I've had TWO brand-new bikes stolen from me in the last three weeks.
Bit of back story - I'm quite embarrassed to admit this but at 28 years old I only just learned to ride a bicycle a few weeks ago (hey, when all the other kids were outside playing sport and riding bikes and all that stuff, I was indoors copying drawings of Judge Dredd out of 2000AD, ok?). I borrowed a friend's bike and taught myself how to ride, and soon after bought a nice new bike of my own. I fell in love with it and made any excuse to ride it.
Two weeks ago I left it outside my studio while pulling an all-nighter to finish off Seaguy #3. In the morning when I went down to get some coffee, I couldn't find it...and then noticed the smashed (expensive) lock on the ground. I was pissed off but friends told me that it with Toronto supposedly being the bike-theft capital of the world, it was almost a rite of passage for me to have it stolen. I went back to the shop and got another.
Perhaps it was my own fault that for my second bike I got a flashier, more expensive looking bike (despite not actually being more expensive), but just this morning, one week after my first bike was taken, I discovered that the new one is gone too - nicked from right outside my house. And I had TWO locks on it this time, the usual U-bar and a thick steel cord with a padlock. Gone.
So now what do I do? I've spent nearly 800 dollars in the last few weeks on bike equipment (because it's not just the bike I have to replace, it's the locks, the lights, the bell, etc etc), and I'm getting sick of spending money just so some motherfucker can break the locks in the dead of night and make off with my stuff. Do I buy a junky-looking second hand bike that isn't attractive to thieves? Do I submit to the hassle of trying to bring it into my tiny apartment rather than lock it outside? |