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World's Finest fan film

18:15 / 26.07.04
By the people who made BATMAN: DEAD END - the pics look good! Apparently the director, Sandy Collura, is making some Hollywood pros stand up and take notice (seriously, not sarcastically)... this premieres at San Diego Comic Con.

Bats & Supes pal around.
08:04 / 27.07.04
Well, if there's one thing we learned from Batman: Dead End, it's that those crazy kids sure can sew a good costume. In fact, I think they could be professional Hollywood costume people. I'm looking forward to seeing more of their costumes in this new film.
Benny the Ball
10:25 / 30.07.04
I kept thinking of the Gay superman link when I watched the trailer - plus it's good that the old Superfriends Lex suit get's a run out.
14:28 / 30.07.04
What Hollywood pros, is the real question? I still have yet to understand the hype or adoration for anything Collora does. Batman: Dead End was just so much hilarious fanboy wanking and this one doesn't look any better.

Is it just me or does it look like, in that World's Finest trailer, that Batman needs to pull up his socks?

16:59 / 03.08.04
Although I feel like the Dead End version of Batman's mask and cowl looks better than the one in BATMAN BEGINS, from all the pics we've seen. And they made Dead End for what, $500?

I agree that Dead End was just a silly lark, but kinda fun in some ways. And Bats did look cool. The World's Finest trailer is slick and fun, but Bats and Supes do look a little off.
17:25 / 03.08.04
Dead End was awesome for what it was! And I'm looking forward to this! Any word on when it'll be completed?
19:48 / 03.08.04
I actually wasn't clear on whether or not they're really making the full World's Finest movie or they just made the trailer and that's all they plan to make.
20:01 / 03.08.04
Dead End was awesome for what it was!

A movie in which batman fights a Dalek.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:31 / 03.08.04
Let's hunt these people down and make them scream.
14:19 / 04.08.04
It was pretty slick-looking, though, for the cheap money they made it on. And Bats looked cool througout, I maintain. I remember thinking his dialogue with the Joker was sort of cliche Bats/Joker dialogue, but I remember thinking that Bats moved, looked, and was lit the way he should be.
17:22 / 13.08.04
They should have stolen Batman's "Dead End" costume for this "Batman Begins" film. It was just perfect, and a nice change from this foam/latex/armor plate trend. I'd love to see someone working a "Mazzucchelli's Batman: Year One" feel for the costumes and visuals of Batman's new franchise - noir all the way...
17:27 / 13.08.04
Uh... ok, I just saw the pictures. Daylight and super-hero costumes aren't supposed to team up. Never.
02:50 / 01.02.05
While some directors, like Collara, seem to take this stuff so seriously it's ready-to-eat camp... other fan-flicks like Fast Times at Hero High and Losing Lois Lane have the courage to beat their critics to the snickers and jeers.
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