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SO... is there going to be a prize for the 5000th member?


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10:12 / 05.07.04
What should it be?
10:24 / 05.07.04
A good old fashioned ass-candling.

They'd enjoy that I reckon.
pointless and uncalled for
10:49 / 05.07.04
Please file me "Dammit, I knew I got here too soon."
8===>Q: alyn
11:37 / 05.07.04
A cool wind from the fifth dimension. I will be happy to blow it.
Grey Area
11:52 / 05.07.04
5000 pinches. Or was that 5000 finches? I can never be certain. Better get my nets out in any case.
Spatula Clarke
12:52 / 05.07.04
12:59 / 05.07.04
A long walk off a short pier. A quick dance on a strong rope. A poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Char Aina
16:58 / 05.07.04
if this was a paysite with a compulsory joioning fee, i could see it.
but an ipod?
for making tom's life more complicated?

get to the back of the dole queue, freebie-hunter!

any further queries should be directed to barbelith's customer servive officer and one time king, mike robot.

his office is over here, and surgery is ALWAYS open.
23:05 / 05.07.04
I've been watching. I meant to bring it up earlier. As far as I could tell, we had an average of 0.7 joiners in June, so I don't think we have to worry too much about banging our heads on that ceiling any time soon. Now, if we did a Google bomb like FARK on "islamist website video" I'm sure it would zoom right up. Besides, Tom is very busy man. He has lots of Radio 3 fun to give us all. Give the man some peace and he will help us fill a million iPods with sexy tuns.
23:11 / 05.07.04
Mmmmm... sexy tuns...

08:26 / 06.07.04
I just knew as soon as I hit send someone would do that. Why I oughtta...
Lord Morgue
11:26 / 06.07.04
Well, at the very exclusive Crazy Kimchi comment box #0089 club, we had a similar conundrum as to what to do to celebrate the #500th poster. So we decided to dress one of our (male, arguably) regulars up as a kawaii animé catgirl and anally violate him. That didn't work out, so for the #1000th post we decided Tabby (our cat-girl-boy) would violate the lucky poster. Unfortunately, Tabby posted #1000, and even after several recounts, refused to perform his civic duty and rape himself in the ass, despite much cajoling and offers of assistance, video faculties, international distribution rights, catering, etc....
Um, well, anyway, that's what we did. You may want to try something else.
16:45 / 06.07.04
A stern talking to about responsibility and whatever the HTML equivelent of a prophylactic is these days, and an earnest request that they fill up the car with gas before returning it.
23:11 / 06.07.04
only 88 to go. c'mon people...think
23:47 / 06.07.04
Huh huh. "Member". Huh huh huh.
pointless and uncalled for
06:41 / 07.07.04
and an earnest request that they fill up the car with gas before returning it.

Surely you mean fill up their ear with cock.
07:18 / 07.07.04
That sentence brings a whole new meaning to the word 'cochlear'.
23:14 / 09.07.04
.....hmmm still 88 to go. I'm guessing this may take more time than I'd assumed. TRUST ME you don't want any of my internet buddies signing up (for anyone who this means anythingg to, I'm taking about the Liphook gang)
15:38 / 10.07.04
Rufus, you might be in for a bit of a wait, since regardless of how Seldom Killer would have them greeted, there's currently no coming in 'ere for new members.
16:03 / 10.07.04
Lipbrook near Tunbridge Wells? Wow. That's a rough crowd you're a-runnin' with, Rufus.
07:30 / 12.07.04
oh... hahaha I hope new membership wasn't suspended because Tom thought he had to buy a load of iPods!
flufeemunk effluvia
13:02 / 12.07.04
I think they get an official Barbelith ninja mask. Be original and dont steal Apple's thang.
07:17 / 13.07.04
how about a limited edition Print of that little Belgian Elephant who wears a Crown? That way they can have their own personal 'Babar - Lith'? *shoots self dead*
pointless and uncalled for
07:25 / 13.07.04
If you used a reanimated Belgian elephant then you could have a Babar-lich.
Lord Morgue
08:55 / 13.07.04
AUGH! I think those last two jokes should be moved to the thread on EVIL.
11:06 / 15.07.04
11:08 / 15.07.04
or a set of weightlifting equipment so they can do some 'barbell-lifts'
Lord Morgue
09:41 / 16.07.04
09:44 / 16.07.04
Or how's about a large standing stone that also cuts hair?
10:04 / 16.07.04

Or thith. For hir thecret beard.
10:53 / 16.07.04
...and if he had a speech impediment it would be a barber-lisp or as he would pronounce it a "barbe-lithp".

Sorry I've been gripped by the punning bug.
Lord Morgue
10:54 / 16.07.04
Barbelith is the Lament Configuration Box, and you are the Cenobites of Bad Puns.

Grey Area
11:08 / 16.07.04
Yeah people. Those are so bad, bar belief I'd be crying now.
Lord Morgue
02:49 / 17.07.04
Et tu, Grey Area? Then fall, Morgue.
19:10 / 19.07.04
haha I've reduced barbelith to my puny punning level. Fantastic. I am the high priest and you are all sheep. (I hope you adhere to my baa-belief)

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