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Help me turn cheap Barbie knockoffs into creepy little masterworks. Or else.

Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:42 / 03.07.04
Last year I started buying and mutilating cheap plasticky fasion dolls, with a view to selling them. It was a lot of fun and I had some great ideas ("Ms. Psycho Beauty Queen," so keen to win the pageant that she's amputated a competitor's arm and is carrying it in her handbag... "HERE'S your damn dinner!" with her frilly little apron, carving knife and packet of Rat-B-Ded... you get the picture). However, none of the dolls turned out as good as in my imagination.

I need to know the following:

What modelling substance can I use on horrible cheap dolly plastic (hereafter known as HCDP) to create scars, horns, warts, ect? Modelling HCDP itself is a non-starter; man, that stuff is impossible. Melting it doesn't work, it just shrinks, and it's too thin to carve. I've been using Milliput, which gives good adhesion but only looks right under a thick coat of opaque paint. I want something closer to HCDP in look and feel, but malleable.

What paints, pigments or dyestuffs work on HCDP? I've tried a variety. Magic Marker smudgeth, ink beadeth up, acrylics peeleth, nail varnish cracks, oil-based paints won't dry, and so on. I understand there's some kind of powdered pigment that can be dissolved in acetone and used as a dye, but I don't know where I can come by it. I mean, how can I make Zombie Hooker Fake Barbie if I can't make her be green?

Help, ect.
Saint Keggers
00:20 / 04.07.04
I love this idea. You need modeling (by Citadel figurine paints) Use light coatings (heavy coatings will peel) (works good if you have access to an airbrsh) and then cover with a sealant. I used to mutilate Warhammer 40K figurines when I was but a wee lad. For scars I used to use acrylic figurine paints and mix them with flour till it had the desired consistancy. Then I'd make the scars (and bullet wounds and internal organs (although paint and rubber cement made great intestines, especially if you want them dangling.)

Damn you! Now I want to go raid my nieces barbie collection and turn her Pink Corvette into the mother of all M.A.D.D. adverts.

Good luck and let me know how things turn out. Espcially with PICS!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:14 / 04.07.04
Ah, well done that man. Citadel modelling it is. I recently uncovered the main Barcelona geek nest, so I can pop down there and load up on supplies. Thanks!
10:19 / 05.07.04
I used to be really keen on the idea of customizing action figures and the like, though to tell the truth I only ever really did one custom, which I gave away as a gift and of which don't have any pictures (dammit). Still, it's something I'd like to get back into when the time is right; I have all these stockpiled "raw" figures that at some point I'll mutilate into what I want.

As an art project custom Barbies aren't exactly new, and many of the more subversive things you'd think to do with them have been tried. I think there's even a store in San Francisco that specializes in custom Barbies. This is not to say that you couldn't put your own idiosynchratic spin on the concept, just so long as you don't go under the belief that you're treading in virgin territory. ("But she's Barbie! She's like Britney: the eternal virgin whore!")

I would recommend this site as an excellent starting point for anyone trying to get into the craft as a hobby; you'll get a great sampling of what other people do with it and the techniques they use. However, it doesn't look like it's been updated since the beginning of the year. Also, Raving Toy Maniac's customs pages were a thorough resource I went to all the time when I was first getting into the idea.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress, Pilgrim!

Tryphena Absent
01:45 / 06.07.04
I think this is morally abhorrent. Save Barbie from mutilation! They're torturing and maiming innocent dolls, she can't help her cultural parentage! I still love her!

Look at this, you haterz are killing my childhood passion-

Barbie Intolerance Collection
Barbie Liberation
Barbies for the New Millenium
The Distorted Barbie
Barbie art

I think your idea is nice and classic, certainly better than some of these and in a way I like to think you have a respect for Barbie that the last site in the list just fails to see.

And images-
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:30 / 08.07.04
Oh, I know this is nothing new--messed up Barbies have been with us for years. I just want to join in the fun. There's a certain keen satisfaction in obliterating that bland smirk; it's something you never get tired of.
06:19 / 09.07.04
I'd buy an Exorcist barbie, if you did one. Probably.
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