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Anyone else being spamed via that old "TemporaryNexus" mailing list?

Mr Tricks
16:09 / 21.06.04
Funny thing, I found an old e-mail addressed to that Temporary Nexus Yahoo group that was created when good Ol' Barbelith went "down" one of those times...

the e-mail went something like this:
  • "I was really far into debt.
    Like Most I was in Financial dispair.
    I could not seem to get ahead no matter how hard I tried.
    Untill I found this place.
    http://I Didn't want to give free advertising to the .com who sent this so just imagine some website address here
    If you are in debt they can help you out.
    Check them out today I did.
    This email was sent because you joined our group.
    If you do not wish to recieve any emails, unsubscribe."

I figure I won't reveal the e-mail address this was sent from of yet... as I'm just curious if I'm the only person who still receives the occasional e-mail this way...

anyway.... I suppose it's better thn getting spamed for Viagra or some such . . .
18:39 / 21.06.04
Temporary Nexus is getting *all kinds* of spam, including plenty of Viagra ads, if my inbox is anything to judge by.

I'm not sure how it can be stopped.
19:01 / 21.06.04
unsubscribe from the list?

Silly people - when that was set up you had the option for "no email, I'll read messages on the web"...guess you didn't check that box.
Mr Tricks
20:37 / 21.06.04
It's no big deal as most of that stuff ends up in my Junk Mail box... I was just curious if anyone else was getting spammed...

...sorry about the viagra grant . . .
+#'s, - names
21:41 / 21.06.04
speaking of spam, i have created a pretty huge list of spam my friends and I have recieved, some very raw, some just totally laughable.
Please note its about 100% not safe for work.
The User and Password are both "spam". Had to password protect because of the insanely disturbing search queries I would get from google.
22:13 / 21.06.04
Yahoo lists get spammed all the time - it sounds surprising it's taken so long. Have someone close the list or unsubscribe from it, I don't think there's anything else to do if your spam filter's not catching them. You do have a spam filter, right?

I'd quite like to learn how to wash my dog in 60 seconds. I would mind getting 53% off on water bras, too. Could you forward those ones to me?
14:47 / 22.06.04
I don't really mind it so much, I just think it's odd.

I'm trying to train the spam filter to catch 'em, and sometimes it does. The Barbelith zine group went through it too, a couple months ago.
rizla mission
20:39 / 22.06.04
..and still does, fairly continuously. I keep meaning to unsubscribe since it's an entirely dead list anyway, but - sigh - I just can't be bothered.
rizla mission
21:04 / 22.06.04
Oh, and that spam list of yours is a thing of beauty, Nun.
It's all about those really odd, completely inexplicable ones..

"Learn how to wash your dog in 60 Seconds" - haha, how fantastic is that? "Bet I can do it in 45! Brace yourself dog! ZZAAAPPPPP!"

I also like the unnerving "THE HAPPY TRUCK IS COMING" - there's a band name and/or album cover in that I feel.

"Handmade MACHINES" is pretty intriguing too.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
17:00 / 23.06.04
Great spam list - it truly is a thing of wonder.

Don't be a ShitShovel Save up to 40-60% on your auto warranty now

Why don't more companies use these down to Earth marketing techniques?
+#'s, - names
23:19 / 23.06.04
My friend just forwarded me a new title today, so fun...
garbage can gypsies living with 94

No idea what the hell they are talking about, wish he had sent the whole email just so i could see it in context.
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