You're probably right - I just find it very difficult to believe that anyone could be *so* naive as to believe that the BNP is not a racist party. Then again, my understanding of what constitutes racism is not apparently general...
One thing that I found again not surprising but worthy of remark was just how stupid the BNP are. First up, by allowing "Jason" that much access without even attempting a security check, and also by believing his woefully unconvincing football hooligan schtick. Also, the scenes where they are shown discussing the campaign for local office, and cannot get the guy to focus on any of the issues rather than his warpo fantasies. Hopefully this, along with the fact that, when elected, BNP councillors are utterly useless and as such are a wasted vote, will deflate their momentum. I don't know, though - should the mainstream media and parties be confronting them or ignoring them? Or, you know, baton-charging the fuckers. |