The New Topic Index!
July 12th, 2004
More fun than before!
In which we walk sideways and scuttle about, eventually ending up being salivated over, boiled alive, and stuffed cruelly into the Gaping Maw of some Fat, Sweaty Corporate Fuck. Happy Birthday.
Hedgehog Cam...
Pretty self-explanatory. See these little guys get down when the moon is up. Thought of you Haus.
101 Things to do with your Barbelith
A listing including but not limited to things which can, may, or should be done with your Barbelith, whether real or imaginary.
8, 11, 22, 29, 37, 43
A bizarre collective unconscious UK National Lottery experiment from the deranged mind of electricinca.
Hello Barbelith, I'm Mike Robot, I wanna tell you what I've been doing.
mike robot updates barbelith on his going ons and whatnot the last few days
Pick some famous people you think are going to die soon. Whoever gets the most right wins
Celebrity death bingo. basically.
Help Grey Area save his tendons...
...tell him where he can purchase wrist splints.
Need party co-host in, oh, three hours.
Failing that, I need to vent over my abject unpreparedness for said party.
Scotland the unfriendly, overpriced and inconvienient.
Ugly plastic dolls in tartan and "Braveheart" swords. Tourism in Scotland is a major industry, yet we seem to suck at it. Share your stories of midges, unfriendly locals, beautiful scenery and suggestions of what can be done to address the negative image many tourists leave with.
Depression: How to deal.
Deeply unhappy and needing advice.
Is Opportunity Knocking?
If a Bush/Cheney election campaign coordinator was staying in your house, what would you do?
It's the 12th. In 'Norn Iron', this means bonfires.
Weird Googlings
Google's occasional moments of fascinating parallelism
Been to a music festival? Lost your tent in a mudslide? Fallen in the Actual River of Human Piss? Freaked out in the dance tent after a fistful of rat poison and brickdust? Seen The Levellers? Share your Festival Hell stories here...
Barbelith East Coast : Assemble!
east coast barbelith unite and fight for your right to ignit a vampire's bite while in flight unless you fight with a tree eating kite
Policy & Help is good times for all.
Head Shop:
Yes, it's that hoary old nugget. What is evil?
Science I Want
What kinds of things are scientists doing that they should do more of? What kind of science delights you?
Now MI6 Say There Was no Evidence of WMD Programs in Iraq
Butler Report, intelligence agencies, MI6, JIC, Iraq, WMD, Blair, War Against Terror, lies
Franz bardon
forget franz ferdinand, what about franz bardon, "the greatest adept of the 21st century"? too square for yr chaotic asses, or a neglected genius bringing magick to the masses? particularly "initiation into hermetics"...
Art, Fashion & Design is a crazy place for stuff!
Return Journey to Swansea.
Dylan Thomas' early radio broadcast about his childhood home.
Books on Edinburgh
call for assistance on good Edinbugh books.
Comic Books:
Spider-Man and Farenheit 9/11
They kind of work together...here is one persons view on why...
City of Silence
Ellis. Ellisedness. Strange. Strangeness. Kisses. Kissedness. Killing. Killingness. Beards. Beardiness.
The Filth Revisited
An assessment of the storytelling of the Filth, issue by issue.
Mr Rushkoff?
A thread about the comic work of Doug Rushkoff'
Film, TV and Theatre:
Farscape: The Peacekeeper War. Am I the only one who had not heard of this?
The film by Gaspar Noe, specifically, the line between art and excess.
My mate is interviewing Avi Arad. Any questions?
Fishing for good questions.
Spider-Man 2 and Farenheit 9/11
They kind of work together, oddly enough.
Alien3 actually quite good?
Alien3 special edition does what it's supposed to do and adds to the original - what do you think?
Covert or subtle homophobia on TV
Has TV moved on or is it still full of crude homosexual stereotypes.
One degree of Kevin Bacon game
Because I can't be arsed thinking of six actors. Let's play!
Has Mr Bowie's spaceship crashed?
On its front page today The Sun newspaper states that David Bowie has had a heart attack? Huh?
Creation has fun, great old stuff!
Mid-Week (ish) Drinks at The Plough 20th July 2004
Our Lady will be blowing a thousand quid on graphic novels at Gosh! in London and, if last time was anything to go by, will need drinks to calm down with after...
Mark Thomas at the Tricycle Theatre, Wednesday 14th July
Short plump agit-com, hassling secretaries, arms dealers and Coca-Cola.
Does anyone fancy Duckie this Saturday (10/7/04)?
Rubber Duckie joy of joys When I squeeze you, you make noise Rubber Duckie you're my very best friend it's true.
Come to my party
Well, it's a gig but we can make it a party...Thursday the 15th July
More fun tomorrow, kiddies! |