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Sex Magick / Magick Question for Those With Knowledge (rather mature content, may contain images not safe for work).

Magister Lewdi
02:38 / 29.07.04
Dear Friends,

I want to post short pieces of writing from two different authors, one a female Tantra Teacher, the other a Devotee of a Female Domme (Femdomme) practicing energy raising via orgasm denial. Both speak of reaching "altered states" which are probably basically the same as the Gnostic state that occurs when the mind "blinks" at the moment of (normal) orgasm, when a sigel may be charged, or the moment of collapse when using a death posture.

OK, those two offer very brief windows of opportunity. But the much longer lasting states brought on by the very basic Tantra and Femdom practices mentioned below should offer much better possibilities.

The question is, how would you use them in the Work? For instance, the state descried by the Domme's devotee would last much longer than a typical male ejaculation and might probably be considered a full body orgasm (or whatever).

Would you keep a sigel handy during the whole thing, once the intensity had built enough so you were sure the State had set in? Could you gaze upon a series of sigels? Or better still, could the Domme and her devotee formulate their statements of Will during their session, create sigels, and charge them all in the same sitting, so to speak?

OK. Here are the two writings.

- - quoting devotee "aural" - - -

“As a submissive male i am finding a practice of orgasm denial and fetishism is helpful in learning exquisite sensual pleasures of serving, without 'me' getting in the way. For example, after being denied several weeks the mind (and body) begin to adapt. [The first few weeks are absolute hell].

If i am able to serve a Goddess by a foot and leg massage and i know without a doubt i will not be having an orgasm, then my mind sublimates all that lust and i'm free to consider EVERYTHING BUT myself. Wow! i never knew how very narrow a window i was peeking through until i let go.

When i consciously know this massage is "all" that's going to happen, and really feel the truth of being very fortunate to touch the Goddess before me in a sensual way, THAT becomes a very powerful elixir. Her foot, leg, and thigh (if She's generous) literally embody ALL that you desire.

The delerium of orgasm denial energy becomes so potent, and you're passionately kneading Exquisite Sex Flesh it becomes much easier to step through the boundary of ego and just "BE". Moaning passionate writhing, the energy vibrates along sensual meridians and you feel all your energy centers radiating by virtue of synergy with HER. A wonderful and truely insightful experience.

Of course, the ego is relentless. It is waiting for you as soon as the high passes; those unconscious impulses are right there coming at you. That's when you learn to develop more rituals or practices that bring you back to the silence, or at least keep you in an affirmative head space as much as possible.

- - - end of devotee "aural's" piece - - -

He's definitely describing a Gnostis state, is he not?

- - - quoting Tantric Coach "She" - - -

Simple Practice for Learning Ejaculation Control

by "She"

This is a simplified version of the hold back technique that I use during coaching sessions with men. Ejaculation Control is a skill, just like riding a bike, cooking, or driving a car. It should be practiced on an ongoing basis and until you have developed the skill. Once you have mastered this technique, your body will respond to your mind by command and much of the mechanical parts of the practice can then be discarded. As a note, I do not teach or recommend the finger-lock method. My preference is for you to strengthen the anal sphincter muscle and prostate, which are the centers of control for preventing the release of semen.

Get yourself in a state of relaxation. This practice can be done after a long bath or shower or a nap or some period of rest or relaxation. Remember that this is PRACTICE and the goal is to develop a skill, so be patient with yourself.

1. Sitting up or lying down, bring yourself (or have your partner stimulate you) to the point of release (at the point of release, the next steps happen simultaneously):

2. The tip of the tongue is placed at the rough of the mouth (the tongue helps to conduct the energy); the chin goes down towards the chest and forms what is called a chin lock;

3. Squeezing the anal sphincter muscles as tight as you can (this is called a root lock);

4. INHALE: Sucking or drawing the energy (jing) from the testicles into the chest as deeply as you can (almost like sucking a thick milk shake with a straw) - you are also drawing the semen back into the body thru the vans defrens, the tube that is in the penis or lingam;

5. Hold the chin lock AND the energy in the chest for several seconds while you begin to contract the anal sphincter muscles...pumping the sperm back up into the body using the small sucking breaths (if needed) along with the contractions.

6. HOLD IT, HOLD IT, HOLD IT... (not longer than 7 seconds, holding the breath for longer periods of time in this state is not healthy).

7. And then s-l-o-w-l-y... RELEASE the muscle locks, release the breath... slowly pushing the energy back down into the body from the chest, cooling yourself off (think

Practice this three or more times, bringing yourself to the point of release and then hold back and cool the energy...Do not worry if you lose erection, this is to be expected. It will be easier to regain firmness each time you hold back.

The very Sacred Sex practice of MAITHUNA can not be properly engaged without the male mastering his lingam through hold-back technique.

Eventually, you will begin to actually experience the sensation of energy tingling up the spine. This is Pranic energy (prana is the subtle life-giving energy found in food, air, water and land . We absorb it into our bodies by eating, drinking, breathing, etc.) and a good sign that the vital essences of semen are being reabsorbed.

You may choose not to release and thus, thus sensations of elation and, very often, an altered state of consciousness will begin to develop and stay with you for longer periods of times: hours and then days.

If you do release, practice hold back several times before letting go. By doing so, most of the vital essence of the semen is reabsorbed into the body and what is then ejaculated is similar to waste material. When this is practiced with intention, it is called the "extraction method" of ejaculation control.

(Of course, concentration becomes more difficult when in union with another than in self-pleasure. Through consistent practice and coaching sessions with a sex coach (or your lover), you will be able to achieve complete mastery over your lingam.)

Ongoing Practices to Strengthen Sex Muscles

Strengthening the prostate and anal sphincter muscles will aid your ability to retain semen.

Flexing this area (squeezing and releasing) throughout the day, while driving, sitting or walking, is an easy way to build the walls of the muscular tissues.

While urinating, practice releasing in spurts, cutting of the fluid in small amounts until your bladder is empty.

- - - end of Tantric Coach "She's" piece - - -

Allow me to repeat her:

"You may choose not to release and thus, thus sensations of elation and, very often, an altered state of consciousness will begin to develop and stay with you for longer periods of times: hours and then days."

