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The Carol Coleman Inteview

12:55 / 01.07.04
For those of you who missed it, might I draw your attention to the recent interview by Carol Coleman on behalf of Ireland's RTE with Bush. This interview has caused quite the mini-controversy since it was conducted a few days ago.

The ten minute interview consists of Coleman posing some fairly important questions to the witless wonder, who produces standard answers out of a hat in the blink of an eye. Any question which Bush dislikes however, or a question which is an attempt to further clarify his position on a subject, is met with a confused mumbling of "Let me finish, let me finish." Indeed, this phrase becomes almost cliche by the end of the interview.

For media junkies, the entire interview is available in streaming format from:

For those who don't want to link direct, a full transcript can be found at:

When either watching or reading this interview also bear in mind that standard White House policy is to receive questions three days beforehand. This interview features a prepared Bush, who knows the nature of the questions to be directed at him.

Particular sections of note are:

BUSH And we are working on the road map with the Quartet, to advance the process down the road. Like Iraq, the Palestinian and the Israeli issue is going to require good security measures. And --
CC And a bit more even handedness from America?
BUSH --and we're working on security measures. And America -- I'm the first President to ever have called for a Palestinian state. That's, to me, sounds like a reasonable, balanced approach. But I will not allow terrorists to determine the fate -- as best I can, determine the fate of people who want to be free.


CC But, Mr. President, the world is a more dangerous place today. I don't know whether you can see that or not.
BUSH Why do you say that?
CC There are terrorist bombings every single day. It's now a daily event. It wasn't like that two years ago.
BUSH What was it like September the 11th, 2001? It was a -- there was a relative calm, we --
CC But it's your response to Iraq that's considered --
BUSH Let me finish. Let me finish, please. Please. You ask the questions and I'll answer them, if you don't mind.

Finally, and with respect to the after effects, the following article - by Miriam Lloyd - appeared in the Irish Independant on the 26th June:

Angry White House pulls RTE interview

"Irish Independent" THE White House has lodged a complaint with the Irish Embassy in Washington over RTE journalist Carole Coleman's interview with US President George Bush.

And it is believed the President's staff have now withdrawn from an
exclusive interview which was to have been given to RTE this morning by First Lady Laura Bush.

It is understood that both RTE and the Department of Foreign Affairs were aware of the exclusive arrangement, scheduled for 11am today.
However, when RTE put Ms Coleman's name forward as interviewer, they were told Mrs Bush would no longer be available.

The Irish Independent learned last night that the White House told Ms Coleman that she interrupted the president unnecessarily and was disrespectful.

She also received a call from the White House in which she was admonished for her tone.

And it emerged last night that presidential staff suggested to Ms Coleman as she went into the interview that she ask him a question on the outfit that Taoiseach Bertie Ahern wore to the G8 summit.
13:34 / 01.07.04
I haven't checked this yet, but you should probably be aware that transcripts on the site are regularly redacted and edited for content as well as the removal of stutters and ummms. It's done quietly, and generally over a day or so's time.
14:07 / 01.07.04
What a fatuous, patronizing ass.
14:20 / 01.07.04
why can't I listen to it - why will the link not work for me?
17:21 / 01.07.04
Here's an MP3 version: From
02:55 / 02.07.04
It's pretty obvious that the questions were known ahead of time and that Bush had canned answers drafted... He was so annoyed because she wasn't letting him get through the set pieces he'd memorized so carefully.
07:01 / 02.07.04
From the transcript:

Q And they're angry over Iraq, as well, and particularly the continuing death toll there.

THE PRESIDENT: Empty platitude. Idle boast. pre-scripted soliloquy. Questionable moralizing. Vacuous --

Q Indeed, Mr. President, but you didn't find the weapons of mass destruction.

THE PRESIDENT: Let me finish. Let me finish. May I finish? Vacuous sophism. Half-truth and dodging the issue.
Ray Fawkes
11:31 / 02.07.04
It strikes me as bad (i.e. biased) journalism for Ms. Coleman to interrupt the president every time she doesn't like his answers. Isn't it her job to hear him out and then follow up with questions?

Her initial questions are very interesting ones, and they mark salient points of concern - but her apparent unwillingness to take his responses seriously undermines her intent, I think. It almost comes off as if she's more interested in airing her questions than hearing his responses.

With regards to Bush's responses - they're nothing really different than we've already heard from his speeches, etc. To tell the truth, they don't sound all that ludicrous to me - but they do sound (as they always have) fairly condescending.
11:40 / 02.07.04
I think you a bang wrong in your analysis there OG - What Ms Coleman was repeatedly doing throughout the interview was attempting to get President Bush to Answer HER questions rather than trot out pre-prepared answers that failed to engage with queries.
12:01 / 02.07.04
I think I noticed a few times that Bush would finish (or sound like he had finished) answering a question, and then when Coleman started to ask another, he would talk over her while telling her not to talk over him. Is that just me projecting because I expect him to be an evil bastard?
Ray Fawkes
13:16 / 02.07.04
Sure, sleaze, but the professional way to do that is to let him finish his pre-packaged answers and then ask him to clarify, or call him on vague details. Interrupting his answers because she feels that they're not worthwhile is bad journalism.
13:40 / 02.07.04
OG - I don't think i agree - If Bush (or indeed any interviewee) isn't answering the question then surely it is the job of any decent journalist to break in and point it out to their interviewee, pushing them away from the pre-prepared spiel and back on to answering the question that has been asked.

