This might be a stupid question, but would it involve actually, like, getting wet or would we just be watching something? Are you really proposing an active Barbe meet? I'm crap at swimming.
I think I'd better go back and read the thread again, I'm all confused.
Ariadne, I came to this thread to say exactly the same thing!
I don't think that I currently own anything approaching swimwear, or indeed which side of the Eboro / Gla divide I fall on just now. But the latter means that chances are I can go to a shindig on either coast...
I just re-read that and realised that it sounds a lot like one of my notes to get out of swimming in high school. But with more of a 'are we going to the pub soon? Are we?' subtext
well i suggested govanhill pool as a suitable venue, mainly because the council shut it down two years ago. therefore repairing to the pub would have been the only sensible option. where we could argue about who would have won.
I'd certainly be up for a meet -it might be easier to have it somewhere at least some of us live (ie, Edin or Gla). Since I'm officially East Coast as of Saturday, I'm all about the Edinburgh, but whatever everyone else thinks!
Sleaze, you don't know what you're missing. Four young b-b-bankers wil give their views on the effects of regulation on the banking industry. It'll be fascinating, I'm sure.
Howevr, I do have funky shoes to wear so that's okay.