Sleepy Spyder...*yawn* wishes all of you a good time in Morpheus’ realm…(snooze)
No summary available
Barbelith Summer Ambiguity Festival (PICS)
This is the thread in which we celebrate (or in some cases, desperately attempt to comprehend) ambiguity during the summer months on Barbelith.
Is This An Easy Question?
Say that you could almost totally control your dreams.... Would you choose to stay dreaming? Would you give up waking life?
All Cox Jokes Go Here
Celebrate the birth of Courtney Cox's child, and offer alternative names for that poor wee bairn. Also, there might be some knob jokes.
This Is Your Brain On Drugs
I had what seemed a profound thought, and it turns out really it's not; others with tales of false insight, that fades in the morning's sober light?
Policy & Help:
Wishlist -- what could be.
Barbelith wishes and functionality dreams -- what might you want to see in a perfect version of the message board?
A new forum for sport?
Do we need a new forum on the board called "Sport" or something similar...?
Head Shop is dreaming nice dreams…
The Laboratory dreams of such nice things as cosmic disturbances and the validity of the Matrix theory of computer generated reality.
The end of corporatism?
Is there a chance of unbranding the world?
Political Activism?
A thread for sharing your storys and examples of direct political action.
Europe: Pros & Cons
Closer economic and political union with Europe - pros and cons.
Andrew Chumbley
His books, art, etc. Anyone familiar with it?
Magick and Computation
Does magick affect the underlying algoriths of the universe?
I've had a run of seriously bad luck lately. How do I change my life?
The next great figure
So who's going to be the next great spiritual leader/jesus/buddha/alesteir crowley? In your opinion?
Magick, Wealth and Money (was: Winning the Lottery)
A thread for the discussion of magicks for wealth and money, winning the lottery etc.
Art, Fashion & Design, sleepless nights.
LITTLE big by J. Crowley
Reading an "unknown" classic.
Comic Books:
Hey! the masons really got me!
freemasons laid their pyramid-eye on me...
Give us a Jay! Give us an El! Give us an Eye! What have we get....?
One Punch!?!?!?! Discussion of the classic Giffen-era JLI (Justice League International)
I dreamed a dream of Film, TV and Theatre. But not really.
Coltrane, Saint
documentary on Trane tomorrow, includes stuff about the contrane church in san fran, a thread to discuss and praise
Creation sleeps soundly in its bed.
*yawn*…good night, folks… |