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Lord Morgue
08:55 / 20.07.04
#0089 Gang Battle Royale!
First up, Lord Morgue (Flying Guillotine) v.s. Chris Da Amazing (Chainsaw Arm).
Now taking bets! (Bear in mind I have been tormenting the cartoonist for MONTHS, threatening to dress him as an animé catgirl and pimp him out to Dave Kelly. Oh, I'm sure it won't affect his impartiality.)
Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8
19:29 / 20.07.04
Hey that's cool, keep us posted with the next parts!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:03 / 20.07.04
I cannot begin to stress how badly I did not need to see those Sam/Frodo panels. Now I have to wash my eyes out with Jeyes' fluid.
20:57 / 20.07.04
Dude, you are now teh famous for shouting "BUUUUUUTSEEEEXX!!!!!" and, apparently, having a dodgy 'tache.

They spelt your name wrong too.

You should totally keep us posted though, I want to see what happens.
Lord Morgue
00:24 / 21.07.04
Hee, hee. The BUUUUTTTSSEEEEXXXX thing was a name-camper, who we decided was a failed clone from my cheap Lucasarts home clone army kit. His one-word comment was sooo long it made our comment box all stretchy, so we had to keep breaking our sentences up
so we wouldn't have to keep
scrolling to read each others posts
which made everything look like haiku
or at least really bad beatnik poetry
which in retrospect
was pretty cool.
Next episode as soon as Tabby gets off his furry butt and draws it. As I've often told him, "It puts the cat ears on it's head, it draws the comic and it puts the comic in the basket, or it gets the hose!"
Lord Morgue
07:53 / 01.08.04
Episode 9
Lord Morgue
08:01 / 02.08.04
Episode 10

If you're wondering who "Nell" is, keep in mind that this comic is fanfic based on a COMMENT BOX attached to another comic. Nell is from the comic that we comment on, which I might as well plug too.


Y'know, it just does my black, cold little heart proud to know that I'm part of something possibly more obscure and esoteric than Mystery Octagon Torture Theatre. I mean, anything that takes longer to explain what it IS than to read must be pretty damn swifty, right?
Kit-Cat Club
11:05 / 02.08.04
Shouldn't this be in Creation?
Lord Morgue
13:16 / 02.08.04
More like Destruction.
Grey Area
14:15 / 02.08.04
Morgue, just how many episodes is this going to last?
Lord Morgue
08:26 / 03.08.04
Until there is one King Of The Comment Box, presumably. Ask Tabby, he's the Art Botch, I'm just the charismatic lead.

Tabby V.S. Chakka!
Episode 11
Lord Morgue
04:40 / 16.08.04
Episode 12
DFG v.s. EdFan, Lord of the Catgirls.
Lord Morgue
08:53 / 26.08.04
Episode 13

Episode 14

4n0n V.S. Gruntathon! 4n0n goes all Frank Frazetta cavegirl on Gruntathon's firey buttocks.
09:25 / 26.08.04
So who *is* this "Lord Morgue" character, Lord Morque? Is that your online pseudonym or something?
Lord Morgue
13:01 / 26.08.04
Calm down, Huas.
the cat's iao
03:07 / 27.08.04
Y'know Morgue, Huas' witticisms are typically so much more clever than this. Frankly, I'm quite disappointed by this ersatz attempt at antagonization.
06:47 / 27.08.04
Antagonisation? really? I was wondering about the whole Morgue / Morque thing too ...
07:54 / 27.08.04
It's a running joke, Jub, based on the fact that Morgue/Morque got terribly frustrated by the fact that the underline all Barbeloids have under their names made his name look like "Lord Morque" rather than "Lord Morgue". This struck me as amusing. If it's really important to him I will happily cease.

Now, as for antagonism (antagonization? Oy vey...): if it is ersatz, then presumably it is not *real* antagonism, but rather false antagonism, which is to say actual conciliation, so all is well.

However, I've been meaning to ask about whether Modzero/cat's iao is falling back into bad habits. I'm not entirely clear on why he has come back, but as long as he behaves that's not the end of the world. Clearly he apologised to Tom and asked to be readmitted, rather than simply sneaking back in in a manner entirely unworthy...

I think we'd all rather avoid another trollapalooza, however... Perhaps you may want to take my advice to LM, Modzeriao, and calm down.
Lord Morgue
10:33 / 27.08.04
Huas, you're doing that thing where your mouth opens and the sound comes out again...
the cat's iao
13:35 / 27.08.04
I'm confused. It looks to me that "calm down" was Morgue's advice to Huas. I also don't understand this obsession that Huas has with Modzero. Clearly he seems to have a great deal of attachment to *something*, but that's his business, I guess.

