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The Fool does

the Fool
06:33 / 22.06.04
Hey kids!

I've put a design up on threadless here and I'd luv you all to go and vote for it. Help me win something for once...

Luv yas all!

(cross posted in art & design)
12:18 / 22.06.04
done... nice job too, I love that design!
the Fool
03:50 / 25.06.04
and another one...

Thanks again.
the Fool
05:58 / 29.07.04
I'm at it again...

Hopefully this one will do a little better. Come on kids, give us a hand!!! Vote me!!! Vote 5!!! even if you don't like it!!! You can email me and say its crap just vote nicely on the site. Pwwwwweeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssseeeeeee!!!!
16:46 / 31.08.04
What a fucking horrible site.

I love your stuff but why you would want to put them on that site is beyond me.
For every positive of constructive comment there are ten fuckstains saying "it suxx!"

One guy put up a design to see how the site works and said he would post more. The response?

"Give up."

Of course, that response came from a guy who hasn't put up any designs himself.
17:14 / 31.08.04
M: You're gonna have to do something other than use Photoshop presets.

T: Maybe I can have sex with your mom?

That made me laugh, though.
the Fool
04:16 / 09.09.04
I have to say you're right Warewullf. Most of the time people are very negative in their comments. I never even got a 2 out of 5 for any of my designs, which means most people gave a 1 for their score. I didn't think my stuff was that bad. But it seems that's what most people get. The most critical people don't submit designs themselves, the designs that do well are often crap. Its all a bit 'we are too cool for you'. But what can you do?
00:03 / 14.09.04
the fool,

f*ck the others...

other designers hate your designs cause your better than them. Don't worry about what the lazy bottom-feeding designers think. i have been to your web site and seen your work. your an excellent designer.
22:31 / 14.09.04
Too fucking right! I know we're all your friends here but I do believe that you have access to a particularly rich seam of retina-searing, yet harmonious, intense-but cute visual style, and the opinions of fools (small f) should not dissuade you from that awareness.

I just looked at the last link you posted though and despite your low score the comments seem to be generally positive..
22:27 / 21.05.07
Bringing it back! To think there was a dedicated thread (arf) here all along... Perhaps we can mod the title to encompass all those who enter Threadless?

If you want a t-shirt with broccoli on then by all means vote!
Sibelian 2.0
09:34 / 22.05.07
yo F,

What people like in VG is very much a matter of taste, and your stuff has a very distinct flavour that may well just not fit with the threadless vibe. It's excellent work, but I don't think the threadless crowd are of that ilk, if you see what I mean. I think your stuff's much more conceptual then they're used to and probably would be more highly rated on a more highbrow design forum.
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