Long weekend=Spyder not on Barbelith. Here’s the last 72 hours for you.
Is the use of quotations in the Barbelith forums something we should frown upon.
Oh, this thing frightened me. Hold me, Barbelith!
Police Report
Had any encounters with the men and women in blue? Care to share your tales--good or bad!
Barbelith Summer Meat Festival (PICS)
This is the thread for posting images of meat during the summer months on Barbelith. Dig in!
Message Board Psychosis
Online Communities: What The FUCK?
Footie footie footie, footie footie footie, footie footie footie, England, England
A thread to discuss England's progress in Euro 2004, and after their inevitable exit to get on with the serious business of enjoying the game.
Okay, some of my best friends are into football... but WHY should a sporting event mean mass wankerage in public?
Can't be arsed to make it rhyme. Stokey's full of drunken maniacs and I don't understand.
Policy & Help:
Moderation weirdness
What exactly does Barbelith mean by telling me I don't have the "necessary permissions"?
Head Shop’s much the same.
The Laboratory:
Sasquatch/Bigfoot Makes Another Appearance
He's back, that furry enigma we all know and love.
Exam board scraps Classics
AQA's stopping offering Classics exams. o tempora o mores. keywords: Latin, Greek, exam boards, profit-driven idiocy
Euro Election results
A bit of debate and analysis and lots of WHAT THE FUCK?
The death of the labour party?
Is the Labour party dying, or simply in a patch that's trying? At the next UK general election will we see the last of Blair's collection?
The First Taste of Hope is Fear
A magickally inclined industrial mix.
Alchemy, Framework versus Real Experience
subject of consciousness. A. Those who study the framework of alchemy and do not dare to trip into real experience, but keep it as theory and reject tripping. B. Those who trip into real experience and never compare it to the excellent established historical alchemy framework, such as the dissolution process or the seven fold process, as described by Dennis Huack. I invite cross polination of these two forums.
Water, water everywhere and not a flop to flink (long, but maybe amusing)
My house water woes. Care to help me exercise the demons? read on!
Does this shirt make me look fat?
a look into the pros, cons and probabilities of the apparent, burgeoning orthodoxy of chaos magick in the modern magick scene
What's this www.potentia.org that I keep hearing about?
Ooh... people are being recruited from Barbelith for a super-secret cool kids club of Majycke!
Art, Fashion & Design:
One True Saxon
What dost thou know of these men?
Short Story Request (or what are your favorite short stories?)
Help me put together a reading packet for a class I'm teaching this summer.
Comic Books:
McSweeney's Issue 13 : The big comics issue
Chris Ware edits an issue of the literary quarterley McSweeney's, and not surprisingly 'tis full of comics. Comments are cordially invited. Bring a bottle.
Wildcats 26?
No summary available
I've done a new comic
So who wants a copy of my crazy new comic? (My, isn't the comics forum a shocking shade of pink these days - do you think somebody's trying to imply something?)
Film, TV and Theatre:
Papa Oom Mao Mao Papa Oom Mao Ma Mao
Mao goes to the movies!
Garfield -- why?
"It's all about ME-OW!" ...someone must die for this.
Sex scenes, nude scenes, and all around dirty bits!!!!
What are your favorite sex scenes, nude scenes, and any other erotic scenes in film and TV? On the other side of the coin, what do you consider to be the worst sex, nude, and erotic scenes too?
The Life Aquatic & Wes Anderson's General Wizardly Acumen
In which we discuss not only the upcoming critical success/box office horrorshow, but also how the film (and the impressions/expectations of such) will impact the Writer/Director's general status as Totally Awesome.
The First Taste of Hope Is Fear
An ambient industrial mix.
Krautrock: NEU! on kung-fu movie soundtrack!
No summary available
Creation is much the same.
Argh! Help! Need a place to crash in London this week!
Apparently I don't know my arse from my elbows, and don't know how to use a calendar. Does anyne have a bit of floor I can sleep on between Thursday and Sunday this week?
London Picnic in the Park 04 Mk II
Another picnic in London this year. They are a lot of fun.
Tuesday, 15 June - anyone fancy?
I'm pondering some stuff for Tuesday - anyone fancy activity?
More updates tomorrow! |