Ok, maybe not hours and days right away, but certainly, in both cases, for much of the time when the couple is together (engaged in the act), one or both of them are experiencing the Gnostic state. This amounts to more than the typical "flash in the pan" blink of the mind that occurs during male ejaculation.

So how would you change the practice of the Work to adapt it to this? I'm expecting some very interesting answers and I'll leave you with this. Considering how afraid "THEY" were of Wilhelm Reich, what do you think this kind of stuff might accomplish? You say you want to "ban the bush?" Maybe this is your chance!

Hmmm.... "She" says "Of course, concentration becomes more difficult when in union with another than in self-pleasure."

Not, I'll stress, when "another" has one tied up or stuffed into a chastity device, :-)

I spoke with "She" once and could not quite convince her of the benefits to be had by adapting certain femdom techniques. Comments?
Unconditional Love
11:06 / 29.07.04

one thing that gets me about most of the sex magick articles ive read, they describe the normal male orgasm or ejaculation as a flash in the pan affair or short fix or some such, in my experience this is absolute bollocks.

i have full body orgasms and altered states of consciousness through masterbation without any special technique except visualisation, the only factor that is important is love.

also the semen retention idea is that actually healthy from a medical standpoint? are there any studies on it it doesnt actually sound healthy to me at all, id would like to see a study on it.

the idea seems to come from mantak chia as it is described in the post.

also there seems to be a comparrison with female orgasm as if this is on a higher plane, well why is that? have you really questioned that notion or just accepted it?
Charlie's Horse
19:11 / 29.07.04
i have full body orgasms and altered states of consciousness through masterbation without any special technique

Amen. Hallelujah. And ditto. "A sneeze of the loins"/"momentary trick" my ass. I think the Masters and Johnson study discovered no significant difference between male and female orgasm on a physical level, and many times they couldn't tell the two apart through personal accounts. Check my facts yourself.

So, there you have it. The male/female orgasm gap is as out as the Cold War.

That said, the personal accounts and techniques in this post interest me. I have to ask, regarding the Tantric coach's interlude and the health question it brings up - this is simply stopping yourself from going over the edge, right? You 'reabsorb the pranic energy,' but is this the same as 'reverse ejaculation'? It doesn't seem it, since the latter involves actually having an orgasm without any emission. The former seems designed to stop you before going over the brink, which would raise fewer 'is this healthy' questions in my mind. Does this sound right to anyone else?

Oh, and forgive the cliffdiving metaphors.
Magister Lewdi
23:02 / 29.07.04
Good article, S.C.

However, what I really wanted to know was how would you use a Gnostic state that lasted longer than the typical (for most males, and even admittedly so by your article) rather brief male ejaculatory orgasm. The orgasm denial devotee's words are also very interesting and the tantric coach also mentions a long lasting altered state.

I take the Tantric Coach's meaning to be that it is the same as stopping yourself from going over the edge. I would tend to worry about overly esoteric techniques like "reverse orgasm," but there's no harm in stopping yourself from going over the edge, eh?

Now the male/female orgasm gap really is not out, since whether or not the orgasms are almost completely similar, what your article calls "refractory period" certainly does make a large difference. How could it not? It makes a difference because it interrupts the (typical) male's ability to experience a long gnostic state.

I've no doubt that some here are exceptions to the general rule; and we must also consider the fact that many women don't or have not experienced orgasm, so one may hardly yelp in dismay that "women are multi-orgasmic, but wee men are not, oh woe are weeeeeee!"

Wolfangle's most relevent words are, "in my experience," which is all most people are able to say about it, I suppose. Personally, I had an orgasm denial experience, somewhat femdom instigated, that generated far more pleasure, even ecstasy, than any orgasm I'd ever experienced, by any method. I was wondering if, supposing it could be duplicated with the aid of a trained femdom, or one willing to engage in that sort of thing, if it wouldn't be a useful thing to put it to work for Magical results?

So tell me, someone, given that a long lasting gnostic state may be induced, is the best time to charge the sigil near the beginning; in the middle; or near the end of it? Or could the sigil be viewed and charged (gulped into the mind) over the duration of state? Or would it be better if the Femdom Priestess wore it on a headband during the whole episode? And why couldn't you view a number of sigils during a long experience?
07:40 / 30.07.04
I am actually far too hungover to be posting to this thread, but when I first read it yesterday, my response was why don't you just try it for it's own sake, as an interesting experiment in altered consciousness, rather than bringing the sigils into it straight away? I think with sigils the important (and difficult) bit, is the letting go, forgetting, not the strength or duration of the "charge" - I'd be inclined to do this sort of thing for it's own sake and see what parts of my mind/body/emotions it opened up to me. Will try and post a lenthier response later, when I don't feel drunk.
13:18 / 30.07.04
One thing to look at alongside charging sigils is the use of sex as a part of a ceremonial function, and to enhance a magickal working altogether. I tend to agree that it isn't so much how long you are in a gnostic state than the letting go of the intention. Sex can make for giving a lot of umph to bigger things that simple sigil casting. I would explore these techniques on a simple personal basis first, then perhaps look into magickal application. Intercourse during a ritual working can get one into what I call "semi-gnosis". The magickal space, that feeling that you are actually in a different sphere if you will. I can see how these techniques can enhance that state. Even the old yank the crank way of doing things can be made into something a bit more potent, especially when combining invocations with sigil charging. Ok, this post is a bit scattered; I now realize what I have read from a lot of other 'lithers meant when they have mentioned that it might not do to post when under the influence, be it a hangover, or a leftover effect of something. My apologies if nothing was added to the discussion.
Goodness Gracious Meme
19:53 / 30.07.04
(lurking and very interested, know nothing about 'sex magick' per se, but as a BDSM'er, there's alot here that I can relate to in those accounts, and would say that the altered conc/states stuff can be a part of supposedly 'nonmagical' BDSM and vanilla sex)
Goodness Gracious Meme
20:00 / 30.07.04
(Oh, and don't think this deserves it's own thread, but are any of the 'sexmagickers' aware of Pat Califia's 'Sensuous Magic'? thoughts? It seems relevant to the origfinal post/accounts)
Unconditional Love
11:00 / 31.07.04
found this article on semen retention, particularly fascinated by the seminal stones, never come across it before.

