I had a mate in boarding school who was having an asthma attack, and another kid thought it was an epileptic fit, so he sticks his fingers down my mate's throat to stop him swallowing his tongue, which you can't do anyway, and as you can imagine, this DID NOT HELP. This kid was a chain smoker too, which must have made his fingers extra tasty. Anyway, now we're all old farts, my mate has just found out he's got, I think it was, temporal lobe epilepsy, after all, which apparently screws up your emotional responses rather that causing fits as such, which he says goes some way to explaining why his life has been so fucked. I envy him in a way, because he can take drugs to cure his headfuck, whereas I will probably always be a whiny little ball of hate. Ah well, hate gets me to the outer church on time... |