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16:36 / 09.07.04
I'm throwing this party, and it's like a tea party, only with chocolate. and no tea. and a buffet table full of potluck chocolatey goodies.

and it's called, surprisingly enough, a DEATH BY CHOCOLATE party (must be all caps, see? fearsome!).

so say you all lived in the baltimore area (SCARY, I KNOW!) and actually liked me. more likely, you love chocolate. if you don't you are a freak and I insist you vacate my thread immediately. ok, so what would you bring to my delicious party?
Jack Denfeld
16:45 / 09.07.04
White Chocolate Mocha is the yummiest!! It's fantastic! More calories than a Big Mac(eep!), but tasty.
Ethan Hawke
17:01 / 09.07.04
People like almondy things with chocolate, so I'll go with chocolate-covered cynanide capsules.
Jack Denfeld
17:15 / 09.07.04
No one's going to want to eat cyanide capsules. It would kill them. It would also turn Bitchiekittie into number one party-pooper of the year.
17:23 / 09.07.04
yeah, todd, you great big asstastic buzzkill. take your cue from the robot and get back in line!

since I have an unexplainable emotional aversion to baking, I think I'll make a candy no-bake casserole. like, bags of candy poured into a casserole dish. VIOLA! hahaha.
18:54 / 09.07.04
i like flourless chocolate cake, chocolate mousse torte, and ben & jerry's chocolate brownie ice cream. and the cheesecake factory's chocolate blackout cake. and, if any vanilla is allowed, i really recommend this new ice cream by dove. it's vanilla, with chunks of brownie and dove chocolate pieces, and when you open the little pint of it, there is a layer of dove chocolate on the top that you have to break open, creme brulee style! how great is that?
Grey Area
19:05 / 09.07.04
I would bring:

Grey Area's Chocolate Torture Cake(tm)
aka: Death By Chocolate Light ('cause it doesn't lead to death!)

300g sugar
300g flour, self-raising
300g butter
3 tsp vanilla essence
3 eggs
100g dark chocolate chips
100g milk chocolate chips
100g cocoa
1 tsp salt

Blend all ingredients together and bake at 180C until done. Let cool. Cut in half lengthwise and spread mascarpone over one half, top with mixed berry compote. Place other half back on top. Melt 400g of dark chocolate and cover cake with same. Sprinkle white chocolate chips on top. Eat leftover dark chocolate while waiting for the whole mess to cool down. Serve with cut strawberries and sugarless lemonade (to cut the mouth-full-'o-sweetness feel that can get annoying after a while).

Differs from Grey Area's Death By Chocolate Cake(tm) in that it only contains one layer. The real Death By Chocolate Cake also has a layer of home-made chocolate mousse and melted then hardened chocolate, and requires the baking of two sponges so you have enough room to fit everything in.
Mourne Kransky
19:48 / 09.07.04
Chocolate is full of nasty carbs and will shorten your lifespan, people. That's why I eat only Green and Black's organic dark chocolate. I will die, prematurely, for the cause, with a satisfied smile on my face. Particularly good in chili. btw.
22:10 / 09.07.04
I have always wanted to experiment with a dessert pizza, and you lot seem like ideal guinea pigs. Imagine, if you will:
  • crust of cookie dough, graham crackers, or more appropriately brownies.

  • Sauce of either peanut butter or chocolate

  • A delicate sprinkling of choice toppings such as dark chocolate infused with the essence of lemon, orange, or hazelnut.

I like the suggestion of mascarpone, that may have to go into future incarnations...
23:17 / 09.07.04
Chocolate Hazelnut Torte by Fred

Toast a cup of skinless hazelnuts in a 400F oven for 5 minutes. They go from toasted to burnt very quickly, so watch it, and the skins are a pain to get off, so spring for the extra $$ to get them pre-de-skinned. Then zap them in a food processor until they're in tiny bits, mostly almost powder.

Melt 9 ounces by weight of Valrhona dark chocolate, like Equitoriale. Don't let even a single drop of water get in there or you're fucked. Seriously. I don't have a double boiler so I set a pyrex bowl over about two inches of simmering, not boiling water in a big pot, and put a metal hook over the edge to create a little space for steam to get out.

Beat 3/4 cup sugar and a stick of room-temperature sweet butter until it starts to get fluffy, then throw in 2 or 3 egg yolks and beat those in too. When it's all nice fluffyish, pour in the melted chocolate, and when that's all worked in throw in the hazelnut powder.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites (you really kind of need 3, so I guess in the last step use all 3 yolks so don't waste any) until they're very fluffy (stiff peaks) but not all 'dried out' -- you can kind of tell when that's starting to happen.

Fold in the whipped whites into the chocolate in 3 additions. The idea is to deflate the whties as little as possible while still incorporating them, so instead of mashing them against the side of the bowl, scoop up the chocolate from the bottom and gently push down the whites.

At this point you can add 1/4 flour if you want, or not. It doesn't make a huge difference. You get a texture that's more like a brownie if you leave it out, more like a cake if you add it.

Bake it at 350 or 375 for 30-40 minutes. The old toothpick test works fine.

If you want to make it pretty, you can do a chocolate glaze, which is just chocolate with a few spoonfuls of honey & butter melted in. I always do it by taste though if you want exact measurements I ahve them at home.

This is just off the top of my head so I'll post corrections later, after I check against my files.
23:19 / 09.07.04
After all that, I noticed you don't want to bake. How about just melting chocolate and dipping toasted nuts in it.

No testicle jokes, please.
jblank: the fucking slidechamp
06:16 / 10.07.04
i don't live near baltimore, but i like you bitchiekittie...

anyway, i'd bring Hershey bars. a big-ass cooler full of Hershey bars. mostly Special Dark, and Crunch type. no fucking almonds. i hate almonds.
Saint Keggers
14:56 / 10.07.04
In college my favorite snack food was chocolate covered coffee beans. A bag of those and I was awake for a week and loving it!
15:10 / 10.07.04
Tim Tams. The double choc ones. You need nothing else. Except perhaps some Green and Blacks cocoa made into hot chocolate sweetened with maple syrup.
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