Dr. Lin: 6/08/2003> Yes!
you should ejaculate once a week to clear the old inventory and build-up in your seminal vesicles and your dectus deferens, epididymal duct and efferent ductules, and unlock your brain-testicular axis for refreshing the prostate's seminal production and the testicular testosterone and sperm production. If the seminal vesicles is overfilled, you will have a pelvic congestion pain and premature ejaculation (if you have a sexual encounter) due to the over-expansion of the seminal vesicles against the prostate, bladder, bulbourethral glands, rectum and their adjacent nerves. And, the old semen inside the seminal vesicles will become thicker, yellowish, and then solidified to seminal stones, and at time time, the prostate seminal production mechanism will gradually slow and die down, and then become disabled once the seminal stones are formed. The seminal stones are fire-resistant. Cremation can burn out bones of a dead body, but can not damage the seminal stones. Buddhism uses the count of the seminal stones left behind to justify a monk's temptation resistance in his life.
If you don't want to become a monk, you should ejaculate once a week to reset your prostate's seminal production and your testicular testosterone/sperm production, although exhausting the prostate and testicular functions by excessive ejaculation or masturbation can disable the seminal and testosterone/sperm production as you had experienced (Similarly, Exhausting the pancreas's insulin production by a chronic high blood sugar can disable the pancreas function, leading to Typy-II diabetes). (Retarded ejaculation caused by the exhaustion of the prostate seminal production is similar to the Type-2 Diabetes caused by the exhaustion of the pancreas insulin production, for no sexual orgasm!
==> )
If you don't use it, you will lose it. The same principle is also applied to the old virgin. Please read the following 2 links - Restoration of old female virgin's atrophy vagina for sexual orgasm.
==> and Senior women's vaginismus and vaginal orifice shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm after having no sex for a couple of year - use it or lose it!
Magister Lewdi
14:52 / 01.08.04
Thank you all for the useful input. Especially wolfangel. Some comments, which I hope some of you will be kind enough to bear with me and address:

wolfangel, yes, I've seen Dr. Lin's wonderful ActionLove website before and read his warnings against many practices that are now popular, but which ultimately lead (and often quickly) to the condition he refers to as "no more orgasm" (pretty blunt term there; so much for alleged "Chinese inscrutability," eh?). So I'd better stress that the orgasm denial should only be a short-term thing. Surely under some cirCUMstances, several weeks won't hurt, but one would not want to adapt orgasm denial as a long term habit.

However, orgasm denial can be used by a Femdom Priestess (otherwise known as a Mystress) to teach and train Her male subjects that they must not put so much interest into getting their ejaculation; they must, at least if they want to hang with her, learn that sexual arousal -- and the longing and desire that is so much a part of it -- may be a sacred end-in-itself. This is what the Devotee quoted above was saying.

The main reaon I posted this thread is that I have a PDF presentation that is nearly finished and I wanted to add some words about the practice of Orgasm Denial as a "sacred art." Don't worry, I will include the necessary caveats. Those seminal stones sound pretty scary. I'll also add that after the male sub(ject) has learned this lesson, he will certainly be allowed to once again begin to experience ejaculation. And he will now know how to create a much more mighty charge of sexual energy to release.

Perhaps ejaculate once per week, in a sex-magick ritual. And since we are building a movement (you knew that, didn't you?), maybe everyone should do this at a pre-arranged time and once per month for a pre-arranged goal? Thousands and millions of Goddes Devotees world-wide releasing for the same goal at the same time? The goal would need to be stated in pretty general terms, though. Something to think about. Obviously, frequency of allowed ejaculation will be up to the specific Femdom and her sub(ject).

If you want to download a pre-release copy of the PDF Presentation, titled "The Tantra of Femdom Sex Magick," you may do so at the following link, which is only good for seven (7) days and a "limited" number of downloads. I've no idea how many "limited" means, the service does not say, but its probably at least 10, I think. Your comments welcome. Here you go (cut and paste into browser):

Illmatic, please post more. Yes, I would be all for trying it for its own sake, but I need the information now, and from people who know. Also all people are not the same, as to emotional makeup, so I need general comments as well as specific. But one thing I can pretty safely state: If, as you say,

"with sigils the important (and difficult) bit, is the letting go, forgetting, not the strength or duration of the 'charge,'"

then it would be much easier to forget if after being viewing the sigel, one took part in some intense activity such as the remaining orgasm denial ritual. Yes,that makes sense. Do the sigil well before the end of the session.

I have not yet mentioned the possibility of using the sexual energy for various forms of "divination," or at least to formulate a really good "Statement of Will," to use for creating the Sigel. We all know about the old curse, "May you get your wish." Wouldn't want that to happen, eh? Frater Choronzon 999 once issued an essay titled "Erotognosis," dealing with Eroto-divination, I have included this and several other essays in an appendix to my PDF presentation. Note: I have not heard back yet from all authors, including FC999, regarding permission to include their articles, though Joseph Max does say on his page that his may be reproduced electronically, if his information is included. But anyway, Choronzon's info about Eroto-divination will be very useful here.

Now here's the rub about this. Given that it may not be best for someone to charge a client to work magick for them.... a more legitimate way to proceed is to have the Tantric Femdomme Priestess empower Her sub(ject)s to perform Magick for themselves.... restrain them, tease them into a hyper-aroused state of sexual mania and desire, then ultimately allow them to release (or release them Herself, if she is willing). Disclaimer: Of course all this will be safe, sane (well, kinda) and consensual and only useful to those to whom this sort of treatment appeals.

Samael, There's nothing wrong with 'leftovers,' at least not with yours. Yes, sex (including orgasm denial energy)will be used to enhance other magickal workings, although its the sigil charging I'm now addressing. It will be up to those involved to explore on a personal basis, going where they are wont. Can you tell us more.

bengali, BDSM, indeed! Please download the PDF Presentation linked above and contribute a critique.

