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Could it happen again?


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Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:37 / 14.08.04
Is any more of this online, because I was looking the other day and couldn't find anything.
Baz Auckland
00:50 / 17.08.04
Right Here!

Parts 1 through 5!
11:46 / 17.08.04
So, somebody else was also freaked out by what appears to be some rude people. The "disturbing new information" seems to be a) that somebody else on the plane was frightened and b) that one of the men went to the toilet.


Astonishingly, the fact that they are not dead does not seem to have penetrated Annie and Billie Jo's heads. I mean, at all. That is, that when the air marshals say "there was no threat", they seem to be kind of borne out by the fact that no threat materialised on the plane, and presumably also that when the fellows were subsequently interrogated, they were not found to be carrying anything that would suggest a threat. So.... what's up, there? What exactly is she trying to say? That they bottled it, flushed the bomb down the toilet, but then decided to stand during the landing, just to show that they would be engaging in acts of terror if they could, but since frustrated in that they would engage in acts of irritation instead? Would it not make more sense for terrorists *not to draw attention to themselves unless they were actually about to perform an act of terror*? That's on quite an early page of "Terrorism for Dummies", I suspect, along with "one person for a bomb, many people for a hijack". See also "barging in front of somebody to get to the toilet", "spending 10 minutes in the toilet" and "emerging smelling of chemicals". That to me would suggest that somebody got airsick, threw up in the toilet and had then attempted to clean himself or herself up in a confined space with the materials to hand. Is my hypothesis perfect or complete? No. But it does provide a reason why nobody died.

The rest is mere speculation - they were making eye contact and nodding to each other, but not obviously enough to appear to know each other to anyone with eyes less gimlet than Billie Jo's. One of them was not breathing in an acceptable fashion while asleep. One appeared to have a third nipple peeking out from an open shirt - a sure sign of witchcraft.

Essentially, much as the War on Terror confuses an emotion with a movement, Annie Jacobsen apears to have become confused by the ambiguity intrinsic to the phrase "I am threatened". "I am threatened by Arabs" could mean that some Arabs are threatening me, for example with a gun or a knife. It could also mean simply that the presence of Arabs makes me feel threatened. Likewise, "I am frightened by spiders" could mean that a group of spiders has leapt out from behind a door wearing scary masks and going "boo!". It could also mean simply that spiders occasion in me a reaction of fear, notwithstanding their intentions (eat insects, avoid big things). Annie and Billie Jo clearly felt threatened. They felt that there was a threat. They did not feel safe. All well and good. However, this in no way contradicts the statement that there was not a threat. Feeling a threat is not the same as feeling a pinch or a lightswitch, and it certainly isn't the same as being on a plane with a threat. It's more like feeling a frisson of sexual tension - you can certainly say that you felt it, and others in the room might feel it as well, but you couldn't pat someone down for evidence of it.

OK, that's a bad example.

This is a distinction that I would have thought a columnist would understand, but apparently not. The sad thing is, that this could genuinely have been a jumping-off point for an examination of what is being done to improve airport and airline security, whether the crew and indeed the passengers reacted sensibly, and so on. Regrettably, in the hands of somebody apparently intent on justifying her own hysterical (and, lest we forget, dangerous, as she might have identified air marshals whom actual terrorists would have targeted immediately) reaction by maintaining that terrorists can be identified by smell, it is becoming an increasingly undignified and strident meltdown that will appear either inspiring or cringeworthy depending on one's level of Arabnophobia.
12:25 / 17.08.04
I believe the claim is that, while they weren't actually planning to blow up that particular aircraft, they reflected a new threat the idea of which has been planted in the media recently, that of the terrorist dry run. This is a fantastic new tool for paranoids everywhere - there's now no practical way that your beliefs can be contradicted. Oh, sure, they were investigated and found to have no terrorist connections, to be engaging in no terrorist activity, no box cutters or Semtex, they didn't actually do anything... but they were just practicing this time, mastering their evil co-ordinated toilet techniques. Next time it'll be for real. Because they are terrorists really, just ones with a good cover story that fools those wishy-washy liberals at the FBI.

The thing I can think of that would convince a determined paranoid racist such as M(r)s Jacobsen would be if they had actually turned out to all be FBI agents. Even then... what were the FBI doing recruiting so many Arabs? What if they were actually terrorists? Shame on them! Something needs to be done!

Along with the recent publicity given to al Qaeda supposedly conducting surveillance across the USA, the "dry run" concept is terrific. Bearing in mind that this is an administration that has successfully conducted its propaganda through indirect innuendo over the past few years (see % of Americans believing WMDs found / Saddam = al Qaeda etc), a tool that means that you can plant suspicion about someone which cannot be disproved is extremely useful. It may piss the FBI off but they should learn what their real job is.

