Let's see...
Lord Ganesh, Papa Legba, Ellegua, Exu, Yemaya, Vishnu, Shiva, Odhinn, Freyja, Tyr, Heimdall, Thorr, the Norns, Hel, Diana, Inanna, Ereshkigal, Lucifer and some other deities, animal spirits, and ancestors that don't wish to be named.
quote:Originally posted by Wyrd:
Has anyone worked with the Spirit / God of the Automobile? I'm wondering if I should have a chat with Karl Benz or Henry Ford? I'm trying to improve my driving and I wouldn't mind a bit of Other help.
YES! I've always tried to create personal relationships with my vehicles to varying levels of success. In some ways it's similar to the spiritual relationship I have with my shamanic drum (both are vehicles that I have to partner with in potentially dangerous situations).
As for 'umbrella' car spirits/deities, I really found revelation in the Chariot=Car meme that popped up in the Barbelith Tarot thread. Tapping into that energy has helped increase the sense of my car being an extension of my being. Potentially something similar could be done with the runic energies of either Ehwaz or Raidho.
I don't feel any sort of connection with the human 'inventors' of the automobile but I'm sure some people might find power there. I'd find more power with the modern mythical heroes who partnered with the automobile.
<Mason Lang movie mode>
After tapping into that energy, watch Mad Max as a metaphor for shamanic initiation. Car=drum.
</Mason Lang movie mode>
And then... go for a drive! 
(safely of course).
[ 05-02-2002: Message edited by: Lothar Tuppan ] |