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Once cool, now tragic


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Char Aina
17:57 / 22.07.04

i remember when every member got a free ipod, ass candles, and an open visa for self awaria.

nowadays you're lucky if you get a dirty look and a pint of foamy joycore.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:31 / 23.07.04
All of pro wrasslin
Coffee Houses
Ironic indifference
Ralph Nader
Having my cat attack my son when he gets too close
Saint Keggers
03:34 / 23.07.04
Gary Busey
pointless and uncalled for
07:14 / 23.07.04
Desert Rose is about trying to obtain the unobtainable, with specific reference to a perfect woman. A bit of misogyny there for you. Not sure where Eden comes into it, unless that's the name of the woman in question.
07:17 / 23.07.04
Green screen Gameboys

Sonic (even though i still love him)
07:23 / 23.07.04
Most of my mind.
Cat Chant
07:27 / 23.07.04
Those dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire

Oh, come on, you made that one up. Those dreams are tied to a horse? With what? (Hmm. I have to go to the Hardware Shop Of Goodness tomorrow, for advice about battens, so I could always ask Neville [for it is he] about what I would use to tie dreams to a horse. "It has to be pretty hard-wearing," I would add, "because the horse will never tire.")

Sting has become so uncool, he is now cool again.

I don't think that's true of Sting, but it was true of Dire Straits last time I looked (though that was a few years ago, so they may be uncool again now).
07:55 / 23.07.04
Y'know, Sting lyrics like the one above remind me that the rubbish goth poetry I used to write when I was starting out weren't really all that one mistake was not setting them to cod-reggae/world music tunes and hiring a token black guy to come along and wail in Somalian in the background...curse you, Sting!

Oh, and George Morrison, obviously.
08:33 / 23.07.04
heh heh heh


i don't know how you can type it without laughing
09:34 / 23.07.04
Irony! (I know we've had ironic indifference, but irony also). Used to be everywhere. I can remember paranoid newspaper articles - "How Will We Escape Irony?" "WHat Happened to Taking Thngs Seriously?" "Will All Future Creative Production Just Be Ironic Reinterpretations of Old Shit?" and so forth.

Then it just stopped. Some say that 9/11 ushered in an age when sincerity was no longer laughable. But I blame Alannis Morisette.
pointless and uncalled for
09:41 / 23.07.04
Alanis Morissette is responsible for a lot of societies ills, plus she was never cool, not even in a tragic sense.
Whisky Priestess
11:07 / 23.07.04
Not watching Big Brother.
pointless and uncalled for
11:17 / 23.07.04
Watching Big Brother
8===>Q: alyn
19:14 / 23.07.04
God, you horrible, dick-bending cracksnackers. This right here is enough to make me quit in disgust. What's wrong with you people? Do you need another photo thread?

Okay, I'll be right back.
22:34 / 23.07.04
Starting Photo Threads.
23:26 / 23.07.04
Yours Truly.
Baz Auckland
01:23 / 26.07.04
James Brown

Celtic music

The Who/Rolling Stones/etc. etc.
Alex's Grandma
01:53 / 26.07.04
Saint Keggers
03:26 / 26.07.04
Celebrity impersonators
Disco is My Class War
05:47 / 26.07.04
Celtic music was ever cool? Uh oh...

Bowling shirts.
Parka vests.
Skirts over pants.
T-shirts over long-sleeved shirts.
Stencils on clothing.
Pallid white boys (and girls) expressing a deep affinity with afro-futurism, beginning with Sun Ra and ending with Deltron 3030.
On that note, specifically, Dr Octagon. I tried to listen to it a few nights ago and was unable.
Guy Sebastian. (Winner of Oz Idol.)
Hoxton fins, quiffs, etc.
Being an activist.
Hakim Bey or Peter Lamborn Wilson.
Noam. (Okay, some of us would contest that he was ever cool, but popular opinion did dictate for a time.)
My Little Pony.
Media art.
People writing fiction or poetry in hypertext. (Arguably, the latter was always tragic. By dint of the fact that poetry is tragic.)
"Cultural diversity."

....yeah, what Laces said.
22:39 / 27.07.04
Hasn't anyone said U2?

Listening to their new music (anything from the past ten years) makes me want to weep and/or hurl.
Haus of Mystery
00:10 / 28.07.04
Lou fucking Reed.
06:38 / 28.07.04
What about things that are so tragic they cause collateral damage, wiping out the coolness of other things by association? For awhile at least.

Madonna => Qabbala
David Bowie => '60s Actionists (Hermann Nitsch, Otto Mühl, meat)

Terence Stamp lost it awhile for hosting appalling Canadian TV series The Hunger, but fought his way back to coolness via The Limey.

Spy movies. Ian Fleming had the right idea, having Rosa Klebb kill off Bond with the ol' poisoned knife in the shoe trick. The halfway decent ones just recycle the past for camp value.

Broadway musicals. Avenue Q is a ripoff of Meet The Feebles. The rest are remakes of movies remade from Broadway musicals.
No star here laces
07:14 / 28.07.04
Pallid white boys (and girls) expressing a deep affinity with afro-futurism, beginning with Sun Ra and ending with Deltron 3030.
On that note, specifically, Dr Octagon. I tried to listen to it a few nights ago and was unable.

Alex's Grandma
02:58 / 29.07.04
Mr D, what's the problem with skirts over pants ? I mean fair enough, but people have got to go work, y'know ?

Oh no, hang on, you're American aren't you ?

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