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Barbelith East Coast : Assemble!

Jack Denfeld
21:48 / 10.07.04
Is anyone here from the east coast of the United States? If so, we should be in a gang. I'm from Virginia Beach, Va. I think Bitchiekittie and one of the Barbelith hipsters (Jack Fear? Flyboy?) is NYC. Also that lovable Qalyn guy. So are you east coast?
Jack Denfeld
21:50 / 10.07.04
I'm sorry. Bitchkittie is Baltimore. But that still counts! East coast!
Spatula Clarke
21:51 / 10.07.04

No, wait. No. Sorry.
22:01 / 10.07.04
Fridge, Gridley and I are in Philly and this town ain't big enough already. G and I take care of the core and Fridge has got the periphery locked down. Step lightly if you swing through this way. This goes way beyond foil hats and fists don't scare us.
flufeemunk effluvia
23:42 / 10.07.04
Jack Denfeld
23:44 / 10.07.04
Hell yeah! Your city rocked in the early 80's! Add another one to the gang.
Jack Denfeld
23:47 / 10.07.04
Fridge, Gridley and I are in Philly
Yes! Now I have my gang enforcers to rough people up. And being from Va Beach (we have no major league sports teams despite being roughly the same size as Seattle, so everyone just kinda picks a team when they're little) I'm a Philadelphia Eagles fan! Instant bonding with the new members of my gang.
01:23 / 11.07.04
I'm still upstate. So I'll be sticking with the Canadians. But when I move to North Carolina, I'm a free agent. What advantages come from being in the east coast gang, Robot?
the cat's iao
03:01 / 11.07.04
The East coast Liths r hip I really dig those styles they wear
Jack Denfeld
03:16 / 11.07.04
What advantages come from being in the east coast gang, Robot?
We get to BMX bike with Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart! (even though Grant's only east coast Scotland, we let him slide)
Char Aina
03:27 / 11.07.04
west coast, mate.

Bed Head
08:26 / 11.07.04
I thought you’re from the ‘gallant south’, Robot. That’s a different place to the east coast, right? I’ve always imagined you as having a sexy drawl, like you’re conserving battery power, or something. And with molasses for blood.
Jack Denfeld
17:47 / 11.07.04
Let's not get technical. SOuth east. Dirty east? Shit.
00:27 / 12.07.04
South side, representing.

I think I might be as east as you can get in the US, excepting Maine. Not sure. I know I'm as far into the Gulf Stream as we go.

South Side Sea Lice.
Jack Denfeld
06:24 / 12.07.04
Ah ha! Now we have two Grants in the gang!
10:06 / 12.07.04
Not only am I of tha NYC, generation 3, but I ALSO lived for a number of years in the DC burbs, and was a memorable presence on a good many of the pre-net boom BBSes (under a different nom du guerre, natch). I'm so East Coast nerdcore geep ("geek peep", know it, spread it, love it) that I oughta be at Carnegie Mellon. Yeah, what? WHAT? Tha's right! REPRAZENT!

Yes, I feel foolish, but I'm too tired to give a shit.

Sir Real
11:34 / 12.07.04
Lemme give the pre-welcome to North Carolina, Sally. Might want to wait until after August to get here unless you have gills, as the humidity is about 257%. The rest of the year is lovely. Most importantly, though, don't believe what you're goiing to hear, Durham is tthe best place to live that's not in the mountains.
Jack Denfeld
12:30 / 12.07.04
I don't know what you said Vlad, but you're in! Yeah! Barbelith East Coast, cut off one limb and we're an amputee!
17:21 / 12.07.04

I'm east coast too!!!

(of England. )
Char Aina
18:25 / 12.07.04
dont worry about it, man.
goerge morrison isnt even east coast scotch, and they let him in.

it seems all you have to do is be a personal hero to the founder of the BarbelithEastCoast team.

maybe try writing a comic?
Jack Denfeld
00:37 / 13.07.04
Uhm. You guys can be honorary East Coast Barbelonians! Like when Hitler gave the Japanese honorary aryan status! You could be our SCottish and English ambassadors!
I, Libertine
11:58 / 14.07.04
Another shout out from the DC Suburbs

...late of Plattsburgh NY, late of Binghamton NY, with a five-year East-coast hiatus in Colorado (but don't doubt my allegiance--I spent that time cappin pimps and slappin ho's), and born in the C-O-N-N-ecticut.

I got so much East Coast soul it's coming out my asshole.
Jack Denfeld
20:41 / 14.07.04
We got DC on lock. Welcome to the crew!
02:52 / 15.07.04
Boston/Cambridge Mass. in the house boyeeeeeeee!
03:33 / 15.07.04
I'm covering my territory tonight for the 'lith right coasters. The men in blue involved since some asshole tow-truck driver tried to boost my girl's car in the parking lot across from my pad. He tried to grab the car when I was bringing some things into the house and I'm a resident. Got touchy and was hustling me for money. Told 'em to fuck off and pedal some other corner. Cops showed up with hands on holsters and I waved to the tow guy as he left a flustered.

Moral... don't con a con. Intimidation doesn't work on the streets to those who inhabit them.

And you D.C. boys. You're a tough crowd. First one I met, was a cousin of a good friend when I was 13. He survived a shotgun to the chest. Tough, I tell ya.
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