BARBELITH underground

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Lord Morgue
12:40 / 12.06.04
Found Lost
Jeebus Crow, I've filled me knickers!
Ohh, that's a real painting, too. It gives me a scary.
15:10 / 12.06.04
Nothing to be scared of - just a lot of processed pork and salt...

It'll all be ok. Just breathe and repeat after me, "I will ignore spam. I will ignore spam. I will ignore spam...."
17:43 / 12.06.04
You need some sort of sturdy harness, Morgue.

Destroy some Villages.

It'll take your mind off all that yicky gak.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:59 / 12.06.04
Game was okay, nicely creepy, tho' too short (and the bedroom mirror thing was frankly a bit silly).

Don't know why everyone's so wigginsed by that painting, The Hands Resist Him... it's melancholy and the doll's a bit mean-looking, but the little boy is just precious. Incidentally, you can read an interview with the artist here.
Lord Morgue
10:19 / 13.06.04
The little hands! They look like they TICKLE!
What if they get naughty? What if they wander downstairs? Should I just, like, go with it? Or should I slap 'em? I don't want to start a slap fight with anything that has more hands than me...
17:04 / 13.06.04
Oh, Morgue.

* gently places huge Black Steel Eagle - Crested And Nefarious STEIN of Warm Milk in LM's shaking clutches *

Dry end vogett ze ukly Pendingk... shhhhhhhhh...
Lord Morgue
03:52 / 14.06.04
Ah, a bit of the old moloko... thank you, VKUK, seem to have momentarily lost me composure...
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