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Blade Trinity

00:44 / 01.07.04

Well the teaser trailer premiered with Spider-man today and the new stylin' site is as well.

Rumor has it that if this movie does well in December (seems more like a summer flick to me), Snipes will disentangle himself from the franchise and they'll start up a Nightstalkers movie with Jessica Biel and Van Wilder's characters.
17:17 / 01.07.04
I never even saw the first two BLADE movies, but I hear they're both fun, so eventually I'll get to 'em. Eventually I'll get to this, the 3rd one, too.

That Jessica Biel sure is purdy.
Benny the Ball
17:01 / 05.07.04
The Blade films are fantastic. When I was in a foul mood one morning, and thinking that all the films that had been raved about to high heaven had failed to deliver, I went to see Blade 2 at an empty cinema - it was fantastic, the most enjoyable film I have seen in a long while - the first one has a great balance of stupid, laughable comic book moments writ large on the screen (the subway train, the meeting in the daytime between Blade and Frost, and that last abstruse line from Blade about ice-skating) I can't wait for the last film.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
17:13 / 05.07.04
Huh. The Blade movies have inverted the usual coourse of events in trilogies: the first one was okay, the second one was better, and this one looks pretty gosh-darned exciting.

We'll see...
The Falcon
13:41 / 01.12.04
This is out in about a week.

It's going to be so awesssoooommme. I love the Blade films.
13:56 / 01.12.04
werd. best superhero movies ever no doubt no doubt.


'some muthafuckas always gotta ice-skate uphill'

and the bit in the second one where the nasty gets pinioned to a wall with a samurai sword, only to just climb the wall anyway, leaving his guts and crotch behind.

can think of nought better to put me in a christmas mood.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
15:52 / 01.12.04
werd. Best superhero movies ever no doubt no doubt

So good that I usually forget to classify them as "superhero" or "comicbook" movies. It's like they're almost too good for that category.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:59 / 01.12.04
Whenever I disagree with someone I like on Barbelith I have to fight the urge to post:

"Blade. I'm not your enemy. Why fight me?"

Yeah, Snowman was the coolest of the Blood Pack, even with the rate he got through scabbards. I love that bit where the Blood Pack are introduced and they all say hello in different, goofy ways - Snowman does some kind of handslang. Grebt.

Plus, the Big Chin has never been meaner.
19:02 / 02.12.04
You wouldn't think to look at Perlman onscreen that he's only about 5'8". They usually film him from a low angle to make him look huge. Thankfully for him he's got a big melon, which only gets bigger when they put prosthetics on him. He's an extraordinarily handsome monster.

I'm hearing now that Snipes is trying to distance himself from Blade Trinity. People don't seem to be able to tell whether he's genuinely a dick or if he just stays in character at all times. Makes me wonder what he was like on the set of Demolition Man.

Haus of Mystery
18:43 / 06.12.04
Yeah, the Bloodpack's introduction's pure dead brilliant. 'Lighthammer!' fer christsakes! especially since they nearly all get minced without doing very much ass-kicking.

Snipes looks like he's having the best fun in Blade 2, which makes a change from actors having no clue about the origins of the film they're in (see Daredevil. Or don't. I didn't).
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:51 / 06.12.04
The thing about Blade is: he's kinda evil. Why does he really kill vampires? Because he likes humans? Not particularly. He kills vampires a) because he has mummy and daddy issues, and b) because he can. He's the Daywalker, he's one up on the foodchain, so he has to exterminate the 'lesser' species/strain. If Blade really cared about humans, he'd get that serum of his mass-produced so that vampires who didn't like killing people all the time could live a nice domestic life. Seeing as how in Blade's world, some vampires are born as they are, this would clearly be the most moral course of action. What's really fucked up about Blade 2 is that we're explicitly shown that humans who've been turned into vampires can be turned back relatively easily* - Whistler takes less than a day!

So basically: dude just likes killing people a lot. The only 'good' character in Blade 2 is Issa (spelling?).

*Same method used in Near Dark, of course. Textbook.
08:12 / 07.12.04
not people flybs, vampires! people don't burst into flame when you hit them with silver. anything that can have an exothermic reaction to what is just, y'know, a tasty sauce-flavouring bulb-veg, deserves to burn.
Rev. Orr
08:31 / 07.12.04
Looking for consistant logic in Blade 2, Mr.Flyboy? Very best of luck to you, sir. Case in point being the Sven-alike lawyer. He swans in as the exposition fairy to hammer home the 'vampirism is a virus' theme (of the blood, kids, like, y'know, subtext) so they can have cooler vamps like reapers as a new strain or mutation (manufactured in evil GM labs, or by vampires fucking monkeys, subtext is unclear). So, we understand, human=healthy, vamp=human + virus. Except, he's standing right next to three freaking vampires who never were human, regard themselves as an entirely different species and just don't fit that concept. You think Whistler's short sharp shock cold-turkey treatment would do a damn thing for Issa? It's a pretty film and lots of things go bang in a cool way, but it's never going to win awards for conceptual purity or be mistaken for possessing coherant themes.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:30 / 07.12.04
That's not really what I'm saying: I'm saying that the Blade sequel I'd love to see would be about what happens when vampires and humans start negotiating and the guy is suddenly viewed as a serial killer by all and sundry. Hopelessly indoctrinated Watchers' Council apologists like Gambit will not be enough to save him!
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:32 / 07.12.04

12:02 / 07.12.04
football? uh?

check out this exciting cast news: (quoted from 'ain't we sharp.twat')

'fleshfucker, king of the new improved vamps will be played by none other than the lead singer of the popular nineteen-eighties beat combo brother beyond! Ggggrrr!' look at the on-set pic:

it's the henchman in the background really shits me up.

