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Euro Election results

21:15 / 13.06.04
OK, so we can all see a Dimbleby (no one is sure which, results in soon) talking about how the UKIP is doing, but does it not scare you all that the BNP got 125,000 votes in Yorkshire and Humber?
Nobody's girl
01:35 / 14.06.04
I was horrified by that too. I'm disappointed that UKIP got so many seats as well.

I'm very interested to see how the Scots results go, I'm hoping that we'll have a strong showing for the Greens.
Grey Area
07:48 / 14.06.04
Doesn't really surprise me, given the amount of xenophobic and government critical material that has been published in recent months. If you have been surrounded by newpapers declaring that there are hordes of foreigners just waiting to descend on your beloved country to exploit and abuse it, well, is it any wonder more people decide to vote for political parties that promise to change all that?

addendum: I'm not trying to suggest that Labour's perfect and that their policies, both internal and external, are working 100%. But nobody seems to want to examine the feasibility of the policies the opposing parties want to introduce.
09:15 / 14.06.04
No, it doesn't surprise me, but it sure worries the hell out of me. I understand why so many people used the vote as a protest against the EU generally, as it is an extremely complicated issue and it is easy to take a simplistic "it's not working, let's leave" line, especially in elections which are traditionally used for protest voting.
What scares me is suddenly envisioning 807284 (so far from all results declared) real living, breathing, thinking people who made an active decision to vote for the BNP.
That means that rather than a few isolated cranks we have enough fascists to fill a city the size of Edinburgh twice over. Brr.
09:54 / 14.06.04
Not to mention that in Belgium, Vlaams Blok (*chchchchawwwkkk* Flemish racist bastards) tied the Liberal Party for the most votes. The Dutch EP makeup is exactly the same as backup. Overall, though, it looks like a Green-Lib-Lab coalition could just about hold the bastards at bay. But as a Yank, I have to ask just what is it with you people? >
10:50 / 14.06.04
Listening to the Today prog on Radio 4 this morning I was annoyed by the fact that a reporter had presented an assumption - that people across Europe had used their votes to protest against their current governments, as opposed to using their votes to empower the party they had most faith in - as bald fact. Apparently he knew the motivation of every fucking voter in Europe. But was I right to be irked? It strikes me as extremely dodgy to take an assumption and report it as fact - which seems to happen whenever a journo starts talking about 'the public', and what the public thinks or wants - but is it pointless to, um, point it out in this particular case? Was it a fair assumption to make?
11:03 / 14.06.04
I think it is fair to say that Euro elections are not seen as 'proper' elections by most people, and are more often than general elections going to include a large proportion of protest votes; but to simply say that all the votes are rejections of the ruling party is just plain wrong.
Still hoping for a nice big green vote in Scotland. Let's hope the Tories fail to get any seats. [Believes in fairies, I do, I do]
One good thing, is that I would be VERY surprised if Scotland registers any kind of significant BNP vote.
Psi-L is working in hell
11:20 / 14.06.04
I too was horrified by the huge numbers of people voting for the BNP...76,000 or so in London...and its a sad day when UKIP gains so much ground too....the UK's future in Europe looks bleaker by the day.

Saveloy, I too was annoyed by that presenter on the Today proramme, I think that you are right to be irked. The media so often uses 'the public' as a blanket term, when quite clearly it is not one homogeneous mass of people who all think alike. It's a myth that there is such a thing as 'the public' at all really, as specific 'publics' tend to form around specific issues, so you can be a member of many different 'publics' at any one point and hold sometimes seemingly conflicting opinions...which is why the idea of getting a snapshot of 'public opinion', through polls is such a stupid idea in my opinion, as it only ever will reflect one part of the picture.

The fact that the reporter was suggesting that all those people accross Europe all voted with the same motivation was just stupid seems that a lot of journalists often think of themselves themselves as a mouthpiece for 'the public', which often seems to equate to them feeling that their opinions/assumptions (as a member of the public) are indicative of the whole. Sadly the media also don't like grey areas do they? So a nice black and white/for and against/ bad vs. good article is always going to have more news value....which in itself is fine, given that the media needs to sell papers and is a business like any other (though the BBC perhaps shouldn't feel so obliged to grab headlines in this way) and yes it may make more striking headlines, but does it help unpick and inform on what is a very complex issue? not in my opinion....less generalisations and more analysis of the possible motivations would have been better I think.
12:01 / 14.06.04
On a related note, I was a little retrospectively annoyed by the local election coverage. As we didn't have these, I was assuming it was being held across the whole of England and Wales. As it turns out, they were really few and far between, so the results were pretty unrepresentative.
OOh, Scottish results out!
No change for Scotland, and Greens kicked the UKIP arse. Nice.
BNP nowhere (19,000? That'll be a small Borders town, then)
and look, Windwatch, are you listening? Greens who want windfarms 79,000. You lot, who care about nothing else and hate them, 7000. Nuff said.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:23 / 15.06.04
Meet the useless shower of fucks that are your UKIP MEPs.
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