I've recently gone back to an old message board I used to post on. Turns out that the person I used to have the most problems with is now quite the nicey nice. We've become quite good pals. Problem is, this bloke is now out to slander me at every opportunity because this woman and I are getting on so well. Now, I'm sure it's a jealousy thing. I accept that. Boys&Girls, etc. I didn't intend anything like this to happen.
Thing is:
The feeling that I get more and more from boards are that they're there(and this is in particular with American based boards for some reason)so people can slag each other off wittily. There seems to be no place for constructive thought, or even reflection on the good things. Or even having a bit of FUN. If fun isn't telling each other you're FAGS or to EAT SHIT in one of a thousand ways, then you're BRINGING THE PLACE DOWN. And I DON'T subscribe this to the relative ages of the people involved.
The Internet, for me, has been a really healthy way to get my demons out, be constructive in a wordsmithing sense, meet great people, etc. My friend Millie on her board has an alter ego called Appendy Shitehouse who continually posts OMG LOL !ROFLMAO111 type crap, it's quite funny. But people are becoming more and more ONE-LINER KINGS&QUEENS it seems to me.
And these communities closing ranks on outsiders who bring something different to their boards? I dunno. It's a shitfight out there.
Seriously, could you ever HATE someone you've never MET?
I just don't understand. |