There's soon going to be only one exam board offering Latin and Greek. The news has just leaked out, and it's the first anyone's heard about it because AQA didn't bother consulting anyone. It looks as though it's not just Classics, but a number of less profitable subjects. Lots of serious issues here about how what the exam boards are getting away with.
"It's a business decision for the awarding body," said the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
But there has been an angry reaction from the National Co-ordinating Committee for Classics, which represents a group of interested organisations.
It said AQA had made the decision without inviting discussion on the matter with, or even informing, its external subject advisers, let alone the Joint Association of Classical Teachers (JACT), the subjects' main sponsoring body.
Spokesman Dr Peter Jones said: "There is a strong sense of outrage in the classical community at a policy that leaves only one board (OCR) to examine all classical languages.
"The AQA board clearly has no confidence in itself or in the propriety of the decisions it takes, if it has to conduct its business on a matter of public importance behind closed doors without reference to, or any discussion with, those the board is supposed to serve." |