(all a bit forced really, no? sorry)
Haus of Mystery
14:00 / 07.12.04
I don't really have a problem with Blade being a bloodthirsty immoral son-of-a-beeyatch, as the humans AND the vampires in the movies are all thoroughly unlikeable swine who deserve nowt more than a Snipesboot in the jaw and some kung-fu ass splitting.

The Blade movie I would like to see is one where Wesley stands completely naked, glowering at nothing in particular for the first half-hour, after which the film descends into a barely legible sequence of kicking, slicing, gouging and leather, while an insanely sped up version of Jamie Cullum mashed up with an extremely slowed down 1812 Overture is played backwards over the top. The film climaxes with a close up of Our Wes screaming 'I LOVE IT!!!!'
20:02 / 07.12.04
I love the Blade movies. I really liked how 2 kinda felt like a comic in the writing. Every few scenes felt like a new issue, esp. the whole 'hmmm...too many characters serving the same role...uh, kill some off! Ya, that's it. Oh, and people miss that one guy, so bring him back! Too many characters again? We'll make some of 'em be traitors or something! Meanwhile, across town...' Brilliant writing, and I loved it.

Anyone happen to know the release date for the third one?
Benny the Ball
21:08 / 07.12.04
THis Friday I believe. Blade is good. Third film sounds a bit of a nightmare to work on though, with Snipes calling everyone names and sulking a lot.
16:13 / 09.12.04
Saw it last night and I'm still slightly conflicted about it.

Mind you, there's a couple of over the top lines and dialogue to almost wreck this thing entirely. Sometimes it's beyond silly in its approach. And ultimately, in the end, it's really Ryan Reynolds who saves this movie's ass by being Van Wilder yet again.

Some lacking bits for me:
  • Whoever cast Dominic Purcell as Dracula should be beaten with a Nerf bat until their ears bleed. The Vampire Overlord in Blade 2 was more of a scary bad-ass than this 'King of the Vampires'. The guy's far too short, his moustache-twisting too plentiful and to be honest, I was hoping for more Vlad Tepes than a Slavic pornstar or two-bit Russian gangster on the prowl for chicks. Not until the end does he even seem the least bit menacing. And his closing lines (and final scenes) are fucking awful.

  • Tons of techno-flavored fight scenes (what else is new) that nearly render this thing more music video than action film (yes. that many. In case you missed it, the iPod ad onslaught will remind you). And more than a few of the fight scenes start to stretch the barrier of balls-out action to the point where they begin to flirt with being comedic.

  • And I have never seen so many people thrown through a goddamn window in my life. It's EVERYWHERE in this movie and it gets pretty cheap after the first twenty or so.

  • The stuff worth seeing:
  • Parkey Posey! Parker Posey! Parker Posey! You snarky vampire bitch you.

  • A slightly worthwhile Matrix-y blood farm scene that could have been exploited to greater effect but isn't.

  • The action; more like the first movie on steroids than Blade 2 was (it was the floppy CGI wrestling bits between he and Nomak that pretty much soured me on the 2nd film). Visceral and brutal and less dazzling than a vampire suplex.

  • Snipes as the perfect straight man to the Hannibal King character, who honestly gets THE best lines and is primarily the only reason this movie is worth watching.

  • As a side note, I barely recognized Natasha Lyonne.
    eddie thirteen
    06:34 / 11.12.04
    This is pretty much crap. Goyer's scripting was by far the weakest aspect of the first two movies (which I liked), so naturally turning the director's chair over to him would yield a lame movie, which it has. The incredibly simple story still somehow manages to be chockfull of things that make absolutely no sense, like a major character killing himself apparently because it'd look cool and a blind woman reading things off a computer screen (without a text reader) and evidently studying things under a microscope, despite the fact that she -- I stress -- cannot see. To say nothing of another woman who enters combat situations wearing an iPod, presumably so that when an enemy hellbent on ending her life sneaks up on her from behind and rips out her throat, she'll be too busy rockin' out to old school Crystal Method to care, or to chastise herself for choosing to enter deadly scenarios while deafened. Hannibal King is turned from the morally-conflicted uneasy vampire of the comics to a buff version of Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a little bitch who pretty much exists to get his ass kicked. (He does have some good lines, but the guy annoyed the shit out of me.) And the Dracula of Dracula 2000 is somehow actually scarier, more convincing, and a better actor than the Dracula of this film, a thing I would never have dreamed possible. The bizarre truth is that Goyer -- in theory, a writer -- either directed or had someone else direct action sequences that are far and away the best part of the film; any scene where people have to talk for longer than sixty seconds had me scanning for the exits. I can see why Wesley Snipes was pissed off.
    Jack The Bodiless
    13:40 / 12.12.04
    What, you mean apart from the fact that the Powers That Suck deciding that he was getting too long in the tooth and turning Blade III into a casting couch for his replacements?
    15:01 / 13.12.04
    Just saw it last night. It was not nearly as good as the last two, but still decent. The villians were just boring. The dialogue was horrid (in writing and quite often acting too). And too much of the movie was just "OOOO, the Nightstalkers are cool. What a badass!" Without ever fully establishing badasshood in my opinion. Which reminds me, did King just forget he had a goddamn gun towards the end? Oh, and the directing for the big finish was kinda....well, crap.

