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Poop: Inherently funny?

Murray Hamhandler
01:10 / 28.07.04
Is poo-poo funny to you? How about wee-wee? Weiners? Thingies in general? If you find these things amusing, is it because you have the maturity of a four-year-old? Or is it that they are inherently funny? If you fail to find woo-woos and caca amusing, does this make you a mature and upstanding member of society? Or are you lying to yourself, denying that which is at the core of all great humour and, in so doing, negating your validity as a human being?

Please tell me what you, esteemed member of the Barbelith online community of concerned and upstanding citizens, think of pee-pee and doo-doo.
01:38 / 28.07.04
my vote: inherently funny

anyone who doesn't think so isn't mature, they're just cold - harden from years of "the real world"... maybe even cleaning up their own kid's pee-pee and poo-poo.

the same applies for alot of thing deemed "mature" - it's mostly bullshit... people pretending to be something they're not just because they think it makes them more grown up.
the cat's iao
02:10 / 28.07.04
Enh. I don't think it's either really. I mean, potty humour can be funny, but it can also simply be lame. AS for whether you find it funny or not being a mark of maturity, well, that's pretty bogus too. I mean, who sets the standard for these sort of judgements anyway?
03:14 / 28.07.04
A friend of mine said to me: "My 4 year old has just reached the stage where farts and butts and poop are the funniest thing in the world to him."

"Ah, yes," I said to her,"That stage! That stage will last for the rest of his life."
Lord Morgue
07:28 / 28.07.04
Hahaha. Poop.
flufeemunk effluvia
16:41 / 28.07.04
It's particularly funny because im typing this from the toilet. Poop is funny because in a sadistic kind of way it is fun to gross people out.
18:06 / 28.07.04
interesting that this query came from someone with "testicles" in hir name.
Murray Hamhandler
19:26 / 28.07.04
Like maybe having the last name McTesticles makes me predisposed towards finding bathroom humor hilarious? I've never thought about it before but, yeah, that makes sense.
20:50 / 28.07.04
A friend of mine once had these words of wisdom to say:

"poop is funny, not sexy"
pointless and uncalled for
10:31 / 29.07.04
Having recently discovered the encyclopedia of poo I think it's inherently funny.
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