It is one of my more favorite Ellis works, though admittedly I've not read TRANSMET all the way through, and I've avoided like the literary plague they are pretty much anything new he's done since the original STRANGE KISSES save for PLANETARY, which I will see through to the end. There are more than a couple witticisms and the like he uses here which he quite shamelessly has recycled over and again throughout his career, including the whole cigarette in the eye gag Spider employs in the first TRANSMET trade. I'm also partial to the Enochian secrets from the transmission from Hell at the end; Ellis' talent seems to shine brightest in short bursts like those.
Unfortunately for him the redundancy factor set in and his plots on their own merits were scarcely anything special. Pretty much everyone whose opinion I value on comics is unanimous in their utter apathy to Ellis these days. He shot his load three years ago and seems unlikely to get it up again. I was once as big a fan of his as anyone, and I'm usually loathe to abandon my idols even in the face of massive discrediting, but he doesn't WANT to be liked, so he doesn't want to be successful.
"This is how he wants it... so this is how he gits it!"
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