As for vanilla (and even non-magickal BDSM), the intent of the presentation, and indeed, the TFSM Program(me), is to make certain information and techniques available to those outside narrow circles, including allowing people of various BDSM interest-intensity to link up and work together, creating their own local, non-hierarchical nodes, which may, if desired, link to a world-wide network that will grow like crab-grass through the tightly-manicured "lawn" or the New World Order (or whatever you prefer to call it).

No, I don't know about Pat Califia's 'Sensuous Magic.' Please tell us more.

Once again, those who wish to review and critique the almost finished "Tantra of Femdom Sex Magick" PDF Presentation may get a copy here (cut and paste URL):

If the link doesn't work, please let me know.

Thanks to all.
Skeleton Camera
16:52 / 01.08.04
I've had "gnosis" and full-body orgasms occur without any intent, long before I got into this magic-stuff. The full-body orgasm was fairly frightening at first contact. The gnosis induced by sex, particularly simultaneous orgasms, is like nothing else - close to out-of-body experiences at times.

That, and having sex whilst tired has also been a sort of vision tool - the combination of the two states has created flickers of different scenes and places, very real and apparently "cut into" the regular time.
17:01 / 02.08.04
Non-ejaculation and sperm retention seem to be a product of the eastern schools,whereas the western schools just deal with the prolongment of orgasm?
Unconditional Love
22:08 / 02.08.04
cant find anything about seminal stones relating to monks, was wondering if you could make jewllery out of them?

i read your tantric pdf, i disliked the political overtones but thought the document as a whole was great, i dislike the politics because they are not mine, i believe people should strive for equality, i dont think you are proposing that, i am not keen on the idea of matriarchy or patriarchy both seem too authoritarian in my estimate, but i think what your suggesting would at least make a change for a while, do you remember the worm that turned a serial thingy on the two ronnies? i cant but help think of that stuff, brainwashed by tv.

perhaps at the end of the day its time for the children to step forth, no matter what there sex, no mothers no fathers,just kids.
22:43 / 02.08.04
To echo the others, these things just can't be conveyed in essay-form; go out and try it.

Easier said than done?

Alright, some ideas for putting this into action:

1. Forget the complicated over-intellectualized instruction manuals purporting to be Tantric. If the aesthetics of Tantra work you into a gnostic lather, by all means post some erotic temple art around your sacred space, but don't get too caught up in books that were most likely regurgitated so many times that the techniques are far from "authentic" any longer. Not that it matters much. We still have genitals, thousands of years later, to experiment with. In my practice, orgasm isn't so much the destination as the scenery; stressing too much on Not Coming can do as much as harm as relentlessly rubbing towards climax. Listen to your body's responses, and move the arousal energies into every nook and cranny of your skin and cells -- or maybe, out into the room? The sky? The cosmos? What gets you off? GOOD SEX MAGIC MUST GET YOU OFF! Bring it into partnered sex, and you don't even need to say a word. Ride the energy/kundalini/etc. and let it guide you, not the other way around.

2. Cultivate a fetish. If you've got one, parfait! If not, construct one. Take this both in the primal and the BDSM sense; anoint a perfect heel in sacred oil, weave a stocking around your wand (flesh or no), place a lipstick on your altar, bow before and smell leather with reverance (a local sex shop doubles a temple), whatever does it for you. A bit of rope from a cathartic scene? A needle that pierced you or a beloved? The fetish is a living sigil, a story locked into an object (here I'm paraphrasing the title of a brilliant book on fetish I forget the name of, apologies). The fetish is where you can offer your orgasm, in fluid or intent, or both. Check in with it. Hang out in circle with it. Journal about it.

3. Make oblations to erotic intelligences. Does that mean to bring foot lotion to your stripper friend? To offer sexual comfort to someone who needs to confess a sin or fantasy? To donate a few hours of time or money to an HIV organization? To just learn how to have safer sex better? Get into an honoring relationship with eros, and sex magic becomes all of your magic, and easier, and lighter.

(I used to jokingly call myself an Erotonaut until the term began to gel with this work; "Applied Hedonics" are a powerful tool, yes? In laymen's terms, I'm a prodomme and private BDSM player and Tantra student of over ten years.)
22:57 / 02.08.04
I just realised I missed a crucial bit of your post, Lewdis --

I supposed that you were a male submissive, is that correct?

Are you working currently with a female dominant?

And by your usage of the term Mystress, it seems you are aware of">Mystress Angelique Serpent and her work with kundalini, shaktipat, and D/s?

I have brought orgasm control into tease and denial sessions, and found the "full body rush" to occue even in submissive males with no experience of Tantra. This is especially true of sincere fetishists, for whom the sight of a garter on a thigh is akin to seeing God herself.

My recommendations for practices (above) are something I'd offer to both single and partnered submissives, as a way to fine-tune themselves for scene play, and to give depth and meaning to their magical workings beyond work with a Domme. Submissives have all the power; they simply hold it as the vessel in scenes with a Dominant.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:42 / 03.08.04
Interesting stuff, beautifultoxin.

ML, I'm a bit urgh atm, but have been reading a great interview with Guy Baldwim, leatherman, activist, pyschotherapist and writer.

Found some stuff I thought might be interesting/expresses why I wanted to point out that sex, and in the case specifically BDSM, can be an altering/transformative experience when done 'for itself'. And that it's wise to opint out to novices that it takes time to get to know how to do this stuff...

Hope this isn't offtopic...

So, a couple of extracts, with interesting quotes, which, if I was summarising, would say are basically all about 'this is big, potentially dangerous stuff. But it's experiential. The only way to learn is to do it, tap into that energy and learn what it does to you and you to it'. And provide some useful ways of thinking about sex, energy, magic...

SADIE: There's a wonderful description in Ties that Bind where you said that, "Bondage and S/M techniques are used to stress the body and (or) dominance and submission are used to stress the mind. When done correctly, the ecstatic transformation occurs."


GUY: "I can point to Paris on a map. I can show you photos of Paris. I can play music written and performed in Paris. But to know what the Left Bank smells like, you simply MUST go there yourself. I can tell you that when that ecstatic transformation happens, no conventional frame of reference can even begin to address it in a way satisfies either he who sends or receives the concept.

And I'd throughly agree on this with any kind of BDSM.