N.B. I came across an MIT paper related to the strategy that diiz mentions on the previous page. It's called Carnival Booth: An Algorithm for Defeating the Computer-Assisted Passenger Screening System and it's good stuff - as well as the algorithm itself there's an interesting comparison with El Al's security measures, and discussion of the legal implications.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:51 / 17.08.04
She just won't accept she's wrong will she? And tosses off such lovely bon mots as:

I mean, could it all really be as simple as reporter Joe Sharkey from The New York Times says it is -- that these Syrian individuals simply confused how to act on a 757 jet in America with how one might act on a bus in Damascus?
16:15 / 17.08.04
Ms Jacobsen... I don't think it's just the situation that's simple...

A serious point should be raised, though...
Passenger screening DOESN'T go far enough. For all I know, next time I fly, I could be sat next to a rabid xenophobe. Something must be done!!!
00:31 / 18.08.04
Stotie, that's absolutely correct, in the most serious way. Since we here have proof that a hysterically paranoid passenger can endanger the plane by exposing the marshals, shouldn't such people be banned from flying?

Furthermore, wouldn't that be a perfect tactic for a hijacking? Recruit one white american with a clean record and have him/her cause commotion by accusing innocent passengers. When the marshals are exposed, the other members of the group strike.

Perhaps Jacobsen is really an Al-Qaeda agent, and herwritings are coded messages to other agents, telling them to start new attacks.

Paranoia is wonderful.
18:24 / 18.08.04
So. Are Arabombers the new paedophiles?
21:34 / 18.08.04
So. Are Arabombers the new paedophiles?

i think they both meet in the secret networks of tunnels underneath YOUR CHILD'S PRESCHOOL!, worship Satan together and plot the downfall of the United States through homosexual recruitment, abortion, and terror bombings.
22:36 / 18.08.04
Why not profile middle eastern people? They're the only ones who have blown up the majority of planes. Correct?

All they have to do to get on the plane is not be trying to blow it up. Is that unfair? No.
22:40 / 18.08.04
01:33 / 19.08.04
wembley can change in 28 days
06:23 / 19.08.04
Canada is virtually culturally identical to the US,

Hey! Don't make me start a new thread! I'm too busy living without a low-level of fear... or does that have more to do with the grass, better health care and the fact that my gay friends aren't bitching that they can't get married?

(Ok, just kidding. Culturally very, very similar. But not close enough to be virtually identical.)
08:12 / 19.08.04
Why not profile middle eastern people? They're the only ones who have blown up the majority of planes. Correct?

Gosh. I do believe that question was addressed earlier in this very thread. How about having a read of it? Left to right, then down and left again.

Offhand, I'd say that the recent "shoe bomber" was not Middle Eastern, and nor are a number of the suspects currently held in Guantanamo bay. Many of those identified as supporters of OBL are Pakistani or resident in Pakistan... do you mean "dark-skinned" rather than "Middle Eastern"? Or do you specifically mean people travelling on Syrian, Jordanian, UAE, Saudi Arabian &c passports? I don't think any Jordanians have been involved in much in the way of skyjacking, lately... do they get a free pass?

An alternative would be for the air service providers to admit that they are going to have to act on some hunches which might offend and inconvenience the innocent, and deal with it. So... for example, every traveller pays an extra ten dollars for their ticket. Then, if somebody raises the hackles of fellow passengers or similar, a representative of the airport pops over, tells them that they would like to give them an interview and subject them to a more exacting search than they might otherwise have experienced, and offer them a hundred dollars for the inconvenience. It still won't guarantee that your terrorist has not just walked past you and onto the plane, but it does mean that the obvious loci of suspicion might not get quite such hardcore responses once aboard and that terror, if not terrorism, might thus be battled.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:08 / 19.08.04
It's possible that Triplets Rule! was being sarcastic, and joining in the mockery of Jacobsen... I really hope so.

Does anyone think we need to modify the topic abstract a little - is it a quote from something? I'd really like to get some inverted commas around at least the word "suspiciously".
The Photographer in Blowup
22:07 / 19.08.04
Hollywood needs to turn this into a movie!

Nicole Kidman as Mrs. Jacobsen and either George Clooney or Harvey Keitel as the tough black suit & tie FBI agent outside the airplane waiting for it to land who'll then engage in a car chase after the terrorists, with a civilian tagging along.

I can just see some of the exchanges between the two:

"They were all terrorist, sir! I saw them whispering and nodding suspiciously! Why did you let them go?"
"I believe you, ma'am. But I can't do anything. In their bags we only found flutes and thrumpets. We had to let them go."
"But did no one check the limping man’s orthopaedic shoe?"
"Oh God... the Limping Man... [talks into walkie-talkie] get me a car, fast!"
"I have a car in the parking lot."
"You're a brave woman. Come on!"

[big car chase ensues through the crowded streest of L.A.]

I still haven't figured if she dumps her husband for the FBI agent at the end or not, but I know the 14 menacing Arabs are all shot dead on the the rooftop of a sky-scraper seconds before their orthopaedic bomb explodes.
Baz Auckland
17:12 / 12.11.04
Just for the ongoing hilarity, Terror in the Skies, Again? is now up to Part 9...

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