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Favourite comic book to film translation moment

Benny the Ball
15:00 / 29.07.04
Okay, not a direct translation from a comic book moment to film, but still, as Gene Hackman is my favourite actor, my favourite line from a comic-book film is from his Lex Luthor to Supes;

"Doesn't it give you kind of a, a, a... shudder... of electricity through you to be in the same room with me?"
15:05 / 29.07.04
There are so many great moments in the first Supes it kills me.

The 'saving Lois from the falling helicopter' scene rules. As does his interview with her in her penthouse apt. As does Pa Kent's death. As does young Clark's frustration that he's got to keep his powers a secret when he chucks the football miles away. As does his happy exalted run to school, racing the train.

Supes II's fight scenes. Zod in Supes II. The whole 'give up your powers to love Lois' thing in Supes II.

Michael Keaton silently reviewing data on screen in the Batcave in his black turtleneck in the first BATMAN.

Nicholson's Joker, of course.

Spidey discovering his powers in the first Spidey. The big Uncle Ben "power and responsibility" conversation, the wrestling scene, Peter letting the robber go by, and Uncle Ben's death. The final scene in the first Spidey at the funeral.
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