SADIE: You have said that, "The ability to use BDSM sexuality to visit destinations beyond time and space depends upon the acquisition of powerful energy manipulation skills to accomplish those transformations. ...

one more...

As Joseph Bean has observed, people want to do BDSM, '….without too great a risk of also summoning the destruction that seems always to gather in the shadows of a scene, waiting for anything like an invitation.'
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:51 / 03.08.04
oh, and a bit of Patrick Califia, which hopefully illustrates why I brought him up. Not just because I *heart* him. Oh no.

In S/M, or in any form of sexuality, there are a lot of different potential spiritual experiences. There's the opportunity to worship, in the person of the beloved, a representation of the divine. One can see sexuality as a form of ministry which generates joy instead of adding to human misery. That joy is often a conduit into a transcendental state which can lead one to experience a sense of unity with the divine. S/M can be used to do shamanic work, to induce trances and do healing. Rituals can help people to leave behind unwanted parts of themselves and undergo transformation. Sex can be used as a magic act to request a blessing or bind yourself to another. I could go on about this for days.

"It's basically a matter of intent, I think. If you want sexuality, whether that's S/M or vanilla, to have a larger meaning than a hot fuck or a really good orgasm, then it acquires these other levels or layers. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a sexual experience to be nothing more than physically pleasurable, of course. In fact, I sometimes get impatient with BDSM people who use the language of spirituality to justify getting tied up and beaten when the desire to do that is valid in and of itself, and doesn't require any sort of apology or dressing up. But who am I to differentiate between genuine spiritual striving and guilt? We're such complex creatures, the only person who can really make such judgments is the individual who is involved in the experience"
Magister Lewdi
03:50 / 04.08.04
Bariskill666, what you say about East vs West is true, but in this case I'm interested in non-ejaculation because it can increase the infatuation a man feels for a woman, aiding in the induction of an altered state, which may then be used for a magickal working. Many Western women who are into the BDSM/Domme scene are also interested in orgasm denial and male chastity, so normal sex magick, charged by ejaculation, wouldn't be an option for their sub(ject)s. Thus my original question.

Wolfangel, I think the monk stones are collected and revered in places where Theravada Buddhism is practiced. If they are not mounted onto jewelry, someone's missing a "golden" opportunity -lol

Thanks for the comments on the PDF. Re: the "politics" as you call it. For what it's worth, people are not equal, never have been and never will be. Most are not even interested in real equality, whatever they may think. Real equality could only function as "leveling" at the lowest common denominator, then everyone would starve. I'm not primarily interested in politics, though, so I'd hate to hash this out on an Internet Forum. Especially when I actually am interested in real "equality" (perhaps only in terms of "all other things being equal".
Besides, in what I am suggesting, people are free to become involved or not.

As for matriarchy/patriarchy, the optimum arrangement; and the one which some believe to have existed in the far past, would be one in which the sexes were "equal," in responsibilities and power though they may have had different roles. Men hunted/fished, women cared for home and children and BTW lineage was passed on the female side. Allegedly, these societies did practice the occasional human sacrifice -- of males. Maybe we could avoid that if instead of sacrificing several males, all males agree to be severely caned on the rump once each quarter.... or perhaps once a year would suffice. You've got to wonder (I do, anyway) if human sacrifice was all that bad, in a nominally peaceful world. Kill the king every year? Or have wars in which millions are destroyed (and the King profits)! (I'm not trying to offer you Hobb's choice here.)

The problem is we can't probably just go "back" to that from where we are. The explosion of Femdom influence recently offers pretty convincing proof that it is a necessary back swing of the pendulum in the other direction. Maybe it was even arranged for by the late Idries Shah (we can always hope)! What will the future hold? I don't know, but I aim to influence it, as I hope you do too.

beautifultoxin, inspiring stuff, indeed.

Am I a male submissive? Avoiding the common mania to label everything, I'll go on record as being willingly submissive to certain Women who "deserve" (probably the wrong word) it, though not to every female clad in latex, wielding a flogger.
I'm also a loyal follower to anyone who can lead me where I want/need to go. But if it's me who knows the way, they must fall in line at my back, of course, at least until we reach a secure place, where role-play may safely be resumed. On the other hand, as the sages say, to be a perfect leader, one must be a perfect follower; and as you so aptly put it: "Submissives have all the power; they simply hold it as the vessel in scenes with a Dominant."

So call me a, "sincere fetishists, for whom the sight of a garter on a thigh is akin to seeing God herself." I like that "God herself" bit, and am reminded that "chairman" may be either male or female; and stooping to "chairperson" smacks of hypocrisy, if not idiocy. That said, "Goddess" is also a worthy appellation.

Working with a female dominant: I know a wonderful one in my home town, though I am unable to work with her often. I also have a friend out of state. Both have offered some suggestions for the PDF and related workings.

About the Mystress term. Yes, I've read the pages of Ms. Serpent and am saddened that her yahoo group on these subjects appears to be defunct, because I wanted to join it. Do you know her? Has she started a new discussion list? I don't think she was the first to use the term, Mystress, but she probably uses it best of any I have seen.

What am I trying to do? Basically, it is my Will to set up infrastructure or organizational tools and templates to jumpstart the creation of a subversive cell-like or node-structured (non-hierarchical) Goddess movement that will grow through the existing social system like crabgrass spreads through a lawn. High-power Femdom is too extreme to appeal to many women, yet every woman is a potential "Mystress." As far as I can see, a combination of mild forms of Tantra, Femdom, and Magick would offer a synergistic benefit to such a program. Besides, "The Tantra of Femdom Sex Magick" is such a killer name that I can't help but use it!

I really hope you will download our PDF presentation, beautifultoxin, and let me know how it could be improved in your opinion. Here's the link, if it's still working; if it is not, let me know and I'll repost it. Thanks again for the input.

bengali, truer words than Califia's are rarely heard. Thanks.
07:25 / 04.08.04
Sounds like a marvelous cult concept you've got there -- my question to you would be, why does this work demand a group context? What does that give that working alone does not?