And it's nice that Huas' interpretation is the obvious one and only interpretation, 'cause there's never more than one way to interpret a signal: 'ersatz' compared to his typical methods of *antagonism*.
14:03 / 27.08.04
Modzero, I am not interested in listening to you justify your misuse of *another* word. There is a bigger issue here.

You are tiptoeing back towards harrassing people again. I know that you do not believe that your actions are ever not justified, because you are have problems understanding both personal boundaries and social interaction. This is unfortunate. However, it does not alter the fact that you are here on suffrance. You were banned from the board once for trolling and harrassment - lest we forget, one of a very small group who have had to be kicked off Barbelith - and this means that the bar has been set a whole lot lower this time around. It would be better for you to learn how to play nicely with the others, or if that is impossible if you simply stayed away from the people you threatened and attempted to bully off the board last time around, but if you cannot do that then it is probably best that you and Barbelith do not continue to make each other unhappy. There is an entire Internet more than happy to indulge your level of conversation. Perhaps one of our sister boards would provide a cheerier hunting ground.

So, your choice.
Kit-Cat Club
14:17 / 27.08.04
the cat's iao - if you find Haus so irritating, why not put him on ignore, rather than making snide comments about him everywhere he posts? That is what the function is for - precisely to avoid this sort of spat.

Can see that Lord Morgue might be annoyed by the use of the way his name appears on the board for satirical purposes, but since Haus has said he'll stop if asked to do so, this shouldn't be a problem, surely?
Lord Morgue
14:21 / 27.08.04
Haus, if you want to rub your cock in the iao's face, could you do it in private correspondance and not on my thread, which as I keep saying, is all about ME and HOW GLORIOUS I AM!
Bask and be still.
14:34 / 27.08.04
Sorry, LM. PM contact with Modzero/the cat's iao is contraindicated. This dates back to events before you joined the board - we can give you a quick catch-up if you want, but in general I'd advise that you just avoid getting involved.

Incidentally, abuse based on my being all gay? Not smart. There is, again, a whole Internet that is pretty much pitched at precisely that level of homophobic jeering, any part of which would no doubt receive you with laurels. With a bit of luck, Barbelith still won't.

Now, hopefully this is an end to it, Modzy will take K-C C's sage advice, and we can go back to using this thread to torture a single joke until it dies.
Lord Morgue
14:50 / 27.08.04
Well, I didn't know you were all gay, I meant rub your cock in his face purely in the platonic sense of the term.
14:56 / 27.08.04
I wish I'd had your philosophy tutorials... I just hasd to discuss the Republic.

It's not about whether or not I am gay, it's about denigrating peple by describing them in terms of their *being* gay...
Lord Morgue
16:57 / 27.08.04
Well, you could be rubbing your cock in his face in a completely non-sexual, non-gender-or-gender-preferential, completely egalitarian, pro-active, positive discrimination way, with a profound respect for people of all races, creeds and colours, everyone around the world joining hands and singing "We Are the World", while rubbing their gendernonspecific sexual organs in iao's face. And Sting and Richard Gere are here too!
Oh, this calls for a teabagging.
the cat's iao
23:38 / 27.08.04
Disgraced, *dude*, you gotta' relax a little. It's merely banter. I think you need to take a step back from this obsession of yours--it severly impares your judgment and appears to give you very selective attention.

KCC, please, Huas posts in many threads, and I really don't believe I have made snide comments about him in most of those places. Of course, if you have examples to back up what you say, it would be easier to take your advice more seriously.
Lord Morgue
04:32 / 28.08.04
Alright, this thread is for talking about how glorious I am, and maybe about Haus' cock.
10:10 / 28.08.04
The issue here is a practical one, Modzero. Last time you lost your shit, you spammed with the fixity of purpose and spare time of the true student, you harrassed, insulted and threatened people, you filled Barbelith with multiple threads from your absurd sock puppets, and you got kicked off, banned, kicked off and banned until you ran out of suits. It appears your tenuous grasp on what constitutes acceptable behaviour is slipping again.

This conversation, I fear, is unproductive. I'll seek some third party advice on whether or not my mental facultes are being impaired, and go from there.

So anyway, my cock...
the cat's iao
18:17 / 28.08.04
"Premature ejaculation" seems to fit, and in more ways than one!

Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
00:04 / 29.08.04
Excuse me? Sumi Masen? Is this some sort of silly talk thread? Because I thought it was about !Hard Core Battle Royale Action! in (mostly) manga form. Starring Lord Morgue and some other...people, I guess...whose names escape me presently.

Less silly talk! More battle royale action!
Lord Morgue
04:37 / 29.08.04
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