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Benny the Ball
21:33 / 21.07.04
Did anyone see this? I watched it and for twenty minutes me and my housemate thought that it was a spoof. The zoom into the presenters eye during the credit sequence, the fact that every specialist was a blonde and oddly attractive lady, the recreation of horse sex, the interview in a sauna, it was truly odd, but compulsive.
Mourne Kransky
22:25 / 21.07.04
It was weird. Good bits lost in the mish mash of naked women dancing round a bonfire, filmed through lipglossed lenses. There was the beginnings of something interesting with the examination of animal worship and the pagan perspective on their relationship with the natural world but it kept getting hi-jacked by the soft focus sauna etc. Maybe I'm being harsh, or just such a dull old fucker that I'd have been happier with a talking head explaining pre-Christian culture more directly, to camera. Did watch the whole hour though and might watch next week. But then, I don't have cable, hence no Discovery Channel.

We need more paganism proselytism on mainstream tv! We need better pagan proselytism on tv!

Mats and Britte doing the back to 10th century Viking thing were fun.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
08:57 / 23.07.04
There wasa definite horse shagging theme throughout. The presenter seemed to imply that shagging a horse as a demonstration of male potency & power was okay and that the Christian source had misrepresented what he saw in Ireland.

Very odd.
09:06 / 23.07.04
Depends what you mean by "okay", though, doesn't it? Within the particular cultural context, there's every indication that it was a perfectly acceptable - even respected - practice. What would make it not-okay?
Benny the Ball
10:30 / 23.07.04
If the horse didn't consent?

It was the bizarre flared nostril as sexual metaphor that I liked the most...
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
12:11 / 23.07.04
For 8th century Ireland perhaps. What I had problems with was the presenter implying that "okay" was dependant on the context/justification for horse shagging, bad to do it for fun, okay to do it as a display of power. Don't get me wrong I didn't have a huge problem with it, just struck me as a little odd.
17:15 / 23.07.04
The interlude with the wolves sent me off the spazzy-end.

Here I shall inadequately describe it as describe it as imbecilic, spackery for the terminally stupid.

Pagan's liked wolves!

Let's go and hand out with some wolves!

AT THE ZOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:20 / 23.07.04
Could there be any more typos in my last post?
Spatula Clarke
20:44 / 23.07.04
Just linking to the sister thread in the Temple
21:42 / 24.07.04
If the horse didn't consent?

I'm not sure consent was necessarily a big issue in 9th Century Britain. It's also worth speculating on whether horses consent to be ridden, rendered for horsehide/glue or, indeed, eaten. Considering we take all sorts of other liberties with animals, is sex such a big deal?
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
22:08 / 24.07.04
Ganesh I congratulate you on that rather brave apparently pro-beastality stance.
11:07 / 25.07.04
Nothing "brave" about it. I'm simply pointing out what appears to me to be very much a grey area, in terms of moral logic. Isn't it slightly inconsistent to eat and kill animals yet decide their consent must be sought if one wants to fuck or be fucked by them?
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