The world's gone topsy-turvy. Here I was, looking forward to having THREE- count 'em, THREE- weeks off in a row. It's what I've been living for for the past couple of months.
And now here it is, and it sucks.
Basically, I had it all set up as some sort of Holy Grail in my head- I'd have the house to myself, I'd be able to get some kick-ass writing done, myself and mono'd go see my mum (well, that bit's still happening, but Mum's just been in a nasty car accident- she's okay and stuff, thank fuck, but it probably won't be the jubilatory affair I was looking forward to)...
Then my flatmate loses her job. And is told by the landlord that when me and mono move out, he's kicking EVERYONE out (to be fair, flatmate DOES owe him about 2 grand, and mono and I are the only tenants who DO pay their rent and stuff, so I can kind of see his point)... yes, she's one of my best friends in the world, and YES, it does suck, and yes, I'll do my best to help her... but if she's just gonna get shitfaced and WORRY about stuff and then yell at me whenever I try to offer advice, then what the fuck can I do?
But my house is now not only NOT EMPTY, it's a fucking miserable place to be. I'm actually wishing I was at work right now, and that's NEVER a good thing. I even ended up getting snarky at mono this afternoon WHILE she was in the process of lending me money. (For which I have duly apologised, but it still sucks.)
First day of the holidays and it sucks.
And the one thing that was cool- I get to spend more time with my little dog. As of half an hour ago, some cunt has started to let off fireworks over the street. Therefore little dog is absolutely terrified.
I think I need to fuck off and go camping somewhere even I've never heard of for a few days (with the dog, of course). Or I WILL go mad.
Oh well... my mobile got cut off this morning. Which, believe it or not, is a GOOD thing... I'm actually dreading the day (next week) when I can get reconnected, cos I fucking hate it when the bastard rings...
Grr. Sorry. Just had to vent, or I'd start feeling the need to go kill a bunch of people in a shopping centre.
Anyway... the point is, I'm on holiday, and wishing I was at work (and not because I love my job). This is a first for me. Does this kind of thing happen often? And, more to the point, is there a word for it? And is there a word for getting needlessly fucked off with your life when, all things considered, it's actually pretty good? (Other than just "being English", obviously). |