Granted, the idea of a Tantric fetish sex cult is a hot one, and I'm sure it's popped up in my fantasies from time to time -- and one could argue I was the enthusiastic figurehead of one for a time but that is neither here nor there ("that would be telling") -- there is a gaping expanse, wider than Kali's inviting maw, between experiencing ecstatic sexuality in a solo rite and in crafting that rite into a group mindfuck.

The PDF is heady stuff; a mutated Chick tract on femdom tarted up in a PowerPoint-style delivery? Paging Technoccult. Who is your audience, exactly? Tone the language down a bit and you could tailor this towards the disgruntled corporate bitch goddess set. (Right down to the Pyramid Scheming of "Recruit and train two associate Mystresses" bit.)

Let me suggest something a little out of bounds: was creating this PDF a turn-on for you? Did you dick get harder and harder imagining what powerful femdommes reading it might think? Are you swelling at the thought of organizing a worldwide web of Tantric mayhem?

And if women are ultimately superior, might we not already be on to such a thing?

(That's meant in snark.)

I say, use this tool as masturbatory fodder. You seem to have conjured up a solid psychic narrative structure into which you can let loose your desires for a magical, sexy, femme domme paradise. Embrace that! If you truly want to foster that dream into manifesting, I recommend you put yourself in service to it -- come into an honoring relationship to it, authentically, not just based on your projections of what these powerful, rich goddesses want you to do.

This all reminds me much of clients who come to me begging to serve me, to make them utterly obedient, to humiliate and degrade and objectify them -- just as they have imagined it in their fantasies, to the note.

What if, in this intoxicating femme domme organization, all the Mystresses wished for you to do was fetch their dry cleaning?

Such is the path of service.
Magister Lewdi
00:22 / 05.08.04
beautifultoxin, thanks for supplying this food for thought. I cannot engulf it all in one lump, please allow me to break it into pieces, as we warm blooded creatures do.

I'll answer your last question first. Idries Shah, if you know of him, told of being at some venue to give a talk. One of his fans managed to corner him on the hotel stairway where he said to Shah, "Master! I want to serve!" Shah, always the calm one, turned on the landing and pointed to the window. "Very well," he said, "jump through this window." The would-be devotee looked puzzled and disappointed, but nevertheless he drew back the curtains and moved to lift the heavy, old fashioned lower sash. "No!" said Shah. "I said THROUGH the window!" His poor admirer gave a shout and ran off. Shah was a coulda-been-didn't-wanna-be Sufi Guru who wanted to demonstrate that such devotees are usually interested in "serving" their own desires, under their own capacity to understand them. Who knows? Could it have been that the local window glass repairman was "meant" to visit the hotel that day and just happen to meet Shah or someone in is entourage? But you know about that sort of thing, no doubt. Dry cleaning? If it's dry cleaning You want, it's dry cleaning I'll fetch You.

Next (first) question. "Why does this work demand a group-context? What does that give that working alone does not?" I'm sorry; I may not have made this clear enough. The group is for the purpose of having a group (groupS, more precisely), not for having group rituals. Though that's possible, I understand that as you say, "...there is a gaping expanse, wider than Kali's inviting maw, between experiencing ecstatic sexuality in a solo rite and in crafting that rite into a group mindfuck." I suspect that most of the participants would rather work alone on the domming and ritual side of it.

Why does anybody form a group? There are many reasons. Safety; reinforcement (in many ways); having a mutual-appreciation society; having the ability to work for the same goals (social - political - religious - pecuniary - etc.). There must be many more. For this group, the goal is to have not one monolithic group, but an ever-expanding host of non-connected, or at best loosely-connected local groups, organizing (loosely) in their home areas, devising and popularizing useful protocols and techniques. Thus, 'cult' is the wrong term to use. "Cults" is more precise.

Knowing how difficult it is to get more than three together for lunch, Three seems to be a useful number to use for each node. Three is also the number of a classic "revolutionary cell;" and for a Goddess revival, Three seems a 'natural.'

A group can take better advantage of limited funds and resources of all kinds.

I would think the overall concept should be tailored to appeal to a wide range of women.

a.) Full blown Pro-Dommes

b.) Semi-pros (it seems every escort and classified listing chick is into "fetishes" these days.

c.) Those who wish to enhance existing relationships

d.) Those who really do want to head their own 'cult' and own the proverbial string of boy-toys, or whatever.

e.) The occasional wild woman, in search of never-ending *pleasures* (She's probably not to be found at netcom, if you get my drift, over in SF on the bay there).

f.) Those with mainly 'spiritual' interests.

g.) Other categories

Now then, using this template, all of the above could take part in their own way/s; and they could interact and benefit from each other's "aquaintencehood," rather than running each other down or ignoring each other. They could, for instance, pass males back and forth to the most useful spots. There is no saying that one node should be only Pro-Dommes; another "spiritists," and so on. And there's no hard, fast rule that someone would even need to be part of a group. Some wouldn't care to be, yet they could still contribute.

Judging by your choice of screen names, I wonder if you are someone who is engaged in a 'snaky' field of endeavor.... say, reptile rescue? (Surely a *pleasure*) If so, know that I included the little scaled darling in the PDF in memory of your ancient posts on a.s.f. If it is you, I commented once in that newsgroup that you ought to start just this sort of 'cult.' Do tell. (But I didn't comment there often, so you probably don't remember me.)

Who is the audience? I mentioned some of them above, though I understand that people are so fickle you might need a separate approach, color scheme, and "artistic style" to reach each and every one of them. The corporate bitch goddess surely has her place, but one does not build a movement on 'bread' alone.

I'll also confess that one male influence in the PDF is Elmer Wheeler, of "sell the sizzle, not the steak" fame. I'm not sure I've achieved that. Yet.

Next question: "Did you dick get harder and harder imagining what powerful femdommes reading it might think? Are you swelling at the thought of organizing a worldwide web of Tantric mayhem?"

I don't want to organize it, beautifultoxin. I want You to do that, and others. It makes little difference to me if I am part of it or not; and I certainly don't expect to be part of it at any but my home town level.

I'm not really imagining hoards of powerful femdommes reading it; I really do intend to place the classified ad mentioned in the PDF and recruit that way. I don't imagine I can train the respondees, though. So knowledgeable femdommes may be needed.

