Halle Berry getting absolutely HAMMERED in Monster Balls, I mean Monster's Balls, I mean, oh fuggedaboutit. Never seen the whole film, but damn.
The short film "Little Babylon", where the girl takes a bite out of what looks like a raw animal heart, then trails it down her body, leaving a trail of blood, then SQUOOSHES it into her privates. Mr. Meat says make a mess!
Julie Andrew's topless scene in S.O.B.. Not so much the actual unveiling of Mary Poppin's Whoppers, but the bit just before, when the doctor has given her a shot to calm her down, and she's looking under her shirt, giggling evilly, and saying "You all want to look at my boobies!" in that adorable British accent...
Black Scorpion. Well, you know, the whole movie was just a hastily-contrieved excuse for that one scene where she screws her cop boyfriend in her superhero costume, then knocks him out...
Salma Hayek as Satanica Pandemonium in Dusk 'till Dawn, the dance with the albino python, accompanied by Los Lobos, culminating in pouring tequila down her leg and foot into Quentin Tarantino's mouth. Lick it up, you nasty little auteur! Yeah, he wrote the script, too, didn't he? That's what happens when you let the one guy do everything.
Wicked City, the Hong Kong live action version, sex between consenting adult demon and consenting adult pinball machine.
John Lovitz and Tia Carrera in High School High. Black screen, but the dialogue! "Oh my god, you're a virgin!" "No, I still have my panties on." "Oh God, you're so tight!" "That's not me." "MEOW!" "Sorry."
Stephen Segal in Belly of the Beast. URGH! Flubberdubbing his big fat face all over some poor Thai hottie half his age.
Dolph Lundgen and Tia Carrera, Showdown in Little Tokyo.
O.K., Tia gets in both my best and worst lists- she's a real trooper- having kissed Pauly Shore, Mike Myers and John Lovich without chucking a lung, but she has got to dance the tango with Arnie, dirty danced with Chris Walken, hot tubbed with Dolph, and had a roll in the hay with Kevin Sorbo so life isn't too bad. But her post-coital line in S.I.L.T. (good acronym)- "That time, I heard you come." EEEWWWWWW!
Jesus, what does Dolph Lundgren comeing sound like, anyway?
Basket Case 2, or was it three? The humping mutant popcorn kernels. |