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What the hell is a Spide?


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00:04 / 24.07.04
Over here, people said that wearing yellow sneakers ("trainers") makes you look like a "Spide".

Google didn't seem to offer any answers beyond something sung to the tune of American Pie.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:24 / 24.07.04
Never heard the phrase before, either, despite being a lifelong Briton.

I can only assume it refers to the dole-claiming, council-house living young adult who, as well as claiming social security and housing benefit, makes a steady income by whatever usually illegal means are at hand. Generally, this income endows them with a huge belief in their own aesthetic tastes and an innate desire to show the world just how good these tastes are.

This usually results in the acquiring of such fashion statements as:

* Thick gold chain necklaces.
* Gold sovereign rings.
* Von Dutch baseball caps in various garish colours
* A pit-bull terrier with studded collar
* BIG nike trainers
* Evisu jeans
* Stone Island knitwear
* And yellow trainers.

But I may be wrong.
flufeemunk effluvia
00:24 / 24.07.04
That thread had a link in it.

Nobody's girl
01:50 / 24.07.04
In Scotland Spides are called Neds.
01:59 / 24.07.04
Excuse a poor expat who was away when "chav" was invented. Is "spide" another "laugh at the poor people, they breed and have cars" term? Just want to get this clear.
Nobody's girl
02:37 / 24.07.04
Excuse a poor expat who was away when "chav" was invented. Is "spide" another "laugh at the poor people, they breed and have cars" term? Just want to get this clear.

Yeah, pretty much.
02:44 / 24.07.04
I was always under the impression that "spide" derived from their 'spidery' little attempts at moustaches. But I may be wrong.
07:38 / 24.07.04
You sure this isn't some new-fangled variation of spiv?
07:54 / 24.07.04
Yeah there are various word people use to decripe people not like them it might be one of those.

Although where I'm from a spide would be someone you dug a hole with.
Mike Modular
09:57 / 24.07.04
Well, they'll always be charvas to me, but for all your chav/spide needs...
10:40 / 24.07.04
Can we all please bear in mind that when the revolution which so many of you so badly crave does actually come along, it's these people you're taking the piss out of who will actually be in charge.

Anarchy for the masses, and all that.
10:46 / 24.07.04
It's interesting, isn't it? I think a lot of it is inspired by a basic awareness that, in terms of cultural and historical positioning, a lot of people here (and their peers) are utterly divorced from the intelligent, financially successful and culturally aware ideal of the middle classes - they are performing minor clerical duties or employed at some level far below the level to which they believe their academic qualifications entitle them.

Soooo... spide/chav/pikey-hating becomes a kind of necessary process of stratification, by which a clear barrier is set up between groups which actually probably exist more along a continuum.
11:03 / 24.07.04
Incidentally, I think "spide" is a Northern Ireland term, hence possibly its unfamiliarity to mainlanders.
11:22 / 24.07.04
I've seen that chavscum site before, fucking horrible thing.
Grey Area
14:14 / 24.07.04
Haus is correct. Spide is Northern Irish parlance for your typical tracksuit-wearing, gold jewelry sporting, baseball cap equipped lowlife. Female variety is called a Millie. They're amazingly prevalent here. And while I accept that there are spides who are trying hard to improve their station in life, most of them are just sectarian, racist and criminal fuckwits. If representatives of a segment of society call me things like chink, slanty-eye or yellow-skinned bastard on a regular basis, I think I might be allowed to use a denigrating term to describe them.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
17:49 / 24.07.04
Personally I think it's kind of lazy to assume that chav/spide etc. is related to class or poverty, it's related to a mindset and a sub-culture. Chavs/Spides can come from middle classes and members of underclasses and the working class of a certain age are not necessarily chavs/spides. For my part wariness of people who dress/act this way is learned behaviour. These terms are as class based and as offensive as goffic (to describe a goth), metaler or greaser.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:48 / 24.07.04
An earlier skirmish in this ongoing, uphill struggle.
20:28 / 24.07.04
As an addendum, I believe "millie" is a reference to the fact that urban poor women in Belfast found themselves making hats - millinery, you see. So, a little bit classtastic. Whether you get to use collective terms of abuse because they do to you is a reasonably big question. Goths, after all, tend not to mind being called goths.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
20:35 / 24.07.04
Though tend to be irritated if called Goffics.
20:37 / 24.07.04
Really? You seem to have some very sensitive goths down your way. How about metallers?
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
21:01 / 24.07.04
This seems to be an argument about who gets to name sub cultures, rather than class issue.

