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Anti-drugs vaccinations

A fall of geckos
11:38 / 26.07.04
The Independent has an article here reporting that there's a government sponsored group recommending a national anti addiction vaccination scheme, with trials currently in progress.

I find this extremely disturbing partially because of practical reasons (heroin is still used as a painkiller for terminal cancer patients) and partially because it seems to be part of the 'we know best' attitude of the current Labour party. I can understand the use of this kind of vaccination with adults seeking help with addiction, but the idea of vaccinating children against the effects of drugs strikes me as wrong - especially if it's made mandatory (as of yet this hasn't been clearly discussed).

So, what are the issues involved here - is there a case to be made for vaccinating children against addictive drugs?
Whale... Whale... Fish!
15:10 / 26.07.04
hmmm... quite...

I heard about the nicotine vaccine a few months ago. Personally, I think it's dodgy ground especially considering the ammount of revenue raised by cigarette taxation, nevermind the moral implications.

But in reality is this actually going to get off the ground? Or is it a diversionary tactic?
Tryphena Absent
15:32 / 26.07.04
I find that article quite difficult to understand, simply because addiction is an incredibly complicated thing. I know that I personally am only very slightly physically addicted to nicotine. How do I know this? Because I don't get withdrawal symptoms, I can go days without physically craving a cigarette but that's not true mentally. I want a cigarette but not having one doesn't mean I'm moody or frantic, I'm just weak to habit. If I'm not bored I can forget to smoke for hours... possibly days. So how are they going to vaccinate me? Are they going to give me an anti-boredom injection? Are they going to vaccinate against freezer food? Boiled sweets? I suspect that chicken nuggets and chips cause a fair amount of premature death and obesity. Are they going to vaccinate against cars- the biggest killer in this country? This is just so much nonsense.
17:04 / 26.07.04
Let's see. Shall I infect my children at birth with a virus that screws with their brain chemistry, apparently permanently? I'm thinking "no". Given how closely tied the effects of various drugs are to natural brain chemicals, the chances that you'll come out the other side with the ability to experience the same range of feelings are a bit limited, and this is permanent, or at least very long lasting.

Oh, and nice to see medical metaphors being stretched even further here - not satisfied with "addiction" being a "disease", apparently it's now necessary to make it into an actual virus that you can immunise against, which it isn't so you can't. This isn't actually a vaccine that they're talking about.

However, given that this is a science-related article in an English newspaper during summer, it seems likely that

(a) the "vaccines" themselves and how they work are entirely misrepresented in the piece
(b) the various people quoted are talking out of their arses and don't know much more than the author
(c) the "recommendation" will be one of the weird ones at the back of the report that are there to prove they spent a long time on it, and to give the press something to chew on in silly season

so I'm not going to get too worried, any more than I have been by suggestions that all children should be started on anti-depressants as soon as they're on solids, you know, just in case. I'll get irritated at the people who actually stand up and say "yes, great idea" but I'm not that concerned it'll actually happen.
the Fool
03:52 / 27.07.04
Wouldn't this 'vaccination' actually be a form of induced brain damage? If its against H, Charlie and ciggies then its against the dopamine receptors in the brain...
Whale... Whale... Fish!
10:20 / 27.07.04
BBC (9 September, 2003)

Not quite sure how it works however. But it doesn't appear to affect dopamine receptors. I think I might need it explained to me...
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