Thanks for all the replies guys. This seems to have turned into something of a "How do I cure my gambling addiction?" thread, I'm now going to try to turn it into a "How the hell do I get my life sorted out?" thread.
I should have been a bit clearer about the whole gambling thing, Joetheneophyte certainly has my sympathies, but addiction to gambling is not my problem (I know I'm going to sound like I'm in denial, but bare with me). Until a couple of weeks ago, I had only ever bought a couple of lottery tickets, I've never even played on a fruit machine. The whole betting thing is a simpler way of 'trading' on the foreign currency markets, withought actually setting up a brokerage account, and paying taxes, and all that nasty stuff.
You see, there is a company that publishes predictions about which way the price of the Dollar against the Yen is going to go in the next 30 mins, and it tends to be right more times than it's wrong. I examined the data from the last 3 months, and ran it through a spreadsheet, and figured out I could make at least £200 a day, 4 days a week. Seeing as regular 9 to 5 jobs are not really my thing, this was an ideal prospect, and it gave me the only real alternative to bankruptcy. I tested this out with a 'pretend money' account, and all went very well. Now, if the predictions are wrong 6 times in a row, I lose some serious cash, but historically this only happens once every 7-8 weeks, so profits should far outweigh losses.
As soon as I start playing with real money, there are FOUR 6 loss losing streaks in TWO weeks! I'm told this may have something to do with it being the end of the quarter, and all the forex brokers are trying to meet targets, messing up the markets. Whetever it is, I'm £3,500 down. 
Last night I read what Wolfangel wrote about concentrating on my own well being, and I realised that I've been clearly suffering from depression this last couple of days. (For example, I stayed in bed until 4.30pm the other day). At first I thought this was due to losing lots of money, but it's now clear that my life generally sucks, and has sucked for quite some time.
Let's see: I am massively in debt. I have only a few friends, none of which live in the same city as me, and the few I have are mostly pretty crap friends. I have appallingly bad luck with women, I mean really really bad, I don't think I'm that minging, and I'm a really nice guy, but I've always joked that there's a Gypsy curse about me and the opposite sex. I'm living in a house with people I never speak to, I mean, if you came to visit, you'd think you were on some hidden camera show or something, we sometimes sit in the lounge for hours watching TV, and NOBODY SAYS A WORD! As I don't have a job, or any friends here, and I've finished my Masters degree now (almost), I practically never go out or do anything, the highlight of my week is going to Tesco (for groceries). It's now going to take me THREE YEARS to graduate from what is supposed to be a 1 year M.Sc. course, due to an administrative error, and my procrastination. I feel (and have always felt) that I've not really started living yet, like I'm waiting to start having a proper life. I think back to my first degree at university (I started that in 1995), and my time there was pretty crap compared to how it should have been, I had few friends, and didn't go out as much as students should do, and there was the very limited success with girls. I think the main reason I decided to do a M.Sc. was to try to live that part of my life over again, bur that hasn't panned out, I sometimes feel as though I've been robbed of that whole thing. Back to the procrastination, that's possibly the worst problem I have, it's the reason I did so badly in college, it's the reason I'm still here. I just keep putting everything off till later, and I hate doing it, but I can't help myself.
So, you see guys, it sucks to be me. Sorry about the self-indulgent whining there, but once I'd opened the floodgates, I couldn't stop. 
Part of why I'm so in debt is the hours I've spend in hypnotherapy (two different kinds), and all the self-help books I buy, but never read.
This is all probably why I've started visiting Barbelith, to try magick as a last resort. I've created lots of sigils to try to sort my life out, but due to the procrastination, I still have a big stack of 'witchy looking glyphs' in front of me waiting for 'charging' after more than a month.
Anyway if anybody's still reading this, thanks for listening. Any comments, suggestions, advice? If anybody is magickally skilled and has some spare time/energy, and chance you could send some help my way?
Thanks guys,
Mike. |