This might be a cultural thing - the above technique seems more prominent in UK and perhaps European-based journalists than it is in the US.
14:32 / 02.07.04
I also suspect that as a recorded media journalist (as opposed to the words-on-paper kind), that time was an issue.

Also, if you ever read transcripts of White House press room gaggles, they're always interrupting McClellan. Not quite the same thing as butting in on the President, but still....
Ray Fawkes
14:45 / 02.07.04
If you say so. I just found that she did seem extraordinarily rude, in comparison with other journalists, and that she didn't sound like she was willing to hear his answers. It's operating on the assumption that the responses are useless before he makes them.
Tryphena Absent
15:19 / 02.07.04
But his answers generally are useless, she's responding to the way that Bush answers questions as she should, a good political interviewer will try and take apart the construction of the answers so that some truth emerges. If you're not getting any answers and it's obvious that someone is trying to lead the interview, what's the problem with taking it back yourself. She won a power struggle against the President of the US- he should expect this kind of tough questioning, he is a murderer after all, why not treat him like one? It's only honest.
17:13 / 02.07.04
The point is that, to get actual replies out of politicians, you *have* to be rude and interrupt them, in order to throw them off and spoil the flow of their pre-packaged responses. It's not just a time issue.

Any professional politician can repeat platitudes effectively forever, regardless of what you ask them inbetween, if you let them. If you interrupt it forces them to adapt and think on their feet, even if only slightly, and that's where you might see some actual content.

Which interviewers of the President are you thinking of in your comparison, OG?
20:59 / 02.07.04
sleazenation: This might be a cultural thing - the above technique seems more prominent in UK and perhaps European-based journalists than it is in the US.

You have got me SO fucking imagining a (pre-Hutton, obviously) Humphrys or Paxman grilling Dubya.
flufeemunk effluvia
22:04 / 02.07.04
That was the biggest hunk of repetitive fluff and drivel ive heard in my life. Blech.

His "Don't cut me off"s were cute, in that sick, uncompromising Leader of The Free World kind of way...
Ray Fawkes
03:28 / 03.07.04
Which interviewers of the President are you thinking of in your comparison, OG?

BBC Interview

Nile TV, Egypt Interview

Neither of these interviewers miss the hard questions, but they seem polite enough to let the President finish his answers.

Look, it's pretty simple - Coleman just doesn't seem interested in Bush's answers. Likely because, as has already been pointed out, they're clearly canned and prepared - but is there anyone who doesn't know that Bush is less than witty? If she was just out to throw him off track, there's no revelation: the man hesitates, stammers and repeats himself when asked to come up with statements on the spot. If she was out to get serious answers from him, she was doing her best to make sure he couldn't give them. It really appears to me as if the interview is more about showing off what a hard-hitting reporter Coleman imagines herself to be than any weaknesses in Bush's argument.

Bad journalism.

Aren't many of us just defending her because we don't like Bush? If she were to behave similarly when interviewing someone I supported, I'd be just as annoyed by her behavior. I think it undermines argument against someone when you stoop to crass tactics in an attempt to make them look bad.
05:32 / 03.07.04
"back in 1984"
07:17 / 03.07.04
They came to my office with new hands.


We're The Great Old Ones Now
12:32 / 05.07.04
Well, I suppose he might mean transplants. It is supposed to be possible (ish).

But probably, he means prosthetics. And he fastidiously avoids naming the American who sent them to the US. I don't suppose it was a religious personage? Anyone?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
16:04 / 05.07.04
I saw the interview and it was a disaster on both party's sides. She wanted to do a "grilling" and didn't go in for the kill, and he wanted to give his soundbites. They both looked bad.

But I about lost it when Bush said that people came into his office with New Hands. It made him look like a lying idiot. Then again, I would imagine there IS a story behind that, but he just isn't articulate enough to tell it.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
17:49 / 05.07.04
Here we are.

There's something almost heroic about Bush's towering lack of tact here:

"I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein with six other Iraqi citizens as well who suffered the same fate," Bush said, shaking the new hand of Qasim Ghida Kadhim at a photo opportunity at the Oval Office.
Jack The Bodiless
11:28 / 06.07.04
Gotta agree with October Ghost - that's weak journalism, really weak. Interrupting the most powerful man in the world, apparently just for the sake of having appeared to interrupt the most powerful man in the world...

The best political interviewers find cracks in their subjects answers they can exploit. She just jumped in whenever she felt he was getting boring, which was a lot, obviously. And, given that it was probably a fairly major coup to get the interview in the first place, she's wasted that opportunity for the sake of making Bush look a little slow. Which is kind of like teaching the writers of Smallville how to suck, if you ask me...
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