I wouldn't say 'overanalyzing,' but I would say you've put some words into Mr. Wilson's mouth. Not with the direct quote - that'd violate some law of English physics - but by thinking that his mantra implies some 'divine omniscience' to which we seem like ants. Note that he says "everything.. will turn out more perfectly than I could have planned it" (according to you - don't have the book handy). He does not say 'better than I could have DONE it,' which would present more of a case for divine intervention. As it stands, the mantra asks our actions to succeed better than we expect. That can confine itself solely within a human sphere, without bringing in some great greybearded wanker in the sky. Unless you want to.
Some other part of Prometheus Rising talks about how 'specialization is for insects' - a Heinlein quote, and really appropriate for your question. One can use a general improvement mantra for an entire life, and specific, practical requests as situations merit. I don't see the either as preventing the other - both work, both help, both do good things. Why adopt the belief that doing bad at one thing will allow you to do well in the long term - why not imagine a future where both exist? Why not shoot for that, especially if you've slipped some magic up your brainpan?
It sounds like you have some serious prior Christian conditioning, potentially up for deconstruction. How does one 'cheat God'? If God lets it happen, doesn't that mean you didn't cheat Her? Or that She feels ok about cheating, if we ask nice? Besides, everyone knows that She cheats Her silly ass off. 
Who do you pray to, exactly? If your God doesn't like you asking for both, maybe you should find a better one. Or at least one who would explain Himself.
Maybe you should switch to a format you haven't taken with such a constricting belief system. Plenty of alternatives to prayer in this board. |