    And yes, the iPod was dumb.

    Having said all that, the fight scenes were good and there are a few redeeming moments.
    17:05 / 13.12.04
    What a horrible movie! It was as bad as Van Hellsing without the fun camp and unintentional humor that got me through that film. I would’ve walked out of this movie if not for Van Wilder. He (and the fight scenes) made this movie for me…. but sadly it wasn’t enough. Everyone keeping going on about the ipod but I found it annoying that the chick from 7th Heaven has almost no dialogue… she was practically a prop. Maybe they should’ve cut that lame ass shower scene and given her something to say her character wouldn’t have been such a waste.

    All I kepting thinking was that Van Wilder would make a great Wally West and it’s a shame The Flash is going to be written and directed by Goyer.
    15:26 / 23.12.04
    It was as bad as Van Hellsing without the fun camp and unintentional humor that got me through that film.

    Nothing was a bad as Van Helsing.

    Blade Trinity did fail for all the reasons folks have listed above but I still walked out of the cinema last night grinning, having just thoroughly enjoyed it. It's cheesy, over the top, dumb, loud and nonsensical but it's bloody good fun.

    (Unlike Van Helsing which was just dumb.)
    06:42 / 26.12.04
    My sister and I finally got around to seeing this tonight. She'd been getting a crash course in Bladeology, having finally come around to it through her love of most things goth, which brought her to Underworld, which brought her to Blade.

    We both liked it a lot, but neither of us thought it was nearly as good as either of its predecessors. The difference, I would agree, is allowing Goyer, who to the best of my knowledge has limited if any directorial experience, and it shows. The film reeked of material left on the cutting room floor, and of course Snipes' general disillusionment is definitely a factor. I agree that Ryan Reynolds was the saving grace of this film, and an underused one at that. Two of the better bits of dialogue from the film:

    Blade: "Nightstalkers"? Sounds like rejects from a Saturday morning cartoon.
    King: We were going to go with The Care Bears but that was taken.

    Police chief: I can't tell you anything; they'll kill me!
    Blade: THEY'LL kill you? Motherfucker, I'LL kill you!


    Ah, now we are alone.

    Whistler's death was predictable and unsatisfying; shit, we already saw him die once, and this time allowed the viewer no more closure than the first time. Abigail Whistler (who, if my memory unschooled in Tomb of Dracula lore is correct, was originally Abby van Helsing, yes?) has no demonstrated connection with her father beyond a "flashback" voiceover cribbed from a monologue of his from the first film, nor, for that matter, much of a demonstrated personality. The whole iPod during a battle thing? Yeah, fucking stupid. You'd think that it might be important for her to be able to hear opponents, wouldn't you? Big contrivance to product place Apple and the soundtrack; the GMV SUV glamor shot also was jarring. And where exactly did she stash Zoe in the climactic siege on vampire HQ after she rescued her? I sure as hell wouldn't leave her alone in vampire central with vampiric pomeranians running around. And if in dying "Drake" somehow made himself look like Blade (which I don't see how he could or would have any reason to), why did he still look like himself when the police showed up... or did I imagine that?

    Anyone else notice Patton Oswalt wearing a Fantastic Four t-shirt? I'm wondering, simply from an academic point of view, mind, since they have a Tomb of Dracula comic (which many of these characters appear in), whether the Blade movies can be said to take place within the Marvel Universe or in the 'real world.' Utterly rhetorical and unimportant, I grant you, but still of interest.

    Loved Parker Posey's character; she always has a knack for portraying the uberbitch. Certainly off the trail of her indie oeuvre, but so was the first one for Stephen Dorff. Triple H was amusing but ultimately a non-entity, though not as much as Posey's brother. But surely they could have found someone just a skosh more intimidating to play "Drake" aka Dracula, who seemed to me like Adrian Paul on steroids. And can somebody explain to me why Eric Bogosian was even in this movie as the Larry King/Charlie Rose-type host, much less why he was only in it for all of 30 seconds? Utter waste of talent.

    So, glad I saw it, glad my sister paid for it, wish it had lived up to the overall quality of the series but I acknowledge it could have been far worse. Faint praise, sure, but it's not as though I expected art, just fun, and I got that.

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