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Baz Auckland
02:58 / 23.06.04
...if only because he hasn't made the list yet, but also because I'm listening to him right now and quite enjoying it...

Both young...

...and old!
05:52 / 23.06.04

mr. garrison keillor
07:07 / 23.06.04
A voice of bitter comfort in the Icy North Sea:


The one that got away (from Fassbinder)


And my favourite voice of all time

pointless and uncalled for
07:09 / 23.06.04
I think that gravest ommissions so far are:

Patrick Moore, who really is the grandfather voice of all time. Like Johnny Ball he could make drying paint seem like the most facinating subject on earth but with more grandure and circumstance.

David Attenborough, I can think of nothing more comforting on a wet Sunday evening than a round of cheese on toast and a guided tour of the ecology of an unspoilt wilderness. I can think of no other voice that can change your comfy armchair into a hammock overlooking the Serengeti

Morgan Freeman. This man has so much range and subtlety it's frightening and can convincingly take you from temperant and wise to raging sea and back in under a minute.
Gary Lactus
15:20 / 23.06.04
Tom Bloody Baker and old Johnny Cash.
15:51 / 23.06.04

*sigh* LOVE his voice. And everything else.

Bernard Cribbins. I could listen to him talk all day.
Haus of Mystery
17:26 / 23.06.04
Steve Guttenberg.
Matthew Fluxington
19:41 / 23.06.04
00:05 / 24.06.04
So right.
10:50 / 24.06.04
God, I forgot about Andrew. You ARE so right.

And while I'm at it:


Pan Paniscus
11:22 / 24.06.04
Dammit Fraely, you're so damn right!

But you forgot the damn pics!

(that's not Tom's real head, by the way. It's made out of plasticene...)
Tryphena Absent
13:50 / 25.06.04
Lord Peter Wimsey and Miss Harriet Vane (or should I say Edward Petherbridge and Harriet Walter?).

Actually I think I like them best in conversation with one another.
Tryphena Absent
13:58 / 25.06.04
Oh and Joan Hickson's Miss Marple. Yay!

14:20 / 25.06.04
Baz, I just found out Mr. Cohen has a new album coming out in the fall, called Dear Heather.

Bed Head
14:44 / 25.06.04
Oh, well, in that case:

same again, standing on the left and looking goddess-like:

Jack Vincennes
21:44 / 25.06.04

"Jeffrey? This is Maude. I'm the one who took your rug."


More happiness here about the prospect of a new Leonard Cohen album...
Red Cross Iodized Salt
22:21 / 25.06.04

And of course...

Spatula Clarke
23:16 / 25.06.04
Also got a thing for Kate Jackson's voice - a drawl that sounds like it's being poured out of a bottle, with extra points for the way it breaks at the end of every sentence as though she's been shouting for the last twelve hours and it's just about to give out.
23:36 / 25.06.04
I think I'm falling in love* with Lauren Laverne even more as we speak, watching the Glastonbury footage on BBC2... it's just like we're having a conversation although I'm not actually there.

I think in future I may just have to turn it off before this infatuation goes too far and I say things like "I will marry her".

*Not that the best voices have to be about that. But I can't help it.
23:48 / 25.06.04
Oh dear Lauren, how you describe PJ Harvey's performance as the "female Iggy Pop" just as I would do... it's like we are of the same mind, merely seperated through our journeys of the world!

Oh look I've ruined my own thread.
Pan Paniscus
10:16 / 26.06.04
whoops! Forgot these two:

Matthew Fluxington
22:58 / 26.06.04

Checkmate. I have now won this thread.
Mike Modular
00:16 / 27.06.04
Oh yeah?

BTW, I once got a birthday kiss off Lauren Laverne. Who wants to touch me?
the cat's iao
01:04 / 27.06.04
Char Aina
04:39 / 27.06.04
mr patton.

A Bigger Boat
10:07 / 27.06.04
Peter Jones
Saint Keggers
14:45 / 27.06.04
Don Francks,
Walter on La Femme Nikita and numerous other voice rolls.

