Come on, Seldom Killer, get in the spirit. Look at the top of the page, where it says Underground > Matthew Fluxington's Conversation... Huh, how about that, it doesn't? Don't worry, in a week he'll be bored off this, just as he's bored of the whole 'joycore'/'borecore' thing and then ADD boy will have found some other way to stand in the centre of Barbelith and shout "look at me! Stop what you're doing and look at meeeee!" If I could hack Flux's suit I'd change his name to 'Rik From the Young Ones'.
So anyway, why is it that as soon as you go to a festival you immediately think 'I need a felt jester hat'? What in the name of the five Buddha's of Beezlebub is it that makes people forget their sartorial standards just because they're going to be knee deep in mud and cow shit? And jugglers. Some festivals you can't swing a cat for fear of hitting jugglers? I've never seen the point. Jugglers are Doomlords, and they're probably Fluxs as well. |