Oh and if you find me a goth who isn't a deeply sensitive individual I'll eat my shell suit.
21:33 / 24.07.04
Where does the word 'spide' come from, though? Am I remembering the moustache thing correctly, or did I imagine it all?
Gypsy Lantern
22:14 / 24.07.04
In Newcastle you have the term “charver”, which has been usage for just short of ten years. I think it’s basically used to describe “dodgy bastards” and is really quite divorced from class issues as it’s in common usage within very working class communities to describe people who dress and behave in a particular way, and mostly tend to be annoying twats. It’s not really about “laughing at the poor people”, as the term is frequently and regularly used by people existing within exactly the same economic circumstances as the alleged “charvers”. It’s more about identifying a specific sub-group that does actually exist in the north east, in a way that it doesn’t elsewhere in the country in exactly the same way. They have their own language, which is like a modification of Geordie (itself, often an impenetrable dialect to non-geordies) with its own specific words and phrasing. “Waxa!”, “Dink!”, etc… I don’t think charvers really exist outside of Newcastle in quite the same way. You certainly don’t get them in London.

The more recent term “chav”, seems to be a bit different. I think it’s a much broader term, and seems to be inclusive of the concept of “townie”, which is in common usage by students in university towns to describe non-students. I think “chav” is a lot more classist and dubious, but it probably derives from the earlier Geordie concept of “charver”.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
09:24 / 25.07.04
Originally posted by Tannce

"As an addendum, I believe "millie" is a reference to the fact that urban poor women in Belfast found themselves making hats - millinery, you see."

Just when you think society's past the point where calling someone a milliner could lead to a duel.
uncle retrospective
10:48 / 25.07.04
How about metallers? You get called Sweaty and have the fuckheads "singing" I want to be a hippy at you.
The fucks. The North East Chava is a nasty type of fuck head but not as nasty as the Southern Irish Scobie. (sounds like dobie)
And as we always say in this little thread every time, they started calling us names first! Life is indeed hell for goths.
13:41 / 25.07.04
How do you pronounce 'spide' then? It keeps making me grin when i see it, and i've never heard it before.

Is it Speede, spid or spyde?

I'm guessing at the third.
13:43 / 25.07.04
Shit, it could just be how it looks and be spide couldn't it?

Did i just make that last post? Fucking hell.
17:31 / 26.07.04
Spide-er! He is our hero!
Spide-er! Must stop...
We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:53 / 27.07.04
I take it none of them is called 'Boris' or suffers from any kind of diffidence?
08:59 / 27.07.04
I've never heard "spide" before. And as regards "chav", even leaving aside all the eminently sensible reasons outlined above as to why it's an unpleasant term to use, it's an unpleasant word to SAY. It's ugly. It feels wrong on the lips and tongue. It lacks the vehemence and "sayability" of something like "cunt", and just sounds, well, WRONG.

Even if it meant "kettle" I don't think I'd use it.
Whale... Whale... Fish!
09:58 / 27.07.04
What about "schemie"?
10:02 / 27.07.04
I think that says "all I know about those who did not attend Eton with me I learned from Irvine Welsh novels"....
Whale... Whale... Fish!
10:22 / 27.07.04
Hey, I don't often use the word but since we were on the subject...
10:39 / 27.07.04
"schemie"- from "housing scheme", afaik.
10:47 / 27.07.04
i think the term round my old way would be 'janners'. more a familar term of self-recognition for those moments you find yourself leaning out the passenger window with the bass a bit loud than any class based slur intended to reinforce social stratification. a set of behaviours you can have fun with for a bit, and not a word that can easily have '-scum' attached to the end of it.

i don't like baseball caps mind, or happy 'hard'core, not apologising for either of those.

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