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Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
02:31 / 10.07.04
Ok, as a huge Farscape fan I don't understand how tonight during the season opener of Stargate is the first I have heard of the shows return. Did I miss a mailing list post or some such, or was this a suprise all around?


ok, obviously I have been in the dark and the geeky forums i regular were for some reason not all a flutter with news, since its been around for at least a couple of months now, damn my behind the times-ness!
10:43 / 10.07.04
I knew they were making a four part mini-series but I didn't know it was called "The Peacekeeper war".

I'm torn between "I can't wait!" and "They should have just left it alone."
The current ending is really great...
13:40 / 10.07.04

Disintegrating the two main characters is a great ending? There was a whole 'nother series planned. They couldn't leave us dangling like that..
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:54 / 10.07.04
Well, it's a great ending in the sense that it alludes to the fact that this kind of story doesn't have a nice neat ending. After the number of times main characters have 'died' on the show, being disintegrated isn't necessarily fatal. It's just one more cliffhanger, and it works whether there's a follow-up or not (and now there will be).

You can find promo pics and other information on the new series at sites like this one - scroll down here for the long-awaited return of Harvey.
16:33 / 10.07.04
Exactly. It creates a wonderful aura around the show. Having the two main characters "die" at the end not only reinforces the "Never a happy ending" feel the entire show had to but gives it a mystique like, say, the end of "Blake's 7."

Plus, if they never resolve all the storylines, you can't be disappointed at how the storylines are resolved, if ya know what I mean...
09:44 / 14.07.04
Well I'm thrilled it's coming back. Suitable ending or not to the last series the fan boy in me can't wait to see that one (and other plot threads) tied up.
Roll on October 17...
09:58 / 14.07.04
I was oblivious to the fact it was cancelled until I saw the last episode and it was announced afterwards.
Not a happy bunny.

Now there's the four telemovies scheduled I'm back being happy again. It's like Angel mkII.

It took me a long time to get into Farscape but once I did I was hooked. No-one does "slightly insane" like Ben.
14:48 / 14.07.04
Can't wait. I may be the only person I know who is proud to buy Farscape calendars. We need more Claudia Black on TV anyway.
19:17 / 06.08.04
Newest SFX has 3 pages of foties..

... Starks back...
05:38 / 08.08.04
Well, this was news to me, too! Good news, though... More Claudia Black is a very good thing.

Now I have to poke around, find out when and all that good stuff. Thanks for the heads-up!
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:39 / 08.08.04
... Starks back...

As he was at the end of season 4.
09:28 / 26.08.04
Trailers up -

Benny the Ball
22:26 / 28.08.04
Anyone know if this'll be on BBC2. I really got into Farscape during the last few seasons, it's great stuff, and it really grows on you, and I felt that it got stronger and stronger towards the end.

I'm a bit torn, I liked the way it ended as it was, but kind of miss it.
Tryphena Absent
23:26 / 28.08.04
John's indestructible, you'd have to be pretty naive to believe he couldn't return from disintegration.

There was a part of me worried that they'd screw it up but that trailer gives me faith... it's the line 'a big blue wormhole gobbled him up and spat him out at the far end of the universe' that tells me it's all fine.

What's up with Chiana's eyes!? Don't answer that.
17:45 / 30.08.04
And sikozu looks more like she did in neighbours, which is nice.
22:59 / 02.09.04
They were not disintegrated. Merely neutralised. Which means those freaky opening-face people will become yet another of the many races who now have to contend with the Skarran/Peacekeeper faceoff. I CAN'T WAIT! (and that "you will never see your child..."? Just horribly chilling...)
Why aren't Aussies given more SF to do, they do it so well...
13:03 / 03.09.04
What other decent Sci Fi has been made down under then? Not challenging you, just can't think of any off hand and will check any recommendations out.

The trailer's great! It's got me all excited without telling me anything I couldn't have guessed anyway. There's gonna be war! There's gonna be shooting and running and explosions! There's gonna be good guys and bad guys! John and Aeryn are still in love! Scorpy! Scarrans! Peacekeepers! Face-splitty-openy aliens! Yeaaah!

I'm so (too) excited by this, it can only be a let down...
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