it was a reasonably entertaining show, but more than that it was a right load of old bollocks. why can be shown best i think with the huge confusion over the wolves in the first segment. so basically they find lots of wolfy iconography in pagan tombs, there's a connection between wolves and death which found its way into many contexts, death rites, warrior conventions, all that. so he goes to a wolf sanctuary and gets to know a few wolves upclose and personal for a weekend. so, are we meant to think that pagans actually liked wolves? knew them? hung out with them cos basically they're just big dogs with bad press? what a twat. not once did he stray near the possibility that, despite no record of a wolf ever attacking a human in europe exists, a wolf was about as scary a thing as a village could deal with. if a wolf killed one sheep, an entire family could die. five sheep, a whole community could be wiped out. so the connection between wolves and death should be pretty obvious. no. it's just, they lived next door to wolves and knew how groovy they were and wanted to be like them and hung out and everything. fool. |