I will wait until I have accumulated some advice and opinions before I proceed in that direction.

Making the PDF didn't really do it for me. My dick does get harder as I write the short story that I'm preparing to distribute with the PDF You may read the first two chapters at the link below. I have the personal knowledge to write maybe two more chapters. If by that time my 'Holy Guardian Angel' does not make it here from Indiana, I may be stuck for material. Please have a look.

The Story of Michelle

Final comments: As you'll see in the story linked above, I am conjuring up "a solid psychic narrative structure into which you can let loose your desires for a magical, sexy, femme domme paradise." I am putting myself in service to it, and will be receiving some help at that.

However, the proposed organization is meant to be something else and I don't expect to have much to do with it, if anything, except locally. Feel free to steal my ideas or (more likely) improve upon them. Please send them to anyone who may be interested.

As for being humiliated and objectified, if reading "all and everything" about the mysterious "G" didn't do that to me, I suspect nothing will. In fact, when the one "remarkable" femdomme I know in my home town, asked if I was into humiliation, I replied that I couldn't think of anything she could do that would humiliate me, but if I should accidentally offend her or insult her, then I would be humiliated; and I would not be into that at all.

As for Femdommes already having a Tantric group / cult, I hope it's true; I suspect they have several. But otherworld kingdoms and such are not going to cause much change overall. Forget about group "workings" in the magic realm being difficult. Groups themselves are among the most difficult things to build. Thus the reason for the ideas presented here. Easy I-in-the-Triangle stuff...

I make no claim to having all the answers though, nor to even know all the necessary questions.

Thanks again for your intriguing comments. I look forward to any response you may see fit to type. It's been, as they say at netcom, a *pleasure* .
Skeleton Camera
22:16 / 06.08.04
There’s a running joke about harnessing sexual energy around art school (though it’s usually only discussed by those drinking). Many people choose to forego release for the last few weeks of hyper-work, channelling the base creation drive of sex towards that of art. Or that’s the rationale. Explains why we’re all constantly horny, too!

Moving on. BDSM is hierarchical and hierarchy is not an evil in and of itself. Conventional heirarchies are unbalanced – power is limited to a select few, “top-heavy” players. BDSM practice subverts this structure by taking that power and distributing across the “horizontal” plane to create a move even field. That’s the idea, at any rate. A group working based on BDSM practice therefore does not need to be non- or anti-heirarchical. Power is essential to it in fact and cannot be removed from the group’s composition. The power can be distributed in particular ways, though, channelling it not only to the individual magical goals but towards altering the structures around it. (Dig?)

BDSM also distorts and rewrites gender-power configurations. The fem-dom situation is almost a cliché example – and it gives women more power on one hand but also puts a great deal in the hands of the submissive male. Does this mean that male-dom situations are actually more empowering to women? Could be, but as ever, it depends on the practicitioners. And this would take some working for political ends. Does it connect to exotic dancers having power o’er their patrons? (Food for thought…)

BDSM has been inseparable from spirituality ever since I began exploring it (either, actually – and the former was a direly young age). Probably “ties” back to some weird experience as a youth but BDSM – and particularly bondage – has some of the same “crackle” that I’d say Autumn has (though not of the same substance).
The experience of bondage is part one. Like a sensory deprivation tank turned up to 11. The five senses are simulatenously deprived and stimulated – sometimes activating a 6th (or further) sense, and definitely opening up very intense internal explorations. Speech deprivation (gagging) is key. It heightens subvocal speech or forces you to – very quickly – develop nonverbal communication of some subtlety. A ‘severe’ bondage session, maximum sens-dep plus stimulation, is a gnostic state in and of itself.

Then there’s the aesthetics of the thing. Maybe this is just a “true fetishist” speaking but there is something “magical” in the bound form. That is, directing you beyond it-of-itself – or taking you into it. Part one is certainly the association with the experience, but there’s more too. The distortion of human form – features removed or accented, limbs contorted, is a sort of sculpture directing you towards the Other. And this Other is present and alive, undeniably so.

A last note: read “The Tantra of the Yoni?” (on the PDF thread) It describes worship of Divinity through devotion to the physical yoni. Not a stretch from various domination techniques, facesitting, et al. Cunnilingus as religious activity (sounds right to me!)
Magister Lewdi
02:53 / 07.08.04
Hey,Seamus, you've said a...err... mouthful!

A rather Lewd illustration for Grave's poem. Very interesting, but I wouldn't click on it if you are at work).

The White Goddess
by Robert Graves

All saints revile her, and all sober men
Ruled by the God Apollo's golden mean -
In scorn of which we sailed to find her
In distant regions likeliest to hold her
Whom we desired above all things to know,
Sister of the mirage and echo.

It was a virtue not to stay,
To go our headstrong and heroic way
Seeking her out at the volcano's head,
Among pack ice, or where the track had faded
Beyond the cavern of the seven sleepers:
Whose broad high brow was white as any leper's,
Whose eyes were blue, with rowan-berry lips,
With hair curled honey-coloured to white hips.

The sap of Spring in the young wood a-stir
Will celebrate with green the Mother,
And every song-bird shout awhile for her;
But we are gifted, even in November
Rawest of seasons, with so huge a sense
Of her nakedly worn magnificence
We forget cruelty and past betrayal,
Heedless of where the next bright bolt may fall.

Goddess takes revenge upon the Bush Crime Family - Femdom Sex Magick image - do not view this one at work.
Magister Lewdi
04:46 / 07.08.04
Never one to complain too much about people taking things the wrong way, it's still necessary to remind folks that it is they who will pay the consequences for their own misunderstanding. Being a nice guy, I don't want to see them pay too much. Ah, well.... for example...

I talked to a nice man who just will not go to a Pro-Domme, because he thinks such woman won't value "what he has to give"... he worries she will be in it "only for the money." But Pro-Dommes with that attitude aren't in business for long and even if he could find an amateur to...err... "handle" his problem, she'd not likely have a tenth the experience, and expertise of the Pro, let alone the developed intuition. She also might not know enough about safe practices. So this dude will probably pay the price... stewing away in his juices, never experiencing what he craves. How much does he spend on yearly vacations, to distant venues, searching for pussy? Does he ever find any? Not often not, I suspect.