Danny Dark (no pic),was the voice of Superman in the Superfriends series and the voice of many commercials such as Starkist, RCA and Keebler died warlier this month
Bastard Tweed
20:15 / 28.06.04
Shame, shame. Sixty-one posts in and the great Don Sutherland hasn't gotten a single mentch.

In his youth a soft, atonal, mellifluous burble; ephervescing with an understated madness and Canadian accent.

In his later years a gruffer and yet gentler baritone rumbling; the groovy, understanding grandfather you never had. If the new fascist dictatorship were searching for a voice that everyone would mindlessly trust it would be his.

So far in my experience I am the only person I know who does a Donald Sutherland impersonation and I would like to see that ammended immediately.
Brigade du jour
23:46 / 28.06.04
Eh? What be this?

Has no one mentioned Peter O'Fucking Toole yet? You can only kill that motherfucker with a golden bullet!
Spatula Clarke
14:55 / 14.03.05
Old thread, long-time dead, many broken pictures, resurrected because I found a site which has a bunch of soundclips of Joan Greenwood.

A too-short clip of Sibella seducing/teasing whatsisface in Kind Hearts & Coronets. Note how the opening "oh" sounds like the sexiest burp you've ever heard.

Seducing Alec Guinness in The Man in the White Suit.

Seducing me by talking about long chain molecules in the same film as above. "It repels dirt," she claims. It doesn't, you know - it absolutely oozes the stuff.
Benny the Ball
15:10 / 14.03.05
I second Keith David - I love when he growls 'I guess that makes you a murderer' to Kurt in the Thing.

More emotion in a throat clearing than any other singer.

Anyone who can make you forget what a great voice David Ruffin had is someone special indeed

and of course;

pure vocal silk.
19:02 / 14.03.05
Haus: Yuni *and* Megatron?

Also, both Ray and Slimer from "The Real Ghostbusters," Fred and Scooby from "Scooby-Doo," Jeremiah Surd from "The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest," about half the supporting voices from "DuckTales," Spike and Droopy from the latter day "Tom & Jerry" cartoons... he's EVERYWHERE.

Lord Morgue: Clancy Brown- "RAMIREZ WAS AN EFFETE SNOB! HE DIED ON HIS KNEES! I TOOK HIS HEAD AND RAPED HIS WOMAN WHILE HIS BODY WAS STILL WARM!" I just can't seem to work this into polite conversation, let alone in church. And he also does Gargoyles.

And Mr. Krabs from "Spongebob Squarepants." Yes, really.

DM: Keith David. Bar none the coolest, richest voice of both film and animation.

Yas o yas. I heard him recently on an episode of "Teen Titans" as the robot Atlas. Such a rich, full voice.

Many others I would confirm, too, but that'd get too long and pedantic.

In terms of vocal range, there's few better than Jim Cummings (Bonkers T. Bobcat, Darkwing Duck, Tigger, Fuzzy Lumpkins), Phil Lamarr (Static, Green Lantern [Jon Stewart], Samurai Jack, non-Chris Rock Osmosis Jones), Tom Kenny (Spongebob Squarepants, Mayor Mayor, PPG Narrator) and Dan Castellaneta (Homer Simpson, non-Robin Williams Genie from "Aladdin," non-Christopher Lloyd Doc Brown from "Back to the Future").

But I take great personal inspiration from

the Goons, in particular Spike and Sellars. They could have completely convincing one-man conversations. One can only dream of that level of schizophrenia.

19:40 / 14.03.05
can't believe no-one mentioned richard burton!

but yes, the goons each had wonderful voices - such vastness.

must say, when i read the title to this thread i had hoped i would be able to say 'shara nelson' - but that's singing. i'm sure she talks beautifully too.

my favourite voice would be an old (australian) abc news reader, james dibble... (and of course my muse's voice - sigh....)
Liger Null
21:11 / 14.03.05
Denise Poirier - Aeon Flux. "Plop."

I second that and add John Rafter Lee, who plays Trevor Goodchild.

Then there's the guy who does the voice for Frylock on ATHF. Yummy.

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