (I walk with a slight limp, he fires ruby death from his eyes. MY DISABILITY IS LESS COOL).
Lurid Archive
13:25 / 07.08.04
Silent Bob.
Foust is SO authentic
15:27 / 07.08.04
Harold from The Stand, except I've never actually sold my soul to Satan or killed anyone. I just kept identifying with him right through the first half of the book.

And I have to second a desire to be like Jason Bourne. Or Ender Wiggin.
Char Aina
15:36 / 07.08.04
Silent Bob.

so you're a fat stoner who hangs out by a mini mart?
with a homophobic closet case for a best friend?
or do you mean you dont talk?
8===>Q: alyn
17:13 / 07.08.04
Ender Wiggin!?! I think you need to reread that book, my friend! Jason Bourne >>>>>>> Ender Wiggin.

KCC, did I give a satisfactory reason? I'm not actually sure I do resemble Nate from Six Feet Under. I mean, I'm fucking hot and I complain a lot, so that's clear. I'm not really in his league as a cocksman and my father is still alive (technically). Mostly, though, I sympathize with him, and feel contempt for him, in just about the same amounts that I sympathize with and loathe myself.

Probably dreaming I am David is a wish-fulfillment thing. I mean, Keith is one sweet piece of ass. Am I right, ladies?
19:56 / 07.08.04
After much thought, I think I'm probably most like Joan of Arc from Clone High. Here's a quiz result:

joan of arcYou're the clone of Joan of Arc! You desperatelywant to fulfill your position as avoice-hearing teen, but you just seemed to turninto a goth girl with a secret that just won'tcome out. You want to tell the person you loveabout your feelings, but it just doesn't workout.
Which Clone High USA Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

There's a physical resemblance, general snarkiness, tendencies towards violence and making friends with geeky boys, as well as longing to have a greater spiritual purpose without really knowing what the hell I'm supposed to achieve. I've been the giver of that good old unrequited love time and time again. However, I can't play basketball.

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