On the other hand, no Pro-Domme is likely to allow a walk-in client oral access to her nether regions. So a relationship with a non-pro could be the way to go. But where do you find one, given the disproportionate ration of domme-hungry men to non-domming women?

On yet another hand, Pro-Domming is more intense and extreme than most beginners will desire or need; and even long-time aficionados don't always get into the more heavy aspects of BDSM.

For instance, speaking of PDFs (and I will try to remember to add this to the PDF thread), Georgeann Cross wrote "Sexual Power for Women", Practical Guide to Sexually Enslaving Your Man. The book was suppressed by the establishment, which merrily rushes to publish books by the likes of "Happy Hooker" Xaviara Hollender. Many fetishists and BDSMers seem to turn up their noses at Ms. Cross's low-key form of Femdom, but this is just the 'dilute' form of Femdom that could actually change the world. And there's nothing wrong with dilution. Just ask a Homeopath!

Georgeann's book may be downloaded free, in PDF form, here. Grab a copy and make some copies before it vanishes again.

Regarding "Heavies." Check out the "heavy players" in the image above. The size has been compressed in the html tag, but if you right-click / save as, you'll get a full size version and get a better look at the two "heavies" under the bum of artist Naimo's buxom Callipygite.

Regarding "alterations" on the body politic, etc. an ever expanding (like Computer Life Game) network of newly created femdoms could do some major work in that area. If established Pros don't want to help, just put an ad in your local Entertainment newspaper, recruit some wanna-be Dommes and train them yourself. Blasphemy? But of course, but so what? Top them from the bottom until they won't put up with that anymore! Too many American ProDommes are kind of strange, from an International viewpoint. All that noise about "we're not prostitutes." Of course you're not, but you'll never convince outsiders, so why go on and on about this? Consider a very interesting clinic in Germany or Holland, where a man recently went for, what he was assured would be "A series of enemas, followed by an orgasm." Sounds pretty cut and dry, doesn't it? No guilt. No pretense. No hypocrisy. End of sermon.

Jesse of Columbus was right though, about group Work being difficult. From what we know it's much better to limit the practicing parties to two, or better one, who may receive assistance from one or more others. And if the other is a ProDomme, so much the better. Find one you can work with. Discuss your needs; she can paint up the sigil using menstrual blood, perhaps, for extra oomph. Then she can help you charge it.

Consider: there's not much good to be said about charging money to work magick for people. But there's nothing wrong with charging money to assist someone in working magick for himself. Is there? Just a word from the wise...

Interesting Yoni Tantra book there. Here's an online book in HTML format, written by a Jungian. Indecent Practices and Erotic Trance: Making Sense of Tantra Check it out, but remember the map is not the territory.

Spirituality? BDSM is the most "spiritual" thing going today. Look around your town.... look at all those steeples, on all those churches. All those nearly empty churches. Remember the words of poet Rumi: "If there was no such thing as real gold, counterfeiters would not craft fake gold."

Thee Sigil of The Starry Wisdom Sect Download it today as Windows Wallpaper 800 x 600 pixel! Raise money, purchase an empty church and inscribe this sigil on the front door. Place that little classified ad in your local Entertainment paper. If you build it, they will come (unless being teased and denied :-)
05:54 / 07.08.04
I know this thread has a label informing us that its mature but I don't think you should post that pic Lewdi, I was under the impression that this was all text based, thankfully I'm at home but someone could get in deep shit at work if they view this thread. Apolgies if this has already been cleared but I think you should remove the first pic.
08:24 / 07.08.04
True, it is common to mention it in the title if there are pictures of a non work-safe nature in the post. Of course, ML may not have planned to post those at the time of creation, so could we just get a mod to add a note to the title?
10:11 / 07.08.04
Yeah, I'll do that now. I will also change those from pics to links.

ML - Please link to images like this in future. Do not post them up on Barbelith - they could get people checking in from work in unnecessary trouble. Cheers.
14:58 / 07.08.04
I've been browsing through the book Sexual Power for Women. It's very well written and really interesting. I encourage all the women of Barbelith to read it. As in right now.
And maybe the men should too, so they'll be forewarned
Magister Lewdi
00:47 / 08.08.04

Sorry about including those pictures on the page. I could have merely linked them. Seamus' suggestion that cunnilingus is a religious activity caused a breakdown of my better judgement.

I was going to replace the pics with the following image, but the pixstorage image host numbers images sequentially, so that won't work. I'll stick this image here anyhow, to add a clue about the whereabouts of the other two. - ML

Waiting for Moderation...
[ Courtesy of - free image hosting ]
Skeleton Camera
20:58 / 19.08.04
Awww, c'mon people. This was a good thread! Don't let it die!
(shameless bump)
Skeleton Camera
04:19 / 03.09.04
Aha! I knew there was a meaningful next step to this thread.

I've been reading/looking up on Italian artist Franco Saudelli recently. He illustrates comics and made a rep for himself as an erotic artist, usually within B&D themes (and some S&M). His bondage art often captures that exact aesthetic I previously described, which I consider nearly a fetish in and of itself.

In interviews, Saudelli discussed an early interest and obsession with fetishism. He also mentioned an attraction to "the morbid side of fetishism." Yet none of his work is snuff or horror whatsoever. If anything, there's a sense of humor that swings to the contrary in it. So I wonder about what constitutes "morbid fetishism."

First off, the word "morbid" does not imply, as I said, death/snuff/horror. Instead, at least here, it means "sick" or "pathological." In sex-magic terms, that there is fetishism without recognition of divinity - ja? It is morbid because it is a self-perpetuating cycle that never escapes its own confines. Thoughts please!

(I don't know - and doubt, really - whether Saudelli considers himself sick or not, or whether he attaches any transcendent significance to his work beyond obsessive expression.)

(Oh, and another note, I was recently reading Audre Lorde's "Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power." Her equation is that a discovery of the erotic principle - distinct from the pornographic or the superficial - is in and of itself a transcendent experience. Discovering that informs one, beyond doubt, that there is ANOTHER SIDE to things. And she goes on to detail just how that idea of the erotic manifests in so many different ways. Good stuff!)
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