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Know any good counsellors in Edinburgh?

09:10 / 24.06.04
Right. All their shiny brochures say they are experts in Dealing With Depression. Phoning and having a wee chat gets the same response 'Me yes, I can do depression, I am reeeal good'. Yet they aren't... says I... who's now seen 3 who were hopeless. So, after two years and nearly 50 sessions I am loathe to yet again trawl the Edinburgh complementary medicine clinics... read more shiny brochures... listen to more self-promotion... and potentially waste thousands more pounds.

So, come on, someone must know of a decent counsellor in Edinburgh? Please please please don't just give me a clinic name. I want a person. A person. A person. A person.
10:36 / 08.07.04
Meant to reply to this at the time, and have only just remembered. Used to live in Edinburgh, but I can't think of anyone specific - and that's not my focus here, anyway.

What I wanted to point out, instead, is that the catch-all term "depression" covers a multitude of states, from mild existential dissatisfaction through persistent unhappiness to severe-end, not-eating-or-drinking, about-to-die extreme melancholy. Anyone who says they "do depression" is likely pitching their stall at a particular segment of the spectrum, usually the mild-to-moderates. Even amongst those, however, depression is not a singular entity but multifactorial, and might include chemical, situational/lifestyle and personality elements - many of which are not particularly amenable to being changed by a counsellor.

It strikes me that, if you've spent time and money trawling a variety of counsellors, then perhaps investing faith in a single individual isn't the way to go. Without knowing more, it sounds a little passive - but then, I've no idea what previous counsellors fed back to you, or why those therapeutic relationships foundered.

What I'm saying is, I seriously doubt that any one counsellor - however charismatic - is going to provide you with a Magic Bullet. Your time might be better spent identifying the factors precipitating and perpetuating your particular mood-state, and working on them yourself, one-by-one.
Whale... Whale... Fish!
14:35 / 08.07.04
I also used to live in Edinburgh and although I wasn't seeing a counsellor, a close friend was. I'll try and find out the counsellor/clinic's name for you.
19:06 / 08.07.04

Thanks for your post. Half a dozen lithers had PM'ed me and hence I got that list of personal recommendations I was after. I am currently interviewing 3 or 4 of the more promising ones. So, I am pleased.

Re your Magic Bullet comment. I understand why you felt the need to warn/remind me that a counsellor, in isolation, is not the solution. It was a reasonable comment given that my post only mentioned requests for counsellor recommendations - and didn't refer to other resources I draw upon. It was a short post which had no need for including my management strategies. But self-management when you are crippled by depression is difficult/impossible hence the need for support... paid support.

Oh, and applying the same disclaimer I understand why you also felt the need to explain depression to me. I know where within the mental illness spectrum I reside, but telling the board was not necessary, given the reason for my post.

I take your comments in the spirit they were given, so thank you for them.


Thank you, please do, the more the merrier. It is fascinating how many lithers have crazy aunties and messed-up friends!
19:43 / 08.07.04
I think I was hoping some of the previous counsellors would've at least given you pointers on which areas to work on. I also talked about the heterogeneous nature of the term 'depression' because some types are unlikely to improve with counselling alone.

In any case, I wish you luck.
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