Season 2
Innocence - This is when the show went from something I liked, to just a pressing desire to see the next episode. This took everything up to another level.
Passion - The death of Jenny was brutal, the roses and opera music, Angel watching Buffy and Willow crying.
Becoming II - Spike and Joyce, Buffy killing Angel, Willow doing the spell, Xander not telling Buffy about the spell, Jenny torturing Giles, all spectacular stuff.
Season 3
Amends - A really underrated episode. The snow at the end might be a bit cheesy, but in context, it just works. Plus, the great Barry White Willow seduction scene.
Season 4
Wild at Heart/New Moon Rising - Both of these are just brutal episodes, full of really awkward and heartbreaking moments. Seth Green gets better material in these two episodes than in all the episodes he'd done before. Plus, the candle blowing out at the end of NMR, it's so much more romantic than the copious Buffy/Riley sex of the same era
Restless - Forget Buffy, other than the last episode of Twin Peaks, this is the best episode of any series on television ever. As a season finale, it completely confounded my expectations, but from that first zoom into Willow, then the writing on Tara's back scene, just complete love.
Season 5
Spike's love for Buffy was the highlight of this season for me, especially the Buffybot, the first "I'm coming" dream, as well as all of Fool for Love.
The Body - The most realistic portrayal of grief I've ever seen. It captured not only the sadness, but also the awkwardness of dealing with people who've just lost someone. The Anya speech is her best moment.
Season Six
OMWF - Tara and Giles singing together, heartbreakingly beautiful. The thing that really struck about the episode was not only the amazing songs, but the way it felt like all of season six was constructed just to make the episode, it was so integrated into the plot of the season, just great.
I loved a lot of moments in this season. The first Buffy/Spike sex scene, which was completely unexpected, and was amazingly erotic. Buffy's confession to Tara that she'd been having sex with Spike. Tara's death. Willow ripping the skin off Warren. Giles' entrance at the end.
Season Seven
Selfless - The 800 flashback, the musical flashback, just a great episode, about one of the show's best, and most underused characters.
There's a lot more, but these were the absolute highlights for me. |