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Okay, some of my best friends are into football... but WHY should a sporting event mean mass wankerage in public?

20:41 / 13.06.04
Okay. I accept that being into football is a worthwhile hobby, though I can't understand or follow it. But, y'know, to each his own.

Will somebody now please explain why football gives license to a bunch of wankers to charge about, being cocks, pricks and tossers all over the fucking shop with fucking England flags painted on their faces (don't get me started on patriotism... please)... honking their fucking horns...

...and just why is it we're not allowed guns here again?

(I'm seeing crosshairs in my head right now...)
20:48 / 13.06.04
Didn't England just lose to France today?

Look, I don't live there any more, okay?
20:52 / 13.06.04
The UK is largely such a progressive, liberal society (OK, relatively speaking) and yet a heterosexual man is still in danger of being totally ostracised from his usually fairly accepting peer group if he shows no interest in football. I don't understand it at all. It's not even a very interesting sport. I hate football. If that makes me a little gayer, so be it. And don't even get me started on the fact that it's a hideous excuse for the sort of nationalistic crap that wouldn't be tolerated any other time.
20:56 / 13.06.04
If it makes you feel better, England got thrashed by New Zealand in the first of the Rugby tests this weekend.

Incidently a win here in NZ means thousand of dick-heads running loose on the streets starting fights and such. Generally the public suffers immensely. You should see what happens when theres a loss, . . . armageddon X10.

I dont understand why these sporto fucks get so worked up about it??
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:21 / 14.06.04
a heterosexual man is still in danger of being totally ostracised from his usually fairly accepting peer group if he shows no interest in football

Perhaps, but he can always find reassurance in one of the many, many peer groups in which it is an interest in football rather than the lack of such an interest that causes bewilderment, disparaging remarks, etc...
11:12 / 14.06.04
Didn't England just lose to France today?

Ah, that'll be why it got quiet.

Although I feel I should add, after my initial post in this thread, I don't think anyone in Stokey was as drunk and obnoxious as my good self last night. (So I'm told...) And I didn't even know the result!

Listen, people! You don't NEED football to be a drunken prick!
11:22 / 14.06.04
he can always find reassurance in one of the many, many peer groups in which it is an interest in football rather than the lack of such an interest that causes bewilderment, disparaging remarks, etc...

Oh those poor widdle misunderstood football fans - must be so hard for them what with the near total saturation coverage their sport attracts...
11:52 / 14.06.04
Come on, let's all just have a ruck. Whey!
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:04 / 14.06.04
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:44 / 14.06.04
sleazenation 4 [out of 10]
A disappointing start to the tournemount from sleazenation, who next time will be expected to engage the actual meaning of the post rather than simply hacking away at a wildly distorted straw man. Lucky not be shown a card.
13:09 / 14.06.04
Having said which, it seems that England's defeat caused Croydon to explode with the kind of fervour that you just don't get at anti-war rallies these days... Maybe we should just abolish football being shown in pubs?
13:15 / 14.06.04
As a fan of pubs but not football, I'd give that a resounding YES. Sunday afternoon, for fuck's sakes... everyone's GOT a telly these days! Why ruin the drinkers' fun? Watch the match at home, and leave the pubs for the PROPER (pub) fans.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:27 / 14.06.04
I quite agree Stoatie - here are some other things that should not be allowed in pubs:

- Music (live or otherwise) - why not just listen to music at home?
- Food - why not just go to the supermarket? And then eat what you bought at home? After you cooked it AT HOME.
- Books - why not just read a book at home?
- Jenga - why not just etc...
- Conversation - why not just stay at home, and call people on the phone?
13:54 / 14.06.04
Colchester explodes

Two men were arrested in Colchester's high street, in Essex, on suspicion of disorderly behaviour after the game and were still in custody this morning.

"Two Men Arrested In Colchester For Disorderly Behaviour" - that's news? That sounds like a bloody quiet night.
14:10 / 14.06.04
Never been to Colchester, then?
14:30 / 14.06.04
Hit your back button twice and have a look. No sport forum. Hoorah! and long may it stay that way.
14:53 / 14.06.04
Could you explain your post a little, cube? Are you opposed to the creation of a Sport forum because you believe that the level of discussion in the Conversation is quite enjoyable enough, and you would be sad if it were ghettoised, or do you just not like sport?
15:09 / 14.06.04
No, Flyboy, you get me wrong...

all those things are GOOD pub things. Football, on the other hand, with its intimations of exercise, is NOT a good pub thing.

May as well show fucking aerobics videos.

(I have to point out, I'm kind of bitter... I ONCE went to the pub to watch the footy. I was drunk, and putting twenty quid on Yeovil Town to beat Liverpool seemed like a good idea. Arse.)
Kit-Cat Club
15:18 / 14.06.04
I think the pub is a fine place to watch the footy. However, if you don't want to watch the footy and there is a big game on, it can be very hard to find a pub with no footy; and it must be admitted that the presence of footy in a pub, especially if it's a big game, can render the pub incommodious for non-footy-watchers. Surely even the most rabid fans such as Flyboy can recognise this?
15:37 / 14.06.04
Flyboy? Fairweather championship fan...

