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Queer Eye for the Straight Guy


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wicker woman
04:23 / 08.07.04
Or they could all just be Crab People. "Crab People, Crab People, taste like crab, talk like people..."
09:27 / 08.07.04
the variety of different ways to 'cleanse' your face were invented for a reason

Yes! To enslave women to the patriarchal facial-industrial complex and weaken their WILL! Bwahaha!
(Although soft dewiness is an absolute must - hmm, dilemma.)

I caught my first glimpse of Queer Eye over the weekend, but I had to keep popping in and out of the room -I was assembling a cake, and I didn't want to hear anything homophobic my sibling might be coming out with.

During one pop, Mother pointed at the screen and yelled "He says he cleans his bathroom once a month!"
I couldn't for the life of me work out if that was a Good Thing ("Why is this man on a makeover show? He gives the bathroom a scrub monthly, what more do they want?") or a Bad Thing ("Filth-grovelling mudlark!"). I paused too long, and now Mother knows how much housework I do.

So yes, as A de L suggests, the show at least indicates to filthmudgeons like myself a reasonable level of engagement. Which we can duly choose to ignore, because baking cakes is more fun than cleaning baths.
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:18 / 30.07.04
Is anyone watching tonight's ep. Grrreat stuff. I'm in decadence heaven:

The chocolates flown in from Paris DAILY.

The canopied bed - sorry, Moroccan 'Ile de Love' - built in the back garden LIT WITH CANDLES

The Five, who, if they weren't so stylish, would be chewing their nails with worry as they 'bring their favourite up to the starting line' of proposing....

The many offers of 'well, if she doesn't want you'...

Converation in which proposer and Foodie Spice both mention that they've been compared to Keanu Reeves. Fasion Spice (what's his name? Carson?):

"People tell me I look like Ellen de Generes"
18:19 / 30.07.04
I think you'll find it's an "Ill da love".
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:24 / 30.07.04
though, watching the Five toasting marriage does make me somewhat nauseous.
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:25 / 30.07.04
oh really?

well, I'll take your word for it.
18:28 / 30.07.04
American pronunciation.

Yeah, I felt sli-i-ightly queasy at the whole 'gay men as facilitators of hetero marriage' vibe. They also seemed to be crediting the Straight Guy with all kinds of positive qualities simply because he was film-star pretty. "Old-fashioned romance", for example; they extensively tutored him in putting his jacket around wife-to-be's shoulders when they went outside; he did so (rather woodenly, I thought); they cooed appreciatively as if it'd been a spontaneous gesture.
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:36 / 30.07.04
oh absolutely. They were so doing that 'I fancy you therefore you're a good person' thing. And he was *utterly wooden* at times.

When he leapt athetically(*sigh*) up the outside stairs to get the ring/chocs, was it only me hoping he'd fall flat on his pretty face?
18:45 / 30.07.04
Yeah, but then I'd also held my breath in the hope that wife-to-be ("doesn't she look at home there?" - in a Moroccan tent-thing, because, y'know, she looks kinda swarthy) would fall off the red bookshelf-ladder and break something.
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:52 / 30.07.04
Isn't that why they put the ladder there.

'old fashioned romance' equals very expensive furnishings and photogenic couple..
19:13 / 30.07.04
I know the title of this is Queer Eye for the Straight Guy but... I'm getting a bit annoyed by these queers pushing "standard" conservative ideas down out throats.

I mean, a lot of the episodes are about the wonderfulness of het couples getting married! Or about helping some brute of a man please a woman! Why can't they for once makeover a gay slob! I'm sure there's plenty out there!

That said, I do enjoy the show... I'm just getting a bit bored by the formula.
19:16 / 30.07.04
There wouldn't be the ha-ha-nervous edge. They'd flirt with their subject, and he'd suck their cocks. Where's the makeoverrromance in that?
19:33 / 30.07.04
Because the subject is gay and a slob...
no, you're right. It'll never work.
01:16 / 11.09.04
Wearing a tie as a belt? Aaawesome!!!!
Matthew Fluxington
14:11 / 11.09.04
though, watching the Five toasting marriage does make me somewhat nauseous.

Why? Obvs, a lot of gay people are very pro-marriage, which is part of why making gay marriage legal is such a big issue. I don't think that they are taking a "straight normality is good" position, it's more like "people being happy in successful relationships in which people are being the best they can be is a good thing." They aren't in the business of turning people onto alternative lifestyles - they are just doing makeovers and encouraging people to get over insecurities which keep them from fully enjoying their lives and their lovers.
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:38 / 12.09.04
I liked how they put that guy in a great position to dumb his crone-faced girlfriend and get with the bitchy goth chick.

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