Hmm, two full days and only two shows so far...but they've both been great. Anothe reason to come to Edinburgh...THE PUBS ARE OPEN TO 1AM!!!!!!!
Yesterday afternoon I saw Glyn Maxwell in "The Best Man," a monologue that is the Best Man's speech you will sacrifice your children to Hastur never to hear in real life. But on a stage, it's great. The venue, Underbelly, is alone worth the trip.
Last night I saw Postmodernism, Comedy and Me which delivered as advertised. Hey, if the Fibonaccis could write a song called "Anti-Oedipus"...funny stories that explain post-modernism better than a stack of books by Cult Stud mavens could, or so we lazy bastards would like to believe. The venue is a goth-ish pub called Holyrood Tavern that Sabrina and her friends have rented out for the duration. Beer's good and sorta cheap. |