I can only recommend Garlic and Shots. No telly, no football, no football colours allowed.
21:50 / 14.06.04
i have to watch england matches at home. been threatened way too many times for giggling when england lose again and all around men with tattoos are crying. see it sunday? fucking classic england. brains of the gang misses a penalty but they defend like nutters for ages and it looks like they done good till the very last moment, when yon french gets in a shot. before you can say 'batting collapse' all the england troopers, heroes, date rapists and the like throw an enormous hissy-fit and instead of not sulking and holding on for a very respectable draw, they stick their bottom lips out (do we even get paid for this? is this the league?) and let the same guy get another injury-time goal, rocketing them to the bottom of their group! wiping away the tears after that, and not gazza's tears of sadness but gambo's tears of hilarity. hahehahahehahah! fucking brilliant telly, so affirming.
07:07 / 15.06.04
To elucidate a little: I hate football. I hate almost all sport. I'm with Charlie Brooker when he says that it would be great to hear "those who want to keep watching the snooker can catch it on BBC3, now we return to scheduled programming".
My post was a celebration of the fact that Barbelith doesn't consider sport important enough to have its own forum, and that's one of the things I love about it.
Conversation is a fine place for sport, as it is important to some people (clearly).
12:49 / 15.06.04
How enlightened!

Do you also hate "jocks", or is this hatred purely because of it's effect to the television schedules, which is clearly a more worthwhile pursuit.
20:16 / 15.06.04
Nope. I don't hate "jocks". Some of my best friends like football... ;-)
I hate sport because of the way it's assumed that everyone is interested and if you're not there's something wrong with you. The attention it gets is painfully disproportionate and I like to see the balance redressed.

and, yes I was always picked last for games at school. Unless it was swimming: when I would win but hated having to.
21:45 / 15.06.04
I hate sport because of the way it's assumed that everyone is interested and if you're not there's something wrong with you. The attention it gets is painfully disproportionate and I like to see the balance redressed.

Interestingly, this is rather how I feel on Barbelith when people assume its function is to venerate the works of George Morrison, and particularly "The Investibules". Point taken, though - it *is* quite hard to get away from. And the rioting following the defeat does make me wonder whether, although I love watching football, one can in good conscience allow England to *play* it, since in any tournament they are likely to lose at least once...
22:56 / 15.06.04
I maintain that I lack the football gene, since I've always been almost painfully unable to watch an entire game all the way through, no matter who's playing. I see this not as an inverse badge of pride (see how individual I am, footsheeple!) but as a personal failure, albeit a minor one. It used to puzzle/disappoint/irritate my sport-loving father terribly; he once took me to a game, I think to see whether I'd get swept up in the Event!ness of it all, but I was even more bored and fidgety. And cold.

It really does feel like an inborn thing, because my non-comprehension of football predates the standard-issue male-Barbeloid 'picked last for the team' experiences at school (although I did, for a while afterwards, consolidate my feelings into a hard, little lump of rabid hatred of all things footie). I can't even blame being a gayer either, since I know plenty of gay men who're well into football as a spectator sport (and not just for the CLICHE ALERT! meaty, satin-shorted thighs and locker-room fantasies).

And yeah, at this time of year, I really, honestly wish I could get into it - because, as someone pointed out in the Music forum, I imagine being fiercely into this or that team has a similar warm, glowy belongingness as I get out of, ooh, a Morrissey gig.

I really have tried - more so since moving to England, where it seems to be a national obsession to the extent that televisions are regularly brought into work-places, and managers grant special dispensation to bring 'nibbles', drop work, gather round the set and shout pertinent (if rather obvious) advice to the little figures onscreen. Among my colleagues, I typically plead Scottishness as a reason for non-enthusiasm - but the fact that I feel compelled to come up with an excuse is, in itself, rather sad.

So... the groups of shouty, face-painted men in public just make me want to hide.
23:15 / 15.06.04
Well, my "picked-last-for-the-team" was predated by many happy years at primary school playing kiss-chase while massively outnumbered by girls.
I think my revulsion at having to give up such quality time for the pleasure of watching 10 year old boys going pinky-blue in the cold, getting beaten up and sticking their hands down their shorts is justified.
Lilly Nowhere Late
05:39 / 16.06.04
Stoatie, Stoatie. Forgive me for pointing out that you have been to the pub twice to watch football. And once was at 6 in the morning or something stupid when I got you to come watch World Cup stuff with me. (i think i only went because i had made you agree to it) I was going to point out that you were about the drunkest on Sunday but you did that already so ok.
Plus, you went to a whole weekend of a "car" thing. Surely that's almost like being into sports. And we still love you.
06:39 / 16.06.04
Yeah, dunno about Stoatie, but I get really pissed off with those gangs of shouty wankers who paint 'VW' on their faces, fill every pub and go around beating up those who don't drive the correct car...
08:07 / 16.06.04
Ah, damn you, you've got me bang to rights.

(runs off to buy Yeovil Town shirt...)
Goodness Gracious Meme
09:29 / 16.06.04
that should be hairshirt, surely?

I'm not generally crazy about watching football in pubs either, and I'm one of the slavering hordes.

Mainly because I find myself either getting really angry about casual racism/nationalism, or calling people on it, and getting into vast fights.

My happiest pub/football memories are of the '98 world cup, watching with big gang of uni friends in a variety of Iranian, colombian, english